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S2 licensed
Quote from emit-nl :I found something for you:
Use ALT+code to get the special characters.
So, ALT+0149 = •

Good luck!


i know that but how do u do it in the cfg file... it gives me a ? :P

ALSO how do i get insim to tel weither it isa Demo Server or an S2 server
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Mikjen :Thanks m8,

What price is a 12 month Voice server,

Quote from AlienServe :Hi, sorry but dont offer 12 slots at present, 10 slots however is £1.50 and 20 slots is £3.00

:P *Cough* Slots != Months
S2 licensed
how do i do special chars Like •?
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
New Members
S2 licensed
[SC]™PPS Razor
S2 licensed
Quote from bass-driver :hi
is there a way to reset the userstoredvalue?? For all players of just for one player??
The code below is an idea

case "!cp":
Case "!clearpoints":
If( useringroup( "useradmin",$username ) == 1 )
if( tonum( getuserstoredvalue( $argv, "ps_points_total" ) ) > 1 )
setplayervar( $argv, "ps_points_total","0" );
privmsg("^1you are not allowed to use this command!!!");

Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :wheres this?

look at pIc
S2 licensed
is there a way to make lapper count how many times a string is split like

Fire_optikz001,Cop2,Cop3 = 3 Fire_optikz001 = 1 ect
S2 licensed
Quote from Backtrack3d :
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.Sqlite.sqlite3_open16(String dbname, IntPtr& handle)
at Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection.Open()
at LFSDbs.DbsAccess..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String DbName) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\DbsAccess.cs:line 45
at LFSDbs.gripDbs..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String puniqueConnectionId, String DbName, Int32 LapTimeUsedForPbPar, String FtpServer, String FtpLogin, String FtpPasswd, String FtpRemotePath, String dateFormat) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\gripdbs.cs:line 72
at LFSLapper.LFSClient.init(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pIniFile, String pSuperUsers, Int32 timeOutScript) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:line 479
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pInifile, String pSuperUsers, Int32 timeOutScript) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:line 256
at LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper\LFSLapper\src\LFSInstances\LapperInstance.cs:line 224
Int32 sqlite3_open16(System.String, IntPtr ByRef)
Closing Instance...

What is causing this error/problem?

Thanks, Cody.

hmm my freind had this problem when his pass was wrong... but im not sure u might wanna check that
S2 licensed
this isnt a bug but in ur config editor u have 16 17 and 18 twice for connections
S2 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :is there a way you could add a random number generator Like

$End_Number 100;
privMsgRanNum$Start_Number,$End_Number ) ); # does not have to be in a privMsg

i came up with

public void rannum(GLScript.unionVal val, ArrayList args)
string ident = val.nameFunction;
testArgs(ident, "SS", args);
int min = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
int max = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
Random random = new Random();
val.typVal = GLScript.typVal.str;
val.sval = utils.quote( Convert.ToString( random.Next(min, max) ) );


also could u add an event for
// A player hits an autocross object
private void AXO_PlayerHitsAutocrossObject(Packets.IS_AXO AXO)

S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :i have a lil problem

CASE "!distance":
CASE "!dt":
privmsg( "Current Distance: " . Round(ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") / 1000),1));
privmsg( "Total Distance: " . Round(ToNum( ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM" ) + GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") ) / 1000 ),1));

SetCurrentPlayerVar( "Dist", ToNum( ToNum( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM" ) + GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") ) / 1000 ));
setUserStoredValue( "Dist", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "KM" ) );

It doenst save the driven distance

lol i see ur using my cruise script ... or it looks like my cruise script

but anyways u cant have set current playervar and stored value outside of the case :P
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :Sorry, but being trully pedantic here, you should change items 15 and 16 round.

ah knew i did something wrong...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mikjen :I did go in, after 5pm, sat there for over a hour, and still no connects,

well its upto you, you either want to use it or not,

s2 seems empty demo normally has people we got a full demo server a few hours ago...
S2 licensed
i was thinking why not have something like forza that way (not promoting vob mods) it would A be easier for devs to add cars B user generated cars... only downside... we would need to upload the vobs to LFS world... problem is if the user does not have car in lfs world would it be locked for online use :P
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :as people would think cheese was illegal.

lol at first i thought that said chinese
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :OK, was trying to think of some ideas for you - came up with a few.

Not sure how original they are (they're original for me though), or if they'd even be wanted, but with lapper they should all be achievable.

Delivery Drop against the Clock
Go to track point A, pick up an item, and drop off item at track point B.

Make it so that you have to go faster than speed limit to get from A to B, with risk of being fined for breaking speed limit. Maybe faster you do it, more money you can make, with risk of larger fines if caught speeding way above limit.

Criminal Contraband
Bit like Delivery Drop, except you have to pick up contraband goods, do a minimum number of laps then drop them off. Different goods worth different amounts.

If you're caught breaking law (speeding, etc), then you're busted for carrying contraband. Maybe more than contraband worth.

More the goods are worth, more laps you have to do. More chance of being caught.

You can add extra in that if an other driver fingers you when you're carrying, you get busted and they get reward. However, if they finger someone that's not carrying, they have to transfer part of their cash to the person they falsely accused, and maybe they have to go to jail (pits).

Secret Stash
The Admin(s) "stash" money/goods at various parts (in a zone) of the track.

If driver stops in right place, and correctly identifies what is stashed (maybe various choices given in your help file - make people have to read it!) then they get the stash. But wrong goods, right place, gets them nothing. Right goods, right place gets you the goods, but empties the stash (maybe till all stash's are gone).

However, to make a 'guess' on goods and location, it costs them - bit like buying a lottery ticket. Maybe only small number of guesses per lap.

Of course, Admin(s) would have to add locations and stash in their own Cruise.lpr file - otherwise, these people who could read your script would win big! And you'd have to change goods/location every so often (once a week?).

That's all I could think of!

Delivery Drop against the Clock AKA Jobs im working on

Secret Stash Will add

Criminal Contraband i would add this but it deals with drugs (some people don't like servers that promote this) i was thinking of this except with alcohol
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :My version is 1.3C.

Downloaded again, and Hamburger fixed, but you still have

Sub Cruise_Wel_Close ( $KeyFlags,$id )
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "PitSafe", "1" );
privmsg( "^7PitSafe: ^2Yes" );
[COLOR=blue]Cruise_HUD( $userName );[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Cruise_HUD( $userName );[/COLOR]

Any chance of loading your BL1 layout beside the code on your first post, so I can try it?

Just out of curiosity, but is there a reason for showing the data that would appear in your HUD as a privmsg when the Global Welcome message closes?

eh i hope to get 1.4 out soon so il just put it in that release
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :I did say not to take as negative criticism! It's meant to be constructive; to move things on. I'm an idiot, so I'm the one you need to make it proof against!

I'm seriously impressed with what you've done, and I'd like to see it work.

Help - problem I have is same as everyone else - we're lazy and don't always read as much as we should.

HUD - Is this meant to be on all time?

I changed part of your code to get information to appear in the HUD, but nothing would update, so (obviously) I did something wrong.

Changed from


Should it matter if there's a happy hour for info to appear?

Also, under Sub Cruise_Wel_Close, you have Cruise_HUD( $userName ); twice. Don't know if that makes any difference to anything.

And under GlobalVar $Food; you have most of your food as $Food["Price","..... except Hamburger, which you have as $Food_Price["Hamburger.... is that right? Does it matter?

As an aside, when I was reading the menu part of your script, especially the health, I thought some of these items should have a negative worth! Maybe you should add something like $Food["Health","All day breakfast"] = "-1.00";!!

Do you have a copy of the BL1 layout you use and could share? Maybe things will make more sense to me if I have that loaded.

i fix these bugs go get 1.3C
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from sinanju :Hi

Tried your Cruise add-on, and have few comments to make.

First off, you should make certain assumptions.

People looking for your cruise addon may not know how to use lapper, or even if they have used it, maybe they don't know how or want to know how to change the standard configuration files.

Therefore, maybe you should think about modifying and supplying new addonsused.lpr file, and advising that the original file (where to find it) should be overwritten with your file.

And you need a help/instruction file.

Not long after I started my offline local LFS server and LFS itself, I got few errors regarding the Cruise_Police.txt and Cruise_Tow.txt files not existing. Are new users meant to make their own blank txt files along with Police and Tow folders? If so, where? Should your cruise addon do it for them?

How do you become Police? What about Tow?

Your addon could use some sort of help function specific to the addon. Maybe !cruisehelp or !cruise command that gives some details?

For instance, are users meant to assume because they have the cruise.lpr file in right place and part of the addons, that cruise is now working?

Took me a little while to realise that I needed to type !mode cruise (never mind the other choices available).

Once I did that, I got a short welcome message. This was on for too short a time - either it needs more time, or a close button? Also, it refers to typing !rules. My server doesn't have a !rules page, and !rules isn't part of your addon. Maybe refer this to your !cruisehelp (if you make such a thing), or just refer to the standard !help function.

Once this message disappeared, then got lines telling me what cars, money, health, etc, that I had. This appeared at top of screen, was there for few seconds, then went (same as would happen with any /msg type message. At same time as this text appeared, small dark button appeared on bottom left of my screen. This stayed. I assume that both text and button should have been my HUD?

I note that your cruise.lpr refers to certain sections of some tracks, where I assume certain activities or commands can be carried out. It's not obvious where these locations are. Have you got some track layouts that your server uses for these activities/commands to work? If so, should these be bundled up with your addon? If you did include them, you'd need to give instructions on where to put layouts and how to load them. Lots of people don't know these details.

I drove few laps of Blackwood with cruise addon enabled, but nothing happened anywhere. Having never used the cruise function of LFS, or having been done any LFS cruise, I don't know what I'm supposed to do/not do. An addon or help or instructions should tell me. Don't tell me on the forum! Make it obvious to us cruise noobies with some sort of help.

Looking thru some of your code (majority of which is way above my level!), I see that some CASE commands start with ! (e.g. !Bank) but some don't (e.g. deposit). You should think about not only standardizing this, but think about if someone asks another user a question and likely answers that might involve these words

Will this free text messaging (in this case "deposit") fire off lapper to do something?

Drift Mode - changed from cruise to drift mode, and drift score buttons appeared at bottom left of screen. All scores blank. No matter how much I drifted these didn't change. Worse, I had my own driftmeter.lpr function enabled, so this overlaid your buttons. Was I doing something wrong, or did I have wrong thing/addon enabled?

If you could address these various issues, I'd like to have another look at your cruise addon.

Don't take above as negative criticism!

I'd like to see you get this working - it's the sort of things my sons might be interested in trying.

well as for help if u read my post...

Quote :
  1. !chelp
  2. (hopefully) A lottery and ability to rob The bank
  3. Cop Sys (up to 4 Cops)

i am already working on all of the stuff u said... as for the hud idk why it works on my pc but not others...

as for the Cases with out ! those are a part of another command like the deposit u said... it would be !bank Deposit not Deposit...
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Found a Bug in OnDistDone download 1.3B
S2 licensed
is there a way you could add a random number generator Like

$End_Number 100;
privMsgRanNum$Start_Number,$End_Number ) ); # does not have to be in a privMsg

i came up with

public void rannum(GLScript.unionVal val, ArrayList args)
string ident = val.nameFunction;
testArgs(ident, "SS", args);
int min = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
int max = Convert.ToInt32(args[1]);
Random random = new Random();
val.typVal = GLScript.typVal.str;
val.sval = utils.quote( Convert.ToString( random.Next(min, max) ) );

Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
LFSLapper Cruise Addon (BETA Release 1.3)
S2 licensed
Ok so i finally finished 1.3 i had to change a few things causing errors i hope to have 1.4 right around the corner...

Ver 1.3 Change date 23-1-2010
  • Rebuild from v5.924 to v5.925
  • Added Cop System (single Cop)
  • Remade The Following
    1. Made a better and Cleaner looking Hud
    2. Changed up !menu a small bit to shorten script
  • Organized script a little better
    1. !chelp
    2. (hopefully) A lottery and ability to rob The bank
    3. Cop Sys (up to 4 Cops)
S2 licensed
control panel down again?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :getConfigVar( "distToDo" );

ye tried that a few days ago... didnt work tried it today it works :P
S2 licensed
is there a way to get the var for $distToDo? like GetVar( "distToDo")