Don't take that Thermaltake, TR2 is horrible old design that doesn't even fully conforms to modern ATX12V spec.
That Cooler Master is horrible as well.
Note how, across the million busiest sites, Apache and IIS are losing their market share every month, while nginx is only non-proprietary webserver that is gaining.
I said realtek, not ralink. modprobe rtl8187se.
That wasn't hard.. but it's not intuitive. Intuitively, one should just apt-get install php5 to get php5, and he shouldn't get a freaking webserver (and a crappy one, at that) bundled with it.
Oh wow, not even 10 years passed since Arch's birth and now it has signature checking! That's awesome.
See, php5 itself has nothing to do with Apache. But Debian's retarded maintainers think it is (and build packages for i386, but that's another story).
It's not RPM you're talking about. RPM itself DOESN'T supports repositories and stuff.
yum / yast others do, but RPM does not.
Stock kernel.
Hey there, on Windows, updates that don't touch Windows core don't need restart either.
Why would you ever want to install system onto software RAID? RAID array degrades = yay, gotta find liveCD.. awesome scenario right.
Funny you mentioned pacman, cause I don't remember it having digital signature verification.. While Windows Installer supports it just fine.
Neither can RPM.
It has support for doing that (heard of WinSxS for example? Under Windows, you can have multiple versions of some library on which software depends, uder Linux.. plausibly), but not all packagers use that support. It's not fault of Windows Installer itself.
See, Windows is trying to be as less intrusive as possible. While on debian you can't install package "php5" without having to install package "libapache2-mod-php5" which in turn means you have to install "apache2.2-common", "apache2-mpm-prework" (although those 2 have nothing to do with PHP), on Windows you're NOT forced to do something even if you don't want it.
Use proper hardware as about 90 % of BSODs are caused by that, the rest is down to drivers' developers.
Of course Windows Installer doesn't compares to APT or RPM - it's superior to both of them.
Also, last time I saw BSOD on Windows 7 was approximately year ago, while last time I saw kernel panic on my netbook was uhm.. week ago? or so.
That works in theory, but doesn't in practice. When I was using Linux on my netbook, I was getting kernel panics thanks to gay realtek wifi driver every now and then.
*cough* anything with brushless DC servos gets hot. If it'd be 3-phase motor w/ proper ESC, it could be way more efficient, but neither Logitech or Fanatec or anyone else has implemented those yet.