A "skill" based rating system was indeed one of my next projects, however this isn't meant to be quite the same as that. This system is meant to rate a user based on their "racing enjoyment", not their skill.
I think a skill based system should be on a server to server basis and not on a global scale (although I guess there could be both).
My scoring calculations were along them lines as well, where you take the average skill of participating racers and points get awarded based on your skill/position compared to the average score. However a pre-tested working scoring mechanism like the chess one sound slike a much better idea!
I would be happy to work with you guys on something like this. PM me if you want to get something on the way
That is very true. The decision most certainly would be emotionally influenced, which I don't really see as a problem.
The whole idea is not nesseseraly to rate the player as "this driver is super fast" but rather "I really enjoyed racing with this person". Because after all that is what it is all about on public race servers.
Now if 50 out of 50 people give you a rating of -5, chances are that it will be reasonable accurate and the server setting could easily be set to only consider rating for people with at least 50 ratings.
First of all Thanks for your feedback. As I said in my above post, the idea would be that after a race, you may rate one player from that race. The idea being that if you had a great race against another player you can rate that player with a good rating. If someone really screwed up your race you can rate that player, or if you had a regular race with a coupld of small incidents, you may choose to rate one of them players with an avergae rating. However you can only every rate the 1 player after any race.
I also think there could be certain server rules that filter out spammers. For example a player with a negative rating, who only every gives negative ratings could be filtered out as "inaccurate". There could be any number of rule sets to filter out a lot of the "spam" ratings.
Last edited by F.Rizzo, .
Reason : addition of "spam rules"
That could indeed be an issue. There are a couple of ideas I was toying with, one of which would be that a player is only allowed to rate another player if they both participated in the previous race, and raced at least 75% of the distance (the rating player at least).
That way people can't just join a server and randomly rate people.
Also, rating is completely anon. and there is no "I'll leave a bad rating if you do" scenario.
the *rate command was only really ever intended to be used during testing.
On the registration form it asks for your Nationality and then Region. This is a little confusing as I would need to enter German as Nationality, however I live in Cornwall in the UK?
It would appear the server only shows when I only search for XFG+XRG servers but when I search for all cars / all tracks it doesn't show? Could someone please try this from their end for me? Thanks!
Mhhh, the server is set ro Laps 0 Practice when nobody is on it. So maybe if it's on 0 for too long in unregisteres itself? I have just set it to laps 10 and back to 0 and it seems to have re-appeared int he master list!
Mhhhh ... the server is running on Win2003 Server. I was trying to avoid having to restart the server as that is not a very convenient way of automating it without annoying people on the server (if there are any). Would be good to know what causes this really. Glad to hear it's not just me! lol
I am running a dev test server which was showing up fine in the master list but suddenly disappeared. I can still connect by entering the IP:PORT combo though. Is there a way of telling the server to re-post itself to the master list or what could be the cause of it disappearing? Server is "Marco Mark's Dev Server" if that helps.
His first post, offering to help work on LFS related sites included no link to his web site or business services whatsoever. I think it's pretty sad how someone offering to help the community get's shot down like this.
That though has crossed my mind as well, however even then you will get the lucky few drivers that already know the track extremely well and that makes it uneven again.
Funnily enough I was thinking about this today and figured the only way to do this properly is to have a "special track" that is only available online, and ideally only on 1 server, and the track has to be booked for sessions etc. Like a real race track basically. I think that would add a whole new level of realism to the game imo.
I always set mine to what the car setting in-game is. I.e. 720 for STD/TBO, 540 for GTRs and so on. Obviously I set all steering settings to linear with no speed compensation etc (can't remember exactly what the settings are called) but the steering in the game seems to do exactly what I do on the steering wheel which is all I can ask for
I voted for 45mins, although it does really depend on the cars. To me it is important to bring tyre choice and pit stops into it when it comes to tournaments/leagues. Having a good endurance setup can make all the difference even if you are not the fastest.
In the SHAC we did 30min Sprint race and then 90min Main race which was pretty good although it didn't really leave much of a pit strategie with the GTR class as the FXR had to pit exactly half way through the race to be competetive with the tyre choice, so no margain for error there.
For public servers of course anything more than 10-20 minutes is a waste of time unless it's a good server.
So to sum this up from my point of view: Long enough to allow for different tyre/pit stop strategies
Does anyone have any good XRT Setups for WE1? I could do with both a Qualifying Setup and an Endurance Setup. I have modded some other setups to get down to 1:57:5x but could do with something I know can go faster around Westhill.