The online racing simulator
New F1 Racing Style ! Real F1 !
(30 posts, started )
New F1 Racing Style ! Real F1 !
Ok so i have been talking to a few people and we have decided to run a full blown F1 style racing season. Ill give a small bit of info below all the rest you will find on the website once built in the next few days. we already have a server running atm as a test ! Real F1 ! ..

So what we was thinking. The Season will be open to all people in teams of 2 that is simple. 10 teams 20 cars. All teams must have a set a team skin for the car And must clearly display there given number in 3 places on the car this will be indicated on the site. So pretty simple.

No track will be the same at any point and we will not use any standard tracks on lfs. This makes it a even playing field for people. So you want have tracks that you are good on and tracks that your bad on :-) The tracks wont be on offer to download for practice. However that been said. The server will be open to teams to practice twice before the race takes part. The practice 1 and 2 will be given a time and day upon witch teams will be e-mailed. Each practice will only last 30-40min to allow drivers and team to set the cars up.

The race

Every race will be private and locked to the teams entered into the season. each race will take place at the weekend and a time that suits all time zones.
Drivers will get a 20 min qualification beforehand. As always the rules are pretty simple. Dont drive like a idiot or you will get black flagged out of the race if you cause to many accidents or drive beyond you capable skills. If you cause a accident it will be judge by the admin on what the penalty should be e.g drive through, 30sec, 45 or stop and go and so on. The points systems has not yet been decided but if you get black flagged you will get points deducted from your self and team. More information about the rules of the race will be posted on the site when finished. The races will be watched by Admin members would will not take part in the races. of course race highlights will be added to the site after

All of this is to just drum up some promo about the sever and see what people think before we start putting time money and effort into getting it running.
Depending on the success of the season we will be looking into getting sponsors for a small prize fund at the end of the season for top driver and top team to give drivers something to look forward to and of course the fund will be spread out across the top 3 teams and drivers.

we are also looking into open tourney knock out stages for no season drivers but thats another thing.

So just a short bit of info really nothing to in-depth

So if you think the idea sound good or you would like to race then just say so we can look at the numbers and get the ball rolling.

Please if you dont like the idea there is no need to comment.

Thank you all
maybe providing an overhead map of the course layout? in real F1 this is all available in advance. Sounds fun though might compete depending on day
yes maps will be provided before practice and of course some maps will make it back into each season with small changes the practice server has had good feed back with the twisting layout of fast and slow corner with dips and lows making the car light on the bend
ok we now have a website soon we will have a new url maybe but for now link above :-)

will keep posted when the site is fully running :-) server is now online :-)
WHEN will the races take place?
In LFS you can save the layout from a server, so when you get to practice, you can save the layout and practice even more.

any ideas on that?
Point 1: you're in the wrong subsection... but anyways.
Point 2: The base concept sounds solid, but as mentioned layouts can be saved. You should rather work with a 1 hour qualifying (without hardcore mode!!!). This reduces the time drasticly, but still gives a chance to work on setups. Also you cannot prevent people from sharing setups or from modifying existing setups.
Point 3: Don't even think about prizes yet. The primary task is to build up your league. It is a lot of work. Searching a sponsor may end up being too much.
Yeh i looked into that information after i did the 1st post and remember you cant stop people from download the tracks. We are still decided how to run the P1 & p2 yet or time length. The server and insim was fine but atm we are working on getting the website all up and finished. Atm on the site you can view Tracks, Stats, Pics are forum. Loads more to go onto it yet but small amount of info is there. Its all linked up so you can use your facebook with it and so on. Site will be finished on the 13th and that will contain all the final Rules and laws and instructions with it.

The aim is to make the most competitive F1 style simulation. with the fresh tracks and so on like i said before. The races will be held every weekend ! seasons will back onto each other. so there is no wait time. I know alot of server like this have BREAKS and weeks between races of course allows people to practice . This is a simple week after week racing. Time has not get been set. We will look at the collective time zones of the chosen ones and then decide what best suits all. If we get enough intrest and get 2 season running side by side A & B we will take the top 10 teams / drivers from each season at the end and but them into a end of season MASTERS half 1/4 season only 5 races. over 2 weeks. But thats only if we have 2 seasons running side by side.

Everything els is in place. The server will be left up in a few days to create some intrest. But once the season starts the server will only be up during P1 & P2 & race times Private !

The point system works in a way to create a tighter season. going up in 0.5 points. Some server have a point system so if your 1st its 15 points and 2nd is 10 and so on this causes a massive gap and people give up. !!! So we decided 1st place is 5 2nd 4.5 and so on down to 0

Amount of laps will depend on the track length But i dont want to give away to much information will update this when the site is fully launched !

again its
Ok Parts of the website have been opened up so you can take a look get a feel of it.

The server is currently up and running and will be for the next few hours while i work on the diff insims and get them all singing and dancing :-)
Hey all just a update really on the current progress ! So as you know parts of the website have been opened and the analytics are looking very good for only 18hours of been partially open. looking at doubling traffic and av time spent on site once fully launched with live tables, lfs remote, life race specs and race highlight videos and so on.

But today really is all about testing the new insims and getting them perfect. Currently stripping down the code and changing the look and feel of the UI for insim to get the RF1 look.

You can apply on the Forum on the site :-)
Really nice. I would like to see some of those races. Hope you ll get it to the point you want. It can be really challanging especially if TC is banned like in real f1.
I think in real life they have differentials and other stuff that helps to avoid wheel spin (more or less) but in BF1 the power is transmitted rigidly to the wheels so driving without TC would be a blast
Now, I don't know what kind of secret stuff they're using, but AFAIK the differentials they use are pretty much just LSDs like we have in LFS.
Yes there is many Things that they no longer use in F1 like TC (traction control) EBS (engine breaking system) Also It would be good to Restrict any gear Ratio changes apart from 7th gear. So all cars have the same set ratios apart from 7th. Also during a race people must use 2 tyre compounds R2 & R4. You cant stop people from fueling because races are to long the BF1 burns 22% in 4laps of our ASX track. We will look into restricting all car setups so the only items you can change is. Fuel, Tyres, Downforce, Suspension. TC OFF & EBS OFF no driver aids just pur driving skill.

I will have ago on the insim see what i can do. Im not amazing with the insim so errrr lol yeh.

What would be pretty cool to get the KERS system. The only way i can think of doing this could be to Reduce the BF1 Power by 80-90bhp. But then im not sure how i would allow driver to activate while driving.

DRS would work in the same way car restriction of 80-90bhp. So if a driver hits the DRS ZONE (track node) and they are less then 2.00 seconds from the driver infront the DRS Auto kicks in until it leaves the DRS ZONE TRACK node.

It all sounds good but the issue will be getting it working. I know some of the Cruise insim have car restrictions and they allow drivers to upgrade to reduce the restriction. But we shall see what happens :-)
Ok so just had a quick Test around the server track with No driver AIDS NO TC and 0% EBR. I applied a 10% Air Reduction to see what sort of speed the car would do. The big main straight about 185-187mp. So this gives me how that if you can yeh DRS that would remove the 10% during the track nodes set would allow you to get up to 200mph+ depending on your 7th gear ratio :-) this then allowing lots of passing :-)

But bit of a downer at the moment. Some people are saying that is just cant be done.
Quote from Mustangman759 :maybe providing an overhead map of the course layout? in real F1 this is all available in advance. Sounds fun though might compete depending on day

I've already done this ... Quite a while ago, for the SimFIA website.

[EDIT] Hey! The guy squatting on finally left! I have to domain under my control again! Yay!

[EDIT2] If you want, I have the Sporting Regs for the 2006 season of SimFIA F1. You might find it useful.
Open tracks doesn't have nodes, you'll need to use coordinates.

Just saying this in case you are not aware of that
Ok so a update after a frustrating day.

It appears that all the things we would like to do cant be done. List below of all the things that cant be done :-(

Locked gear ratio 1-6
Locked Final ratio
Gear 7 open to change
TC off
Engine break reduction 0%
2 Tyre types that must be used R2 & R4

But im sure at one time other insim ideas was not possible but they got there in the end.

Of course this does not stop us from creating the championship. just not how we wanted it ! Of course there is thing we can do by asking people to use the same setup and so on but there is not much you can do to check that !!!

Anyway just a update
Quote from Billicp :DRS ZONEs
Locked gear ratio 1-6
Locked Final ratio
Gear 7 open to change
TC off
Engine break reduction 0%
2 Tyre types that must be used R2 & R4

Those in bold could be done via InSim.
Quote from Billicp :Of course there is thing we can do by asking people to use the same setup and so on but there is not much you can do to check that !!!

Just ask them to send their setups after all official sessions and check them, doesn't take that much time.
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Just ask them to send their setups after all official sessions and check them, doesn't take that much time.

You can enforce that, but it will require manual intervention from an admin to save the setup file sent. Once there, you can simply MD5 against the setup file you mandated, and so long as the hash matches the sets are the same.
Yeh i know there is a few ways to do things :-)

As for the ABS , TC and EBR i was told you cant stop people from using them via insim ???

Kinda bugged atm with some of the Track layouts !! of course the tracks was not designed for open config. and some of the layouts you make have curbs missing and run off areas .. Shame thats missing from the editor.

I know i could mod the tracks my self but of course they would not show up in server.

Is there any negatives of moding a track to add curbs ???
Quote from Billicp :Ok so a update after a frustrating day.

It appears that all the things we would like to do cant be done. List below of all the things that cant be done :-(

Locked gear ratio 1-6
Locked Final ratio
Gear 7 open to change
TC off
Engine break reduction 0%
2 Tyre types that must be used R2 & R4

But im sure at one time other insim ideas was not possible but they got there in the end.

Of course this does not stop us from creating the championship. just not how we wanted it ! Of course there is thing we can do by asking people to use the same setup and so on but there is not much you can do to check that !!!

Anyway just a update

There were different series in the past, which used spec-sets or partly-speced-sets. No racer may spectate after finishing and has to send the set to either the admin or an assistent.
Playing around with the tyres might not bring you the expected result. R2s are pretty fast worn and everyone would peel off into pits to grab a set of R4s. Most likely they would just be used for a minimum amount of laps as defined by the rules. But that requirement is either enforcable via an insim or via being an admin, and watching all those pitstops.
Also I do not understand how you convert a 2006-spec BMW F1 into a 2011-spec F1
Quote from Billicp :Yeh i know there is a few ways to do things :-)

As for the ABS , TC and EBR i was told you cant stop people from using them via insim ???

Kinda bugged atm with some of the Track layouts !! of course the tracks was not designed for open config. and some of the layouts you make have curbs missing and run off areas .. Shame thats missing from the editor.

I know i could mod the tracks my self but of course they would not show up in server.

Is there any negatives of moding a track to add curbs ???

Why aren't you using the speed humps as cerbs? I mean curbs are there to prevent rally-like cutting and speed humps would do the same thing. Also what I've heard is that modding would be illegal
Can I be a virtual FIA and come in mid season to change all the rules?
We currently use the humps as curbs but you cant use them like a curb to help go around a corner ! when you hit a hump it tends to spin you.

We after all this not really allot you can do with the insims and tracks then :-( Pffftt back to the drawing board for the 4th time today