This is what I sent to T3 the first time he did it. As you have merge access, you all you would need to do is download the zip file from the github.
I update the version number and add Jay, submit the pull request to me. Once you've done that, I'll merge it. Once I've merged it, download the ZIP file from github for the master branch. This will give you a clean install of PRISM that you can release.
I look at the commit history between 0.4.4's release and the release that I'm putting out. From there I just use the commit information that I find interesting, or important. Like adding the name for a timer is a BC break, and must be mentioned in the change log.
You have to do two things at once. This is the process that I go through. Reply to PHPInSimMod - PRISM Releases. In the reply to that thread title the reply "PHPInSimMod (PRISM) 0.4.5". Then you have to include the change log from version 0.4.4 to 0.4.5. Attach the ZIP file to this thread, that contains clean installation of PRISM 0.4.5. That means no config files, except for the examples. Don't hit the reply button yet.
Then once you've done that, open a new tab in your browser and make a new thread in PHPInSimMod - PRISM Sub-Forum. In this your going to write
And then attach the change log list that you put into the other thread. Once you've done this, go back to the Releases reply and hit submit and copy the URL and make the "PHPInSimMod - PRISM 0.4.5" text a link to that thread. Hit submit.
Sticky 0.4.5's thread, and un-sticky 0.4.4's thread.
If you delete your config files and then start PRISM, it will generate the config files for you and allow you to select all of the options you want in ISP_ISI.
You shouldn't modify the class function that work's everywhere's for one special case. What you should do, is overwrite that function in the special case only. That way, the special case code is only called when it's needed.
That's because I'm an idiot and didn't read what the packet was for, I just implemented the packet as far as the structure goes.
Kinda, if you could make a pull request out of that commit I'll be able to merge that into PRISM's master and you won't have to manually patch when you upgrade to the latest version on PRISM.
(And there is going to be a new release once the K patches become official.)
How do you calculate the amount of drag that is removed from each aero feature on the car? Shouldn't you be able to use the same calculation as the basis of scale?
float draft; // 1.0 = 100% drag removal from the car. 0.0 = 0% drag removal from the car.
We can then use this as a basis for any value of > 0.0 is a car that is receiving a draft and other programs that want to threshold this information could use anything above 0.20 as the basis for DSQing the lap.
--- Edit ---
Odd request perhaps. But once you start an InSim instance (by the command /insim=$port) could it send a ISP_ISI packet on loopback? Kinda like "Hey, I'm here." I leave my InSim instance running, in the background even when I disconnect and close LFS. If it could automatically reconnect once the LFS instance of InSim is ready that would be cool. Useful when debugging, I think.