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S3 licensed
That's an excellent idea!
S3 licensed
Quote from :Hhmm I found a pretty serious bug.. No idea why nobody/me found it before but;

This seems to work though.

I wrote a todo in my lines of code somewhere that I needed to fix that. It's not too bad as not all plugins get the Connection Leave packet.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I am actually interested in releasing a track editor and providing a system to automatically download track updates when the creator updates their track and textures. I think the download would be a low priced paid service (like premium skins) even if the tracks are free (paid tracks are another thing entirely). But this is absolutely impossible to supply to S2 licensed users, unless we want to discard any possibility of making money. So it would have to be an S3 thing. This type of possibility is one of the reasons why Eric and I are working hard to get to the S3 license, because it will allow us to produce and release cool things for S3 licensed users.

That's amazing! I'm 100% for this, please do!
S3 licensed
PlayerIDs and ClientIDs are sent by the server and the same on all clients.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It is metres times 65536. The high 16 bits are the whole metres and the low 16 bits are the sub-metres. So the smallest possible increment in position is 1/65536 m (around 1/66 of a mm). This notation can represent values from -32768 to 32768 m.

You can literally fit an entire city in that space. At what point does the engine say "no more, please!" and crash? I've LOVE to fit my entire city from Google Maps export into that space. It'd be fantastic for driver training with an Oculus Rift. Have people "respond" to calls within the game, have to use the real street directions. I'd really love to work on this ... I just need a little more information from you Scawen on the circuit format. Smile.
S3 licensed
PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 1 has been released. Time too blow of the PRISM codebase again and upgrade it too all the new hotness.
S3 licensed
There has been a lot of PHP7's features I've been drolling over for quite some time. I keep myself up to date on the progress on it with their RFC page as it shows what's going to be in the next version of PHP. I mainly can't wait until I can implement just the parts of modules that I need for plugins. That's going to be awesome.
S3 licensed
Well, I'm officially impressed and jealous that you figured that out.
S3 licensed
Quote from BlueWind :We made some progress actually. Yesterday we had a online conversation with Bose and figured out how to manage all of this so now it's all in Bose's hands. The layout is almost done.

Wow, that's an interesting way to handle that. Love the idea!
S3 licensed
That's awesome and finally! A request that is more than "I want this! GIVE ME NOW!" This is how you ask for an InSim application people. Know what you want, ask for exactly what you want, and maybe, just maybe you'll get it.
S3 licensed
I've not had that issue using wine on the Mac, the last time I used wine on Linux I had a simmilar problem and it was due to an older driver that was hanging up every now and again. So check your driver stack first.

You should also post your hardware specs and the drivers that you are using for your sound card and video card.
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :PRISM is too complicated for me and it's lacking useful explanations and documented examples.

Tell me what you need help with and I'll start posting guides.
S3 licensed
Rift DK2
S3 licensed
I'm pretty sure that the LFS servers are running Debian. You'd have too SSH into it, and I doubt that's an option.
S3 licensed
Airio is by far the most popular InSim application. Although, I would expect to be less and less with each update as the InSim protocol gets updated and Airio falls further and further behind.
S3 licensed
Ambulance 293

Flycar 2999 (Under Snow)
S3 licensed
The last ambulance we purchased, back in early 2014, the company that designed it made a 3D model of it. They told me that they were unwilling to part with their creation, but I think I might be able to persuade them. Can't same the same for the Fly Car tho. That's pretty much a stock 2015 Chevy Tahoe Police Package with a metric shit ton of lights on it. (You'd be surprised how many people still don't know to move over.)
Emergency Vehicle Driver Training in LFS (Using DK2)
S3 licensed
For those of you who don't know, I'm the Chief of Operations for an ambulance corps. One of the areas of intense focus for myself and the whole department is safety of the providers and pedestrians enroute to a call. As such, we spent quite a lot of time ensuring that anyone who wishes to become a MVO (Motor Vehicle Operator) for the department has gone through a rigorous training program before being allowed to hit the road. Our training program currently lines up like this:
  1. Module 1: Classroom Training - Driver Training Lecture (~4 Hours)
  2. Module 2: Non-Emergency Driving - Non-Emergency Driver Training in Ambulances (At Least 10 Hours)
  3. Module 3: Road Course - Certified Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (CEVO) / Emergency Vehicle Operator Course (EVOC) Practical (~6 Hours)
  4. Module 4: Map, Radio & Siren. - Exam. (~6 Hours)
  5. Module 5: Parking Practical & Radio Test. (~6 Hours)
  6. Module 6: Emergency Driving - At Least 5 Supervised Emergency Calls (At least 5 hours).
I just ordered a DK2 and want to train people before they even get into any of the department vehicles on vehicle control. The best way to do that is too send them to race school just like the local police department sends their highway patrol guys too Skip Barber Racing School. But seeing as we don't have that much money, spending some on the DK2 (~$350) and a racing wheel (~$299 - $1500) I should be able to get close too the same effect.

What I would REALLY love is to have Wantagh and Levittown's Fire District loaded into a map on Live For Speed. I was wondering if we (WLVAC) and the devs for Live For Speed would be willing too collaborate on this project. There is a very large health system that just spent over a million dollars on a vehicle training simulator that doesn't even come close too the level of detail that LFS could with the DK2 and an ECCI racing wheel. I'd like to do a better job then them, at a percent of their price.

We are talking about recreating about 6 square miles within Live For Speed as an extra map. I was thinking of taking information from Google Maps (or Open Map Project) and converting it over too the map format that LFS uses. Then I'd just need to make an InSim App to notify the driver on what road they are on. I would like to also place homes onto this area, so we could run mock calls too these places. We'd have them start for HQ and "respond" too the call location all within the Live For Speed environment. Seeing the progress made in 0.6H has really inspired me into this path.
Last edited by Dygear, .
S3 licensed
Tend to agree, along with the old button manager starting to throw deprecation warnings to be remove in 0.5.0.
S3 licensed
Quote from T3charmy :
  • Commands are no longer case sensitive(Let me know if you disagree with this change)

I'd go so far as to say that you just fixed a bug on that one. Command case sensitivity does not really work in practice.
S3 licensed
I made the account and gave Victor access too it. Once he accepts, I'll give him owner status and demote myself. I don't like the idea of LiveForSpeed not being given too the Devs and the fact that it was dangling there was a little scary. It would be nice to have the file formats hosted on there. The programmer section of the website could link too that as the formats are open source.
S3 licensed
MadCatX nailed the answer. Once you add D3DX9_43.dll and D3DCompiler_43.dll into the prefix everything works, without errors.

I'll write up a start to finish tutorial once I have the time.
S3 licensed
The log file I produced for about 2 minutes of "game play" was 30kB from all of the errors. I condensed it down with this PHP script.

logFileParser.php (Works with PHP 5.5 and Up)


    if (!
$fileHandle fopen($fileName'r'))

    while (
FALSE !== $line fgets($fileHandle))


$lines = [];
foreach (
yieldFile($fileName) as $line)
    if (!isset(
$lines[$line] = 1;

foreach (
$lines as $text => $times)
    if (
$times == 1)
trim($text) . PHP_EOL;
trim($text) . " (x{$times})" PHP_EOL;

Terminal / Command Prompt
php logFileParser.php > logFileCondensed.txt

Apr 09 05:26:20 LFS : 0.6H
Apr 09 05:26:35 Can't open : WE_ADS2.jpg (x5)
Apr 09 05:26:36 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x6)
Apr 09 05:26:36 Can't open : WE_ADS2.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:37 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x3)
Apr 09 05:26:38 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:39 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x8)
Apr 09 05:26:40 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:41 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:42 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x8)
Apr 09 05:26:43 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:44 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x8)
Apr 09 05:26:45 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x7)
Apr 09 05:26:45 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x15)
Apr 09 05:26:46 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x62)
Apr 09 05:26:47 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x62)
Apr 09 05:26:48 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x60)
Apr 09 05:26:49 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x46)
Apr 09 05:26:49 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x2)
Apr 09 05:26:50 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x8)
Apr 09 05:26:51 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x8)
Apr 09 05:26:52 Next LOD
Apr 09 05:26:52 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg
Apr 09 05:26:53 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:54 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x10)
Apr 09 05:26:55 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:26:55 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x2)
Apr 09 05:26:56 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x62)
Apr 09 05:26:57 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x64)
Apr 09 05:26:58 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x63)
Apr 09 05:26:59 Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (x54)
Apr 09 05:26:59 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg
Apr 09 05:27:00 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:01 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:02 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:03 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:04 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:05 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x9)
Apr 09 05:27:06 Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (x4)
Apr 09 05:27:06 Next LOD (x2)
Apr 09 05:27:06 Meshes : 52
Apr 09 05:27:22 Could not compile pixel shader (Car1) D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA
Apr 09 05:27:22 :41:26: error: syntax error, unexpected KW_REGISTER, expecting VAR_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_IDENTIFIER or NEW_IDENTIFIER
Apr 09 05:27:22 (x2)
Apr 09 05:27:22 Could not compile vertex shader (Car1) D3DXERR_INVALIDDATA
Apr 09 05:27:22 :44:34: error: syntax error, unexpected KW_REGISTER, expecting VAR_IDENTIFIER or TYPE_IDENTIFIER or NEW_IDENTIFIER
Apr 09 05:27:22 > Welcome to our server, enjoy your stay!
Apr 09 05:27:32 Next LOD (x3)
Apr 09 05:27:32 Meshes : 55
Apr 09 05:28:35 shutting down
Apr 09 05:28:35 free objects
Apr 09 05:28:35 free languages
Apr 09 05:28:35 free controllers
Apr 09 05:28:35 clear light map
Apr 09 05:28:35 close sound
Apr 09 05:28:35 close rift
Apr 09 05:28:35 free humans
Apr 09 05:28:35 free font
Apr 09 05:28:35 free helmet
Apr 09 05:28:35 kill graphics
Apr 09 05:28:36 save calibrations
Apr 09 05:28:36 save controls
Apr 09 05:28:36 save views
Apr 09 05:28:36 save config
Apr 09 05:28:36 free mouse
Apr 09 05:28:36 EXIT

S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from Dygear :Is there a way Scawen that I can have it save every text message in the top right corner of the screen saved too a log file? I'd like to give you some debug information, but I have no idea how to get this information too you in an efficient manner.

In data/script/autoexec.lfs you can put /log chatlog.txt and it will save all chat from the last LFS session.

Awesome, thank you!

Quote from MadCatX :This looks like an issue caused by WINE's incomplete D3D9 support. Put D3DX9_43.dll and D3DCompiler_43.dll (you'll have to get them from DX9 redistributable package first) into your LFS directory and you should be OK.

That's interesting. Winebottler does have an option to add that into the prefix. I've give that a shot first, before I start downloading full on installers. Should that not work, I'll move onto the redistributable. Thanks for the tip, I'll get back to you on that.
LFS on MAC OSX 10.10 Yosemite using WINEBottler.
S3 licensed
So, the good news is that you _can_ ran LFS on a Mac with Wine Bottler, by going through the install process. The Part that is interesting too Scawen is that it seems that some resources are missing from the installer. I've tested this on a Late 2013 13 rMBP and a Early 2015 iMac 21.5" with Intel Iris Pro and I've had the same results with both computers. The result is a visible texture corruption on the cars in all cases, no matter the graphics settings employed. I can't quite pin this down too LFS as a programming fault, but there does seem to be another issue at hand.

It looks like LFS can't find AX_ADS1.jpg in any case. It tries multiple times during loading BL1. Is there a way Scawen that I can have it save every text message in the top right corner of the screen saved too a log file? I'd like to give you some debug information, but I have no idea how to get this information too you in an efficient manner.

Attached are two screen shots, both of them are in the same location with different graphics settings. During the swap between these two images I get more messages and warnings then I can count. (That's why I would need the debug log command.) I've take some screen shots of the errors and I've listed them below.

Could not create texture WSTfloodL1
Can't open : WSTfloodL1
Could not create texture ambulance
Can't open ambulance
Could not create texture FFoffwall
Can't open : FFoffwall1
Can't open : WE_ADS1.jpg (A lot)
Can't open : WE_ADS2.jpg (A lot)
Can't open : WE_ADS3.jpg (A lot)

The list goes on.
Last edited by Dygear, .