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Don't take that Thermaltake, TR2 is horrible old design that doesn't even fully conforms to modern ATX12V spec.
That Cooler Master is horrible as well. ... eviews&op=All_Reviews
Go here for your PSU buying guidelines. don't seem to have any great choice of power supplies.. only decent thing I could find is ... amp;catid=123&subcat= (based on SeaSonic S12II)
Quote :They're both fine PSU's with a single 12V rail which is preffered for overclocking and/or dual GPU's.

Sorry but that's pure bullshit.
Last edited by E.Reiljans, .
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It can also set your house on fire and murder your wife & children, beware.
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Quote from xfirestorm :Yes because the process is that complicated.
Create certificate, sign it, enable and require SSL connection. Rocket science.

Looks like for you it is.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :True, thanks for pointing that out. Maybe one day when you install python on a debian box it will be a dependancy

Nah, nginx maintainer is not as retarded as apache2 one
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :Whats he got to complain about, it's not like it cost him anything and judging by the figures here he's getting a market leading product too. I do very little with apache, but if your right it wouldn't be the only crappy market leader.

Note how, across the million busiest sites, Apache and IIS are losing their market share every month, while nginx is only non-proprietary webserver that is gaining.
Demo licensed
Quote from Chupacabras84 :Apparently SWtOR is full of bugs and shortcomings which are being discussed widely.
And forum its like LFS forum just with more autists.
Technically you say the game lacks something and then you getting told by someone that your are the problem and not the game.
Devs are sacred cows and while on LFS forum NFS is mocked SWtOR fanboys mock WoW
You dont like LFS go play nfs.
You dont like SWtOR go play WoW
Well you get the idea their forum is really entertaining reading
And here are some of its examples.

I like this one more.
Demo licensed
Quote from xfirestorm :Well actually I just turned on SSL on two different applications.

You did it wrong, obviously.
Quote from xfirestorm :And thanks to Apache you can now run a single web server for multiple websites. The big company M$ didn't have that in their precious IIS.

Yeah, IIS is just as shit as Apache, but that's not my point.
Demo licensed
Quote from xfirestorm :Apache is crappy?

Quote from xfirestorm :Tell me then, how did I manage to mess up IIS so hard, that Windoze Server didn't even boot-up anymore?

Dunno, maybe by not having straight hands?
Demo licensed
Quote from xfirestorm :Vanilla kernel doesn't hold the ralink chip driver.
And I've installed like a zillion of rt* drivers as modules, some crashed, never received a kernel panic. Like I said, only received a kernel panic when recompiling the kernel, which is way out of normal usage specs.

I said realtek, not ralink. modprobe rtl8187se.
Quote from MadCatX :

sudo apt-get install php5-common
sudo apt-get install php5-cgi
sudo apt-get install php5

How hard was that?

That wasn't hard.. but it's not intuitive. Intuitively, one should just apt-get install php5 to get php5, and he shouldn't get a freaking webserver (and a crappy one, at that) bundled with it.
Demo licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Pacman does signature checking since version 4.

Oh wow, not even 10 years passed since Arch's birth and now it has signature checking! That's awesome.
Quote from MadCatX :And how is that better? When I install a piece of software, I want it to work right away and if php5 in Debian depends on these packages, it's only logical to install them along with it. You can always ignore dependencies if you know what you're doing.

See, php5 itself has nothing to do with Apache. But Debian's retarded maintainers think it is (and build packages for i386, but that's another story).
Quote from stan.distortion :Ok, so a user selects wireshark, clicks install and..... some mystic voodoo happens, harmonic vibrations with the earths magnetic field cause the 1's and 0's on the hard drive to assemble themselves in the pattern of wireshark and its dependencies... cool, wonder how many dead chickens it can wave simultaneously on a quad core?

It's not RPM you're talking about. RPM itself DOESN'T supports repositories and stuff.
yum / yast others do, but RPM does not.
Quote from xfirestorm :Liez!

I've only seen a kernel panic when I messed up kernel recompile.

Stock kernel.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :I'm guessing that was a poor attempt at sarcasm, kind of hard to tell though as anyone who has a clue what they where talking about knows a kernel update is the only time you need to reboot on linux. Secure AND stable.

Hey there, on Windows, updates that don't touch Windows core don't need restart either.
Quote from stan.distortion :I kind of like 7, its a big step up from XP but you cant install it to software RAID.

Why would you ever want to install system onto software RAID? RAID array degrades = yay, gotta find liveCD.. awesome scenario right.
Quote from MadCatX :Compared to APT, RPM or say pacman it's extremely slow, does not provide any means of verification that the MSI installer is legit

Funny you mentioned pacman, cause I don't remember it having digital signature verification.. While Windows Installer supports it just fine.
Quote from MadCatX :cannot update or download software from centralized secure repositories

Neither can RPM.
Quote from MadCatX :does not do any file conflict or dependency checks

It has support for doing that (heard of WinSxS for example? Under Windows, you can have multiple versions of some library on which software depends, uder Linux.. plausibly), but not all packagers use that support. It's not fault of Windows Installer itself.
Quote from MadCatX :It often gets me enrages when I have to explicitly say "you have to install MSVS 20xx redists to run my app", one would expect Windows to figure it out on its own.

See, Windows is trying to be as less intrusive as possible. While on debian you can't install package "php5" without having to install package "libapache2-mod-php5" which in turn means you have to install "apache2.2-common", "apache2-mpm-prework" (although those 2 have nothing to do with PHP), on Windows you're NOT forced to do something even if you don't want it.
Quote from MadCatX :I have exactly the opposite experience with W7 which BSOD'ed multiple times [...]
Use proper hardware as about 90 % of kernel crashes are caused by that the rest is down to drivers' developers.

Use proper hardware as about 90 % of BSODs are caused by that, the rest is down to drivers' developers.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :I dont get BSOD's or crashes of any kind because I use a stable system.
$ uptime
20:28:23 up 59 days, 4:40, 2 users, load average: 0.50, 0.58, 0.62
It's so short because the power was off here for line maintenance a couple of months ago. Maybe if I did a clean windows install, ripped out everything that needs a driver and installed no software I could hope for the same kind of figure but I like using and abusing my PC and I like software raid with volume management so I'll stick with what I have.

Are you implying that
a) Windows can't have years long uptime
b) Windows doesn't supports software RAID
c) something else?
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :Windows installer doesnt compare to a real package management system like APT or RPM and something like it should have been introduced as soon as the first buggy piece of software was installed on a windows system. Same goes for certified drivers, MS sold a kernel and gui, the part of the system that does the operating had to be written by the parts vendors in the form of drivers. Both of these issues led to the famous BSOD we all know and love. MS was happy to take your money and do nothing about them while they ruled the market, when OSX started to get popular and folks saw the BSOD wasn't an essential part of computing they had to do something to show windows could be stable too.

Of course Windows Installer doesn't compares to APT or RPM - it's superior to both of them.
Also, last time I saw BSOD on Windows 7 was approximately year ago, while last time I saw kernel panic on my netbook was uhm.. week ago? or so.
Quote from xfirestorm :Messed up OS design if you ask me.
A bad sound driver on a unix or unix based OS only crashes the sound driver/server/whatever.

That works in theory, but doesn't in practice. When I was using Linux on my netbook, I was getting kernel panics thanks to gay realtek wifi driver every now and then.
Demo licensed
Quote from MadCatX :but it doesn't defy the point that Windows doesn't have an actual package management.

It does.
Quote from xfirestorm :It does not. Unless they are "M$ certified drivers" or "M$ signed drivers", forgot how they call them.

Yeah, everyone totally wants un-certified drivers (read: BSOD's) in their systems.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :Yes, gentoo for example. It does the ./configure && make && make install part for you too.

No, that's wrong example.
It doesn't updates anything that you ./configure && make && make install'ed YOURSELF.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :Does windows update get the latest version of firefox these days?

Does any Loonix's package manager get the latest version of software you have ./configure && make && make install'ed?
Quote from stan.distortion :Does it even take care of 3rd party drivers for you?

Quote from stan.distortion :Android has pretty much taken over the single user operating system market.

I don't think so.
Demo licensed
Quote from stan.distortion :Lol, does microsoft?

Yes, it's called Windows Update.
Last edited by E.Reiljans, .
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :I'm looking around for a nice phone with Android 4 (ICS) on it, suggestions?

Samsung Galaxy Nexus :P
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Got bored. Tried to make a few icons. Suddenly I did a 'whole' transformation.

One of reasons why Android >>>>>> iOS. :P
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Quote from JO53PHS :Final Entry

Based on Shift 2: Unleashed

What font is that? :O
Nice entry, btw.
Demo licensed
Quote from xfirestorm :but I never really had any major problems with *BSD or Slackware or it's KISS principles.

Does Slackware even has a package manager w/ central repository support?
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :They get hot

*cough* anything with brushless DC servos gets hot. If it'd be 3-phase motor w/ proper ESC, it could be way more efficient, but neither Logitech or Fanatec or anyone else has implemented those yet.
Demo licensed
Quote from MadCatX :Just BTW, what exactly is a definition of a "proper OS"?

Going by the fact that user is always right, something that has highest market share. Definitely not GNU/Loonix.