why the living hell do you seem to think a well tuned 86 would fall apart at the end of the day?!?!?!?!?! it would NOT, do you know that the motor i'de put in it is used in a rally car?!?!!? taking it to 500HP is WELL with in it limits.
you guys really crack me up man :lol: i really would not a give a flying flip if you drive away in a viper at the end of the day, i still beat it. and as for a girl... well wen i pull up to dadys lil boy at a light and blow his doors off hardly useing 50% of what the car can do... who do you think she's going to be looking for the next day LOL
and im sorry but you guys think WAY to much of your super cars, NO way a camaro will beat me on a track that takes any skill to get around, maybe on a nascar track or a drag srip (only becus you have bigger tires, on a drag power to weight would kill you if i used the same size tires).
oh well i was right, you guys only know one word, SuperCarIsGod!!!!! and you seem to think that any one who can see the power of a toyota, nissan, or what not is a ricer. and thats WORNG but i will stop posting in here now, i just ask one thing DONT CALL ME A RICER i will hunt you down and kill you for that lol