I personally think the graphics are great as is, with the addition of the high-res packs that the community has produced, plus a healthy dose of AA, it's spot on.
LFS looks so much more real than the competition (competition, yeah right ), everything is dull and dirty like in real life.
Now, if you'll excuse me, i must go and find out why everything outside has suddenly developed this weird.... glow........
Yeak, AFAIK anything plugged in via USB can draw power even after shutting down your pc, unless you hit the switch on the back.
I think this go's for anything plugged into your mobo to be honest, and the mobo itself, as the power supply is obviously supplying power to it even after shut down.
EDIT: And if i'd properly read Shotty's post then i'd have seen he posted pretty much the same. Oh well, it's backs his opinions up huh?
Well, i feel slightly let down by the whole affair. I got in a shed load of sweets ready for the little shites, and two calls is all i got, one from my next door neighbours all dressed up, and one from some other goons.
On the plus side, i have discovered that a combination of a sour raspberry and a sour pineapple starbursts (Opel Fruits for for the old skool) is really quite tasty. All i have left are some Cadburys chocolate eclairs, and some little marshmallow guitars......
I bought a Load cell kit from Niels last year when he was selling them, i've modified my G25 pedals with it now and hung them upside down, it's pretty smart
Compared to other wheels, the G25 has hardly any resistance, you can counter steer slides that you just couldn't with other wheels, it's so free and smooth. I had the DFP before this, it was like trying to steer whislt sumbmerged in a big bucket of thick gooey stuff , in comparison the G25 is like it should be, steering in free air.
I have to admit, before i got one i thought it was all just hype created by the fact it came with a clutch and shifter, but i'd say it's worth the cash for the wheel alone.
****** Obviously this is just a paint.net prat around. But if anyone is at all offended by me defacing Uncle Sam here, then shout at me, and i'll remove it right away. I hope everyone can see the funny side though ******
Why are n00bs (no disrespect meant mr Funke ) attracted to the BF1 so much? Last night whilst practicing with Dan, this guy who started in the grid slot behind me had 3 attempts to take T1 behind/with me, each time just ploughed on straight into the back of me. THREE times, in a row, how did he not learn to not do that after the first two times??
Your argument is that it took the devs extra time to put the passengers in the sim, and that time could have been used elsewhere.
Fair enough, but now the passengers are there, you want them to spend more time getting rid of them
Well, that code it basically an exact copy of a working example from the net, just with file names changed, and the data to be retrieved changed.
So, i dont know, this is why i need help