man you guys sound SOooOOOooOOOooOOO STUCK UP right now, i was in the same spot he's in now form the time i was 16 till now (19) and i have a BS lil jimmy riged to hell 1.7P4 that can hardly run the game at 20FPS and i get lag at race starts like you will NEVER know will your 1000-2000$ full blown gaming PC's and i dad payed 200 F-ing $ for the thing and he pays for the net (and it's the slowest POS i've seen i dont know how they can call the shit cable!) and i would hardly get 5$ form time to time and had better things to do with the money thn buy a racing sim (like FOOD!) and i had to deal with the fact that i think i have the most tight ass dad on the planet, he owns a F-ing car lot and wont hardly give me any thing. and at that form time to time i had the cash for it but i have to NO way to get it over the net no friends with CC's my dad would never use his on the net, money order was out the door becus thats just the dumbest thing you can do. therre not a damn thing any of you can say to him, i know what type of spot he's in right now and THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING you can say to him right now just help him with what he's asking,
ya wen i finely got a job (sucks more than you will EVER know in the US right now) the 45$ wasnt shit, but i still had no way to get it over the net. so i had to fight with my dad for allmost a full year befor he let me use his CC. so really guys unless your in the same spot as him you have no god damn right to say shit or tell him 'what he needs to do'
sorry to any one on page 2, stop reading on 1. just got ticked off with how eazy ppl think it is to come by money in the US wen your his age...