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It's almost 2.5 times faster than a GTS 250, + it has DX11, so yeah, you'll notice huge improvement :P

How much would you want for your 250? :3
Demo licensed
Franky.S aka 91mason91, wow that's so bad, we are so jealous of you

meanwhile we will have resolution more than 720p, textures that are bigger than 32x32, models that have more than 4 polygons.
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :lol, you're comparing a stupid rank cheat, to people shooting through walls, beeing invisible, having a rectangular box around enemies etc..

Nothing compared to how a lot of people on consoles got their stats completely wiped by hackers.
Demo licensed
It should be
Quote :cmdLFS( "/ban " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") . " 999");

Quote :cmdLFS( "/ban 999 " . GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName") );

Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :It depends what you mean by 'gameplay', if it's bunch of cheating scumbags/scattered playing field, then it's not exactly better is it, at least for me.

You mean people doing something like this?
Demo licensed
Quote from DeKo :PC's are better for graphics and gameplay, but many times more expensive than console.

Yeah, that's exactly how EVERYTHING works! No matter if it's cars, food, or anything. For example:

Proper food is tastier and more healthy than fast food, but many times more expensive than fast food.
Quote from Rappa Z :It's just like religion, you feel compelled to convert the others to 'save' them regardless of whether or not they want to.

No, I doubt anyone wants Boris Lozac to play BF3 on PC. It's better for people like him to stay on consoles, with other 9 year olds.
Demo licensed
you must add number of days in the end (like 999 or 1).
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Funny how you go all in butthurt/defence mode

Nah, he didn't went in that mode. He just never goes out of it
Demo licensed
Quote from ATHome :So you're too cheap to get them repaired?

Nope, getting a new one would be almost 2 times cheaper than buying a GTX 580.

But by the time they broke I already realized how inferior to PC they both are.
Demo licensed
Quote from Franky.S :you just jealous

Why would I be?

I had a Xbox 360, it RROD'ed.
I had a PS3, one day it simply stopped working.
I had a Wii, all games for it were too retarded so I sold it.
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :No wonder if all you play is Call of Duty..

It's weird actually, Battlefield 3 is much better not only generally, but also in screenshot generating terms.

Maybe if you meant his age by this.. then it could be right. :P
Demo licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :lol they made like half a billion in first 10 days of GTA IV.

In your consolefaggish dreams.
Demo licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Can't wait!

Got any idea why I am jelly right now?
Demo licensed
Demo licensed
Quote from matijapkc :No shit? Even to Croatia? (we're a shit country and we aren't in EU, so I'm asking)

Well, go to and search for yourself, I am not sure. :3
Demo licensed
Quote from matijapkc :I almost forgot... Ordered, now I gotta wait 3 or 4 weeks for it to arrive...

Oh, and I actually bought this one.

Should've ordered it from Logitech website, they have free 5-day UPS delivery on >20E orders.
Demo licensed
3rd screenshot, looking by the trees, shadows and power lines, looks like San Andreas.. with a lot of ENBSeries applied to it :S
Demo licensed
Z-buffer handling, for example. Buggy as sh!t.
Demo licensed
Quote from The Very End :People does not like drifting, and no matter what you do, posting a drift video in the main part of the forum will almost allways results in a flamewar.

Err.. Most of people who replied here (TamelCoe, Bose321, Matrixi, etc) ARE drifters themselves.
Last edited by E.Reiljans, .
Demo licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Because you can easily damage cable, if you crimp it badly it isn't going to work, so you'll test it after cutting the cable to size and crimping.

I don't usually crimp cables badly, but when I do, I usually notice it immediately.
Demo licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Even then you'll still test your work. I do it for a living and most of the install time focuses around testing. Any prat can throw cable in the wall.

What's the point of testing a 20m cut of UTP, when the whole 100m roll it was cut off has been factory-tested?
Demo licensed
Quote from dadge :how do you know the cable is not faulty?

By buying good UTP from well known manufacturers with good reputation.
Demo licensed
Quote from dadge :so, that's a no then. crimping and testing is part of the install process...

Testing is not part of install process, and crimping takes 30 seconds at worst.
Demo licensed
Quote from PioneerLv :This was cool in 2007...

I remember some guys from TzT drifted 10x better than that with keyboard back in 2006