-> First of all, I just want to make clear that I'm for the realism in LFS, it is a simulator, and not an arcadish game with pretty shinning licensed cars, and a crappy feeling...
-I'm for the improvements in the phisics, no matter if it makes it harder to drive.
-I'm for the new clutch "system". That makes LFS more realistic, even if some have to adapt the driving style to save the clutch for a long race.
-I'm for other improvements like oil and water heating, mechanical failures, etc. etc...
Now, please do not confuse things!
An option to force drivers to use a designated view, is not a way to make LFS more realistic!
Servers and Leagues using this, are just pseudo-ellitists - There are probably drivers using the forced cockpit view and driving with keyboard or mouse... how realistic is that?!
I do not even use chase view, I use a "near cockpit view" -I explain- a costumised view from inside the car, but it goes out of range from the default cockpit view, and is more comfortable to drive with, shows the two mirrors, and is still a cockpit view. I cannot compete in servers or leagues with forced cockpit view because of that?
Do not get confused with improvements trough realism and discriminatory options that will only be negative to the LFS comunity.