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I had no problems in the quick testing that I did with this release, and I don't see any show stoping bugs, so please do let me know if anything is working, not working so we can move onto the next branch 0.5.0 for PHP 5.4.x.

Yes, I just called Hell, it has frozen over. That's why there is a new PRISM release.
Last edited by Dygear, .
PHPInSimMod - PRISM 0.4.4 Discussion
S3 licensed
You can download PHPInSimMod - PRISM 0.4.4 from that link. Please use this thread to talk about this release.

Thank you.

PHPInSimMod (PRISM) 0.4.4
  • Updated to Version 0.4.4.
    Asorted Fixes
    • Fixed E_STRICT warning with InsimConnection::writeUDP()
    • Fixed up timer bug, which caused another timer with same timestamp to be removed.
    • Merge pull request #30 from LFSPovo/master Fixed timer stop issue reported by Povo.
    • Fixed merge conflicts with messaging branch.
    • Adds IS_NPL fix (Thanks the_angry_angel)
    • Adds IS_TOC fix (Thanks the_angry_angel)
    • Added DarkTime's timer fix for timer's smaller then 1 second. (Thanks DarkTimes)
    PTH & LVS fixes and improvements
    • First attempt at using custom pth files with PRISM, pth files must be in the same dir as the normal pth files (/data/pth/) to load correctly. The layout name must match that of the pth file to load the layout correctly.
    • LVS now reports on / off track events for all players.
    • LVS Plugin now works, with some modifications to the PTH parser as well.
    • Added Image Maker method to PTH parser.
    General Improvements / New Things
    • Msg2Lfs for sending messages to LFS.
PHPInSimMod (PRISM) 0.4.4
S3 licensed
PHPInSimMod (PRISM) 0.4.4
  • Updated to Version 0.4.4.
    Asorted Fixes
    • Fixed E_STRICT warning with InsimConnection::writeUDP()
    • Fixed up timer bug, which caused another timer with same timestamp to be removed.
    • Merge pull request #30 from LFSPovo/master Fixed timer stop issue reported by Povo.
    • Fixed merge conflicts with messaging branch.
    • Adds IS_NPL fix (Thanks the_angry_angel)
    • Adds IS_TOC fix (Thanks the_angry_angel)
    • Added DarkTime's timer fix for timer's smaller then 1 second. (Thanks DarkTimes)
    PTH & LVS fixes and improvements
    • First attempt at using custom pth files with PRISM, pth files must be in the same dir as the normal pth files (/data/pth/) to load correctly. The layout name must match that of the pth file to load the layout correctly.
    • LVS now reports on / off track events for all players.
    • LVS Plugin now works, with some modifications to the PTH parser as well.
    • Added Image Maker method to PTH parser.
    General Improvements / New Things
    • Msg2Lfs for sending messages to LFS.
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :I don't need a credit for that fix, it was just an observation. I didn't actually fix the bug, I just noticed it when I was trying to figure out how to implement something similar in pyinsim. I think I probably do have a GitHub account, but I don't know how to use it.

Lol, well, if you do have a git hub account, you can make the change by forking the current PRISM master branch, and making the edit in your browser, then sending me a pull request for the change. No need to download git-scm at all.
S3 licensed
There's still the out standing bug with the timer function that DarkTime's fixed, I'm still waiting on a reply from him. I wonder if he apparently does not have a GitHub account, but I'd really like to credit him with the fix within the Git resource files, so that it's displayed correctly on the GitHub page.
S3 licensed
I tried something without testing it first, the problem is that you can't unset an object from within. What I'll have to do is follow the chain down to the client handler object from within PRISM, that should allow me to do something like this.

global $PRISM;

S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :Cool. You want them individually per feature/fix, or are you happy as a bulk and cherry-picking?

Ideally, from a git prospective, each edit you make should only take a sentence to explain. If it takes more then one sentence to explain your edit, that really you should split that off into different commits. But from there, I'll cherry pick what ever updates you have. For the most part, I'm pretty sure that I'll add anything that you put in unless I think it goes against the nature of how PRISM or InSim should operate. But as you have a fundamental understanding of InSim, and PRISM is pretty much directly evolved to make sure that the underside of InSim is available, you should be ok.

Quote from :What is that players array doing inside ClientHandler? Its empty most of the time. Most of the time, I found it filled with data once, no idea which caused that. I don't think there should be a players array inside ClientHandler anyway, or should it?

In this case, player's should be inside of client's. Because a client must be made for each player, and each player has to come from a client. An example of this is that each client can have up to four players, one human, and three AIs from the single client connection. There is an intrinsic relationship between these two items, that relationship can also be found within the InSim packets.
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :@Dygear - what's going on with PRISM? You still accepting pull requests, etc.? Don't wanna waste time if not..

Always, I've just not had any recently. I also applied DarkTime's fix for the timer in my local, but I was hoping that he would submit it him self to get the credit within the GitHub branch. If anyone wants to submit other patches, I would be happy to release a patch update for this version.
S3 licensed
Sure, whenever that happens. Although, it's open source, so really anyone can do the work.
S3 licensed
Pretty sure this is a known bug.
S3 licensed
What's going on?
S3 licensed
DarkTimes, do you have a GitHub account? I'd like to give you credit for the change in GitHub's history, but you have to submit the change.
S3 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Or maybe as the an[g]ry angel says finally the cruisers have done something innovating xD

It had to happen eventually. But I'm pretty sure they are not doing this on any server that I've been on, not that there are many areas to innovate except for cruse these days. With the rest of the game being stagnate.
S3 licensed
PRISM should be ok with the update, I don't expect any changes that need to be made, but I'll keep a close eye.
S3 licensed
  1. Your extensions directory is not set correctly.
  2. PHP does not have the permissions to read your extensions directory.
S3 licensed
That worked in past version of PHP to keep the memory footprint down, as you only ever had one variable with many references, but in the newer versions of PHP, it optimizes that for you so you don't have to do it any more. Although Vic said that LFS handles usernames as case insensitive.
S3 licensed
Freaking sweet! Now, how had would it be to go in the other direction?
S3 licensed
I'm watching, I'll have a closer look tonight see if there is anything I would like to add.
S3 licensed
It's been a while, but is this information not available from InSim?
S3 licensed
Quote from Krayy :Lapper doesn't differentiate between UCIDs and PLIDs

Eek! Considering the contexts that they are used in, that was an interesting design choice. Why did you guy go this route?
S3 licensed
Publication! Do share!
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :I'm sorry about this being a bit short-term, but as of now it is no longer possible to authenticate with your username and webpassword (md5'd).

Can we get a version bump, with that feature removed?

Quote from the_angry_angel :Funky Glad to see the LFS web stuff still gets security updates!

Yeah, Vic's pretty anal. But in a good way, as it concerns our security.
S3 licensed
Oh, so they realized that they where being stupid. That's good.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Rant aside, what does this mean for .NET developers?

It pretty much kills this project outright for Windows 8. No point in continuing a project if no one else can use it. If the PHP devs charged me to make PHP scripts, I'd be pretty pissed.