How about Nordöstersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbeten?
It's so long that this forum splits it in separate 3 words while it actually is not split, lol.
that's a real word actually, @least according to wikipedia
Don't get a faildozer.
FX-4100 is actually dualcore CPU for most of tasks (gaming, rendering, etc) cause it has only two FPU cores.
Integer cores don't matter for 90% of CPU-intensive apps.
Even a i3-2100 would be much faster than that Faildozer.
For youtube, optimal is 30 fps / H.264 / CRF=23 (or, if you use bitrate-targetting encoder - 5 mbit/s)
StaxRip and MeGUI are good starting apps for that.. for StaxRip, you'd want to use something like this (settings):
(ignore the Resize setting, it'll change to video's resolution as soon as you actually open source video)
If you have decent CPU (sandy bridge smth) it'll take approximately as long for it to encode as video itself lasts.
9x Cree XM-L, driven at 2A each :P
Most HTPC coolers have small bases, no way I could fit 9 XM-L's there (3x3), they could fit 4 at most (2x2), but Shuriken Rev. B looks like it could fit even 10 (3x2 on base plate, 2 on each side chunk). Thanks :P
Well dunno that's weird.. Even top-tier coolers like Noctua NH-D14 have at least +3°C offset to room temp.
Try RealTemp as last resort, if it shows same thing - I have no idea what to think.
That's funny you say that, because max. draw of GTX 580 is 300W, max. draw of i7-2600K is 95W, and max. draw of mobo+HDD+everything else is ~50W, making it 500W _at most_ and a good 450W if not running something crazy like buttcoins or Folding@Home for 24/7.
Keep building PC's.. but please do it just for yourself. ._.
So uhm, you build computers.
ok, I need some assistance. I'm building a rig with quad-core CPU, 16GB of RAM, and GeForce GTX 580. How powerful power supply would I need for this one?