|Changes from v5.912 to 5.913 |
Files to replace From the previous version
LFSLapper.lpr ( or remove !top !topqual !near !nearqual entry in the big case)
1. Fix some error on script due to case sensitivity driftdef.lpr, driftmeter.lpr
Thank you very much Tim NL
2. Fix error in Parsing '(' and ')' under certain condition
3. Fix error in optimization in assignation var or array
4. Add a mathematical function round to make a number rounded
round( 12.34,1 ) -> 12.3
round( 12.36,1 ) -> 12.4
5. !top, !near, !topqual, !nearqual are now managed in tops.lpr . You can
modify this file to have your own top display
next stage drf