There doesn't seem to be any previous poll so here it goes.
Do you prefer to have Wind on public racing servers?
Personally I much prefer racing with Wind as it requires the driver to adjust and it creates overtaking opportunities through mistakes, rather than every race being a gloryfied hotlap.
We are now running a "Formula BMW Racing Server" which encourages clean racing and uses a Track Rotation System, Grid Order for Reverse Top 6 and Points for a Leaderboard ranking system.
You can Gain and Lose points depending on your race position. The leaderboard will be available at shortly (check the navigation for the "Formula BMW Scores".
For all those not playing crash test dummy with the new test patch and want to do some regular racing feel free to come join me on the UF1000 Racing Server .... if or when the master server is back up
The server is now running a new LFS Points System (work in progress) and every race is scored (when the next race starts, although you don't need to be on the server for this).
I won't go into explaining how the scoring works at the moment as I want to monitor it for a while first and make some adjustments.
1. The SERVER's firewall is blocking the InSim port (check with your server admin) (1st box)
2. YOUR Router and/or Firewall are blocking the Listen Port (2nd box).
If you are running windows, open your Windows Firewall settings and add an Exception to ALLOW TCP PORT XXXXX and ALLOW UDP PORT XXXXX. Alternatively disable your windows firewall (or other security firewall), not recommended.
Next you need to access your Router's configuration and again open TCP/UDP traffic on that port. The exact procedure for your router and or firewall will vary but there are many sites offering tutorials on how to do this.
Currently the only way to track results appears to be when a player crosses the finishing line after the race leader. It would be nice to have LFS send a closing "RaceFinished" instruction. I figured the best easiest solution would be to use the RaceInProg variable of the ISP_STA packet.
This is assuming that LFS actually declares a race as finished? Currently it would appear that this never actually happens (ie it could sit there for hours waiting for more players to cross the finish line.
Thanks for all your positive comments ... at the next server restart the server will also be renamed to "UF1000 Racing Server" to match the forum topic and it is more obvious what it is
As there have been a number of forum messages about the lack of good UF1000 racing servers we have opened a public race server just for UF1s. The server is called "UF1000 Racing Server" and various members from the team will try their best to keep the server free from crashers and keep the racing clean.
The server is running a number of different tracks which randomly rotate automatically after a set number of races.
The grid order is Reverse top 6 from the previous race to hopeflly keep the races close.
*** UPDATE ***
The server is now running a new LFS Points System (work in progress) and every race is scored (when the next race starts, although you don't need to be on the server for this). I won't go into explaining how the scoring works at the moment as I want to monitor it for a while first and make some adjustments.
I'd just like to point out that not everyone thinks it is badly organised or a rip-off or anything of the sort. I was happy to consider entering to have a chance of moving up to the international league and will do so again when the series re-launches. I do think the information could be displayed clearer on the site as it really is a bit hard to find. More notice certainly is required next time though!
One thing that would encourage me to join is a guaranteed place in the next season as I would not be too happy being one of the first to pay and then not get in next season when it may be more popular or well known.
I assume full throttle gear changes will cause overheating ... when the clutch en/dis-engages and you are on full whack power, the excess friction will cause heat and wear.
Only time will tell though I think LFS could use some more "Punish bad behaviour"!
For me it is purely down to the short notice. I would have been very interested in this league, but 5 days (when it was announced in this forum) to practice the qualifying track and the track the the first race simply isn't enough for people that also have to work and have a life outside of LFS
Also the fact that there is very little data on how everything is run, if by entering this season you will be assured a place in the next season etc etc ... there are tons of unanswered questions which wouldn't bother me either if it was free, but as there is a fee I would want more details before parting with my money.
I am still considering entering but am leaning towards a no at the moment for the above reasons.
Ok, Running the Software on the host PC is usually the easiest solution if that is a possibility because you are less likely to have any network/firewall config problems.
How do you connect to the Internet and what Operating System do you have? My guess is that your port 29904 is not open.
Try searching google for guides on how to open TCP/UDP Ports on your router and operating system. There are many good guides out there that should work.
If you can't find any of the info please let me know and I will try to talk you through it.
I will try and write a small guide as this would apply to any of my add-ons. The app does not sue Insim Relay. You need to either run the app on the same machine as the server or contact your host to find out what insim port is open on your server for remote access.
You need to know the server uip, the insim port (this needs to be open on the server's firewall if remote) and the reply port (2nd box) can be any unused port (this port needs to be open on your firewall/router).
I will try and put a small guide/tutorial together tomorrow!
Indeed the vote cancel command does work although it isn't perfect. I've been meaning to write a little utility for this for a while so I quickly whipped one up hope it works.
Small utility to disallow all voting on the server. Currently provided as is with no help files or instructions - these will be following when testing is complete