I can finish this thread with one paragraph. And to make it seen, I'll put it in a few font sizes bigger.
If you do not want to play on cruise servers, when you Display List of Hosts, you see that little "Cruise" button on the bottom right? Yeah, that one down there. Click it. Thats all.
If you don't like playing on cruise servers, don't play on them, simple as. And the stupidest thing to to, to be honest, is complain to the forums.
At last count there were 6 Cruise servers active, out of 80 populated servers (not including Demo). I hardly class this as too many.
Yes, I enjoy cruising on TC, but I also race 75% of my time.
In conclusion, if you think there are too many cruise servers, hide them. Thats all. Unless of course you are server admins jealous of the traffic that the cruise servers get, in which case I think you have bigger issues to sort out.