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S3 licensed
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Just ask them to send their setups after all official sessions and check them, doesn't take that much time.

You can enforce that, but it will require manual intervention from an admin to save the setup file sent. Once there, you can simply MD5 against the setup file you mandated, and so long as the hash matches the sets are the same.
S3 licensed
About 5 years, but it's still 'alpha', but I'm pretty sure that's just because they don't want to call S2 finished yet. Making something beta for the devs around here seems to mean feature lock. Meaning nothing can be added, only fixed. I would expect that to happen in the next year or two. S3 alpha around 2 - 3 years after that. This will be a 15 year project by the time it comes to an end.
S3 licensed
That's actually quite good, but your format will only work for Official LFS tracks, none of the unofficial tracks have nodes and X/Y format tracks don't have nodes at all due to their configuration. Cool tho.
S3 licensed
No, you have no control over the setup of the car. The only thing you can do is force intake restrictions on cars, but they have to pit in order for it to be updated. This means that, for example, you can give a car a 10% intake restriction via a command, but you will have to force pit them in order from that change to take effect. You can't modulate the level of restriction while the car is on track with the current tools we have as InSim programmers.

If you take a look in your LFS directory, you'll find another folder called docs. In that directory you'll find a file called InSim.txt. This contains all information about the InSim system, and what it can an can't do.


I just want to say, I love what you're trying to do. I love F1 as well, and I wish you all of the best.

-- Mark 'Dygear' Tomlin, Founder - Simulation Federation Internationale de l'Automobile.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :maybe providing an overhead map of the course layout? in real F1 this is all available in advance. Sounds fun though might compete depending on day

I've already done this ... Quite a while ago, for the SimFIA website.

[EDIT] Hey! The guy squatting on finally left! I have to domain under my control again! Yay!

[EDIT2] If you want, I have the Sporting Regs for the 2006 season of SimFIA F1. You might find it useful.
Last edited by Dygear, .
S3 licensed
You can't force off EBS, even in directly, this information is not reported back to an InSim client in any way. I'm pretty sure that ABS is also not reported to InSim. Only the player's help flags are reported, such as Clutch Assist, and if they are using a Mouse, Keyboard or Wheel.
S3 licensed
Different car models would be a cool. Where you buy a car for a set price say 21,000 for an XRT. But you could get into an XRT for 25% off if you accept say weight and air restriction of 10% each. You can then pay to upgrade you're car so the weight and air restriction goes into the other direction and you have to pay like 5,000 for an 'upgrade kit'.
S3 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :Edit: and of course pyinsim and Python are cross-platform.

Indeed, I don't know why I did not think of that. I'm pretty sure that Mac's comes with python preinstalled ... but I could be wrong, as I might be thinking about Ubuntu or something like that.
Using PRISM to admin a server?
S3 licensed
Is there any one out there using PRISM as the admin system for their server(s)? How do you like the system, does it work well for you? Do all of the commands work as you would expect, is there anything that you would like to see improved?
S3 licensed
The only one I really know of it PRISM that uses PHP and is thus cross platform. The UI for it is command line for the first part (But it's really quite easy to use, although I might be a little basis as I'm one of the main devs) but once you get the HTTP part setup, you can use that for adming a server. It gives you the option of doing other commands in game as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from avetere :So, you got a format?

Yes, it's the spec that filur had a few years ago.

Quote from avetere :Do you have teams/takeovers evaluated?

Takeovers yes ... Teams ... Eh ... I'll get back to you on that.
S3 licensed
Yeah, I kinda like that. +1
S3 licensed
Quote from :Nobody using Linux as environment?

I do from time to time. I'll be sure to fix that.

Quote from :Not sure why this is happening yet (after a few hours).

That function is commented out.
Last edited by Dygear, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
So, yeah, I had the chance, and yeah. It looks pretty good . Better late then never I guess. I guess I'll put this out as a PRISM plugin later on.
S3 licensed
I guess it's a moot point anyway, when this whole system becomes obsolete in a few versions.
S3 licensed
Kinda true, you can still use ISP_TINY if you want too ... or ISP::TINY for that matter to get all tiny packets. But you will need to use TINY::WHATEVER to get that particular subtype. So I really do recomend that people move away from the ISP_WHATEVER syntax and go over to the ISP::WHATEVER syntax so that it's consistent throughout.
Last edited by Dygear, .
PRISM's Birthday (Aug 22nd, 2010)
S3 licensed
PRISM's birthday is in about a month (1 month, 11 days) from now. Anyone want to do anything at all for this event? Small server party, maybe a feature showcase of what can be done with PRISM?

I've been meaning to get to work on some of the Dirt2 style game play modes that I liked when I was playing that. Things like owning a sector time, and stuff like that. So I hope to get that done before PRIMS's birthday so I can show that off to you all. The other 'killer app' plugin that I have planned is FOM overlays. Where it shows stats about who is in what place on screen with buttons. That another one that I hope to have finished before PRISM's birthday. I feel they are both obtainable goals.

So, does anyone else wish to 'show case' a plugin for PRISM's birthday?
S3 licensed
With any luck, this will only add about 100 lines of code to PRISM to keep it nice and simple. I just hope this is not too confusing for new programmers to deal with.
Making TINY & SMALL Sub Type's Directly Bindable from the registerPacket method.
S3 licensed
As I have said, I'm making TINY & SMALL sub types bind-able directly from the registerPacket method. But this requires me to do something strange because the TINY_* & SMALL_* namespace is already taken by the numeric defines. So I was thinking of making a TINY and SMALL object, and for the sake of consistancey making an ISP object as well. So instead of doing this ...

$this->registerPacket('onVoteStatus', ISP_VTN, ISP_TINY, ISP_SMALL);

// And then checking the SubT for the TINY & SMALL,
// packet to make sure it's the type we want.

We could do this ...

$this->registerPacket('onVoteStatus', ISP::VTN, TINY::VTC, SMALL::VTA);

This way it leaves the current name spaces in tact for their intended targets, and we can directly bind to these packet subtypes without having to worry about getting a TINY or SMALL that we did not want.

How I plan on doing this is also simple. Where ISP are the whole packet, TINY and SMALL have subtypes and as such could be looked at as fractions of the whole picture. So we define them as such fractions ... In terms a floating point numbers.

class ISP {
const NONE = 0;
const ISI = 1;
const VER = 2;
const TINY = 3;
const SMALL = 4;
// ect.

class TINY {
const NONE = 3.0;
const VER = 3.1;
const CLOSE = 3.2;
const PING = 3.3;
const REPLY = 3.4;
// ect.

class SMALL {
const NONE = 4.0;
const SSP = 4.1;
const SSG = 4.2;
const VTA = 4.3;
const TMS = 4.4;
// ect.

So when the registerPacket function sees a float, it knows that we are talking about the subtype of a particular packet. Thus that function will only get that registered subtype of that packet, not every TINY or every SMALL.


My question to you guys is, do you think you would use it?
Last edited by Dygear, .
S3 licensed
From a webpage standpoint, I can't see that being a problem. Unless you do something silly like extracting a $_GET or $_REQUEST array into the scope where your global object is, thus over writing it, but then it would cause a crash anyway.

Within PRISM ... Well, a plugin programmer has access to the whole stack, so it's really a moot point.

So, I was looking at some code a while back that filur sent me. It's quite surprising that he still owns my ass when it comes to programming. Considering the code he sent me is around 2 years old, even 2 years ago he was still much better of a programmer then I am now. Quite humbling.

Anyways, I looked to his code for direction on some of the stuff I've been working on in PRISM. Namely the Timers & Cron modules and the LVS plugin. Also going to work on fixing the loging functions of PRISM, so that logs directory will have a purpose.

Oh, and I'm making TINY & SMALL sub types bind-able directly from the registerPacket function.

And the last of the three types of packet styles will be support in this update.
Last edited by Dygear, .
S3 licensed
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :Douchebag(s) of the day: Red Bull's "Maintain the gap"

Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Red Bull giving the team orders, will there be the same outcry on here as if it was the Ferrari....

What kind of bullshit was that? "Maintain the gap" is just as bad as "Is faster then you." **** that shit.
S3 licensed
Gutted! Feel so bad for JB.
S3 licensed
You both beat me to it by like 7 minutes. Nice, should be a good Ep then, along with the McLaren MC-Hammer .
S3 licensed
Quote from BreadC :vettel on TG this week ^^

Unless you give me a source, I'm just going to assume that you made it up.

[edit]Never mind, I did the research for you ... ... ttel-2011-07-07?imageNo=0

Source: Final Gear Forums.
Last edited by Dygear, .