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S3 licensed
Quote from glyphon :oh, i forgot to mention, if you are using premium pubstats, you can remove the sleep(5) line, if you haven't already.

Yeah i had done actually, it was taking forever to load the page for 9 members

Quote from glyphon :and your function already supports what you want.

//TeamPlayerOnline("Display Name", "LFS Player Name")

Would you believe it eh? The things you can do by mistake

Thanks for all your help fella, much appreciated
S3 licensed
Yeah thats excellent, good job boys, and good luck
S3 licensed
Quote from glyphon :to use the premium pubstats, you have to specify that. if you don't, it defaults to the free setting


Excellent! that (plus your other changes) got it working Thankyou very much.

One other thing i would like to know, is there a way that i could display a member name in any way i like, but have it retrieve the status of a specific username?

ie, Tims LFS username name is 'Astroboy', but on the site i'd like it to say 'Eagle'
S3 licensed
Ok thanks a lot for your help, i will try that later after work.
However i am actually using the premium pubstats so could there be another reason that part wasn't working correctly?.
S3 licensed
Hi, i've been trying to use your SDK to display my team members online status & what server they're on. Now i'm not exactly very familiar with PHP, i can look at it and try to pick out bits of code that do certian things, so i got a little help from a friend that knows a little more than me, but now we're both stuck

So, this is what i have so far;


// Function for converting name to Green if online
function TeamPlayerOnline ($varDisplayName$varPlayerName)
$varRacerInfo $SDK2->get_pst($varPlayerName);
$varPlayerServer $varRacerInfo['hostname'];

    switch (
$varRacerInfo['online']) {
"<span title='" $varPlayerServer "'><strong><font color='#009900'>" $varDisplayName 
"<span title='" $varPlayerServer "'><strong><font color='#009900'>" $varDisplayName 
"<span title='" $varPlayerServer "'><strong><font color='#009900'>" $varDisplayName 


And to use this on the web i use the following;


The problem with this is, that it displays both me and audimasta on the same line (I have tried numerous linebreak codes but i keep getting parse errors), and also it only works for one online member at a time. ie, if i'm online my name go's green, but if audimasta comes online while i am still online, his name doesn't go green.

There's a fair chance i have done nothing right here, but i tried my hardest to do it without asking for help, i've been trying for weeks . So could some kind soul please point me in the right direction please.

Adaptive Racing Strengthens Once More
S3 licensed
We are very pleased to announce our third and fourth signings this year.

Please welcome [GR]Evolution & [UKR] Race King to the team!

We are very happy that we have signed these two. They are fast, friendly and clean racers, and they will fit right in with the rest of us.
They will also help us succeed in bigger leagues like IGTC & MoE.

So welcome to the team guys, we look forward to racing with you
S3 licensed
LOL at Moose.... LOVING your new avatar
S3 licensed
Yeah, i hear bad things about Maxtors, but i have an old 120gb Maxtor, i think it's around 6 years old, still going strong.
S3 licensed
Well honestly i don't have any proof to hand to that effect no. But i do have 2 Maxtor drive's in my machine that are Seagtes, they are in a rack next to a branded Seagate drive and they are identical, i believe they are even detected as Seagates. It also says manufactured by Seagate on them, i know that doesn't mean anything though.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :
IMO Seagate make the best HDD's, followed by WD, Hitatchi seem to be a bit generic, and Maxtor are bottom of the heap.

I presume that excludes the Maxtor's that are made by Seagate?
S3 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :If these idiot record companies had got with the times ten years ago when the first mp3 players came out and got into online sales of their music, long before Jobs had a brainwave & cornered the market with iTunes this wouldn't be an issue. If, right now, they stopped chasing uni students who share mp3s and put some serious time & effort into making their entire catalogues available for purchase online (DRM & restriction-free) they'd make so much cash they wouldn't need to be chasing kids around.

Radiohead may have been laughed at by some people for saying "pay what you want to download our new record", but they made more money doing that than they did combining all the online sales figures of all their previous records. What that says to me is (a) EMI are greedy arseholes and (b) people are basically honest and are happy to pay for the things they want. Treat them like criminals and they'll continue to act that way, say "screw you" and rip whatever they want, using WMP, iTunes and every other legally-obtained software program out there.

100% agree, good post
S3 licensed
Dear oh dear....
S3 licensed
Congrats guys!
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :where his antipodean timezone will be a bonus

Antipodean.... Now that HAS to be word of the day

Quote from DaveWS :Who we have just persuaded to join clownpaint.

Ouch, sorry, couldn't resist. Joking. Good luck for the future with Adaptive, Astroboy.

Borderline, but lmao
S3 licensed
I HATE big bro with a passion, but i found Hi-Jack hilarious!

I was rofling
S3 licensed
Yep, that'd be the one.

Sorry, Plz close
Don't lie on forums
S3 licensed
Well, i don't know if anyone has seen this thread, i had a quick search, anyways.
Have a look at THIS thread over at NSXPrime, biggest ownage ever
S3 licensed
I love proper Hip-Hop music, NY Hip-Hop, stuff like that it's ace.
/Nips off to find a Grandmaster Flash CD

I cannot stand Hip-Pop though, like Dre, 50 Pence, Eminem etc
S3 licensed
God damn it! it's 02:15 and there's people letting off fireworks!!!

Good job i'm waiting for a takeaway really...
S3 licensed
Quote from Rish :Fireworks are VERY dangerous, i've learnt not to go near them when i've had a drink because all of a sudden it becomes a good idea to try to fire one from your arse not exactly an idea i'm proud of! Anyway to cut a long story short i nearly lost a cheek or 2. Now i wont go near them if i've had a drink!

That moment, forever preserved in dodgy mobile phone camera footage, right .. in my phone (thanks but no thanks - Nuse)

EDIT: BOOOOOO!! Nuse is boring

Last edited by GFresh, .
S3 licensed
I have a baby corn snake. Have had tarantulas, bearded dragons and rabbits in the past too.

I could never find a suitable name for my snake, i've had it for a year or so now, i've started calling him 'Snake Face' recently

This is 'Furious George', my Chilie Rose tarantula, he died of a bad mault due to old age a couple of months ago.

And this is Tyler, Unfortunately he had to be put down at only one year old, due to an inner ear infection that wasn't responding to treatment.

I can't find any pictures of Snake Face though
S3 licensed
I'm an Electrician.
I've been in the job since i left school in 1998.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Teh Xrt?

Wondering the same, tell TELL!

You should know, it's posted on our forums, i got it 3 or so weeks back, but it was an xmas prezzy for me and the missus.

Quote from niall09 :oooh, a car What one?

Don't get too excited, it's a sensible, 3 yr old Seat Leon with very low mileage, and with all the bells and whistles on it
S3 licensed
Well, i got quite a few bits and bobs. CD's, DVD's, A fair chunk of cash, Ipod, Car, The mandatory pack of socks from the parents....

Now, i'm spending some of the money on the house, but i have £150 to squander as i see fit, any suggestions?
S3 licensed
Quote from Rish :Well i've just ordered my Christmas presents off tinternet, 1x 23inch Samsung lcd (for the kitchen) and 1x Samsung washing machine(also for the kitchen)!

Ahhh the joys of owning your own home. i'm kinda disappointed this year, i didn't get any socks!!!

Hmm, thats weird, i'd have put the washing machine in the box room....