I'm going to try my hardest to get there, i'm going out for a short while you see, so sign me up plz. I'll see if there's a spot for me when i turn up...
I feel let down after watching the video in the OP, i followed the link thinking i'd be watching a big crash (The big one), and wasted 5 minutes watching some cars bump into eachother and slide along the track
I'm with Sky BB myself, and tbh, i can't wait to get back onto Virgin Media. I'm sure with the Sky service being ADSL, it isn't the same for everyone, but my connection just isn't all that great. I get random downtime's, very slow speeds, and it seems to hate LFS
When i was with VM, i had zero problems, The only reason i changed is because i was struggling with cash at the time and decided to take the £5 pm option with sky to save me a bit.
So anyway, to jump to VM's defence, they are very chuffing far from shit, they are perhaps the best we have in England, the only thing that lets them down is the customer support, but again, that's very rarely needed.
Downloaded and played through the Demo last night, it's ok i guess, but there wasn't any new wow factor for me though. It just seems like any other shooter, but with different characters and story
There is a "Speaker Fill" option in my sound drivers, which takes the 2 channel audio from anything and outputs it through all of the speakers. Not exactly surround, but it's better than just the 2 speakers.
So have a look at your settings, you may too have this option.
I suppose he has limited usage, which gets reset after tonight, so why not get it used up tonight on large things he may not usually download, then have a full allocation tomorrow...