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Crop are not Killed or Broken, they are lie down with MicroOnde this is not Fiction but a FACT.

Old Crop will blow a little into the bottom and young crop will simply come a little bigger at the bottom, cause the water inside has been heated.

Into most crop circle studied by the GB government, revealed 100% PURE Iron , No company can claim be able to make 100% pure iron.

So ok i trust this version, 2 guys made it with Rope and Wood and they did bring a MicroOnde , Wear protection again the microOnde and off course then bring some pure iron with them to drop inside the crop.

Ho i forget, Some bio analysis have working on some crop circle formation and the Crop lie down has 1 more enzyme inside that was not there before, so thoses 2 guy probably created a machine to make this.

So all this done into 4 hours by X men! The first crop Circle i showed you was made into the exact same location as answer we receive into 2001 to a message we had send into 1974.

As you can see there is much Human installation very near! and weirdly they Camera surveillance was not working during 3 Moment a crop circle appear there.

And here is the last one to appear into the same field

This is to be the device they use to send message, Look the answer to the 1974 message , they draw the exact same design.

Original message of 1974 send my Human with Arecibo Antenna

Parsimony, Occam's razor

All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.
S2 licensed
haha! CTRA! the texture is the exact same as this one:
S2 licensed
I really don't know if this is because your infected by some kind of thing.

But here is a tool , that show you rootkit , if you got one, i sujest you FORMAT right away. It possible to remove only if you already got the knowlege too.

Rootkit are very powerfull tool on a win32 computer, they hide thing from the windows API...

As example i told my rootKit to hide the word "Greenseed" you will no more see this text ABSOLUTE NOT ... Microsoft will soon gave a Service that cost much to be a member of they Anti RootKit Service... for me i think this should be free!

Rootkit are the most dangerous threat, since they can HIDE anything, PORT, PROCESS, HDD FREE SPACE, BANDWITH USAGE ...

Into another kind of idea! you maybe suffer from Interference , this is very possible and not rare thing with cheap Speaker system Amplifier.
Crop Circle Real or Fiction?
S2 licensed
Hello again

Since some week im fascinating by some geometric formation that appear into our field, this is about 300 each year since couple of year already.

Search from Google Images " Crop Circle" you will see many many.

I found one very interesting.

below, the Circle is in fact some kind of CR-ROM with Binary data into it.
Into big line the message say this:

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES.Much PAIN but still time.BELIEVE.There is GOOD out there.We oPpose DECEPTION.COnduit CLOSING\

I've working on in for a while with PHP, here is the code and the Binary data extracted from the CR-Rom.

Inside they exist DEMI Bits , this is represented by a "S" into the PHP stream. And they have weird Bit word inside.

Some are 9 bit long and 1 is 11 Bits long..

$inputData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

$inputDatas = split("S",$inputData);

$inputDatas[0] = substr($inputDatas[0],2);

$unk1 = substr($inputDatas[88],0,4);
$inputDatas[88] = substr($inputDatas[88],4);

echo count($inputDatas)."\r\n";

$sentence = "";
foreach($inputDatas as $key => $value)
if($key == 151) //Remove last
/*if($key == 88) //has 4 byte more
echo "Weird 4 Bit".chr( bindec(substr($inputDatas[88],-4)))."\r\n";*/

$newChar = chr( bindec($value) /*>> strlen($value)-8*/);
echo $key."->".$value ." == ".$newChar."\r\n";
$sentence .= $newChar;
echo "\r\n";
echo $sentence;
echo "\r\n";
echo "UnknowValue:\r\n";

echo chr(bindec("010101"))."\r\n";


And here is the Dictionary Definition for Each Capital letter Word.
I putted the most usual Definition and Chooses(->) one for Fun...

incorrect: not conforming to facts or truth
->artificial: imitating, copying, or having the same function as a particular thing and replacing or used alongside it

no longer whole: in two or more
(break)separate something into pieces
->lacking order or harmony

an assurance that something will be done or not done
->an indication that somebody or something will turn out well or successfully

1. unpleasant physical sensation
3. emotional distress
->somebody or something troublesome

to accept that something is true or real
->to pretend

a high quality or standard, either on an absolute scale or in relation to another or others
->having undergone no deterioration or damage

practice of misleading somebody: the practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are not true
->an act, trick, or device intended to deceive or mislead somebody

chemical elements cobalt, used for: radiation treatment of foods for sterilization (cold pasteurization), Industrial uses for radioactive isotopes.
Comment: Arsenic Made, Isotope 60 is highly radioactive, the one used for food treatment.

forming or connected with the final part of an activity or period of time
->transfer of property ownership: a meeting among principals in a real estate transaction, during which legal papers related to the sale and purchase are signed and financial arrangements are made final and binding

For me i will say the Crop Circle it self is a FACT.

This is only my opinion! and thinking this is all FALSE is really good too! the real point is at least you checked it so too late you already corrupted haha im kidding.
S2 licensed
The probleme im trying to show you is the Language Reference we all use to learn, is Changing without notice.

Example I told my self im "Stupid"(Sure you love this one )... but what you don't know is now that word mean "Very Smart Persone". So how you know what im talking about if i change the global meaning reference we use to learn?

If we make a Orange Banane, my grocery store call it a "Orange Banana" so why he don't call the Tomato merged with a ButterFly a "Tomato Butterfly" that way we know what we talking about.

this is a very simple question and off course stupid, since the action needed to be able to ask this question is totaly non sence and stupid i agree
S2 licensed
Wondering what you really eat?
S2 licensed
I'm asking my self a very simple question.

When i was very very very young my mom use to learn me thing.

She learned me what is a Tomato, is smell, taste, form, texture, where she come from, and why she changing color.

She tell me too, how this can be good for me when eat.

Into my country they agree as my mom that the tomato is like she told me.

Later into my life i saw a different tomato the form, texture, taste was not same, my mom told me this is a Italian tomato, same as the other case , my country agree as my mom this is a Italian tomato.

So last day i go to the market to buy a tomato , i found many Wrong thing, from what my mom learned me and from what my country agree on.

I saw tomato named "Tomato" as the original tomato my mom learned me to love and enjoy when i eat, but it was not a Tomato it was a in real fact a "Butterfly Tomato" or a "Bacillus thuringiensis Tomato" made by a company called : Calgene, who claim to be the owner of the "Tomato" hein??? what the?

A little more far i saw other tomato never see before this name but she where looking like the usual tomato and called "Bio Tomato" , what is that?

I'm screw i don't understand the logic into this?

why gave name to thing A, if we gave that same name to new thing B and then changing the name of the old thing A, this is really hard to follow up and have absolute non sense.

Here is a what i think a complete list of USA modified food approved.

I have nothing again that food it self, but please gave me back my Tomato and call your tomato anything else except like the first one.

Question for people who know better then me the subject. A Virus should not trigger our internal defense? so those virus merged with veg, should not do the same?

If yes mean i consume more energy then before?
Last edited by Greenseed, .
LFSW Race Detail Stats From PubStats
S2 licensed
I was wondering if is possible to get this race Detail i show on the picture into a PubStats Query?

If the answer is "no" as i suspect! can be possible to request this feature?

i ask that because im planing a Ranking system and i will prefer from far to use the LFSW Database before any Local Server DB and in a way... if i can get hand on this Data no more use to have a Local Database saving each Lap.

S2 licensed
Fastes solution i can think of now is:

((Worst Lap + QualifyTime)-GTHTime) < 0 == Qualify End
S2 licensed
To make think simple, i tested my self under linux

here is my configuration:
CentOs , Mono 1.9.1.i586

Started from the command line: "mono Drive_LFSS.exe" was 100% As expected! everything i tested where working as they should be with rev111

I don't think is a good idea to run this configuration:
i didn't not test it
S2 licensed
I just tested the DLFSS on the same computer as the LFS server, something i never done before, since im not developing it on the same computer LFS server is running on.

I found some probleme into the Connection procedure when running like this.
UDP was never able to Bind correctely.

When IRC was disable got a crash into sending a chat message.

So both are now fixed into r109 ... But still the Ticket #3 , was not able to reproduce the problem only way i reproduce it, is with modifying the core.

So really hope problem is solved! hurry to ear your comment bunder9999.

Bye bye have a good day.
S2 licensed
I created the ticket #3

I've made a work around into r107.

I can get into that crash if i do this: set ExclusiveAddressUse and then Dispose the Object and Do it Again... The same error will occur, cause the Object is not yet Collected by the Garbage Collector.

But this is not your case, since you got this at the Start.

This was reported as a Bug under MONO and Security Purpose under Windows.

So at that point making a patch that will Garbage Collect, im completely again. So i simply Commented this line, since this is not very important for us after all.

Let me know if better!

bunder9999 , to answer to your PM, if you already know SVN , just do what patch you feel for! i will look at and maybe add it to the project!

And the SVN is really open to get more dev into is List

Any help you need on what is already done, just ask will be a pleasure to answer! Im trying to keep most of the needed information into the Trac Wiki
Drifter Needed To Test InSim Addons.
S2 licensed
Hello Racer and Drifter!

I just incorporated a drift style analysis into Drive_LFSS.

That gave Score depending this:

Drift Start SpeedKhm
Angle Motion Direction To Trajectory(To Detect a Sucess 360 or a Simple Drift)
Drift Continue Angle Direction(Detect Counter Orientation to Correct is Drift)

From your speed Start, if you slow down from this speed your score got Lower and the starting speed is the main scoreSpeed value(prevent abuse on very low to very fast drift.)

Each counter Action on a Angle will Lower your Score, Too Much Counter Angle will Cancel The drift for bad style use or lost control.

More you get Angle Diff with Trajectory , More your score will be high and off course more time more score, ho! This is not a absolute angle check, so a 360 into a drift will be scored correctly and not detected as a lost control.

Bug: Let say a curve ahead 90 right and after 90 left, the first drift has a very high chance to be detected as a bad style. This is caused because the system don't know the track will do a left turn so your left drift will maybe become the bad style.

I already planned a track data reconstruction into mysql, but this is not the time to do it.

I need help from 1 or 2 drifter, that will test the system for some minute or hours and tell me good and bad.

The goal is too make the system gave more point on what a human call a Nice drift and low score on what a human call Bad drift.

I make some test my self! and found that good so far!
95% of my drift are detected as bad style! and i think is completely right!
I can't my self test this system right

If you interested to help me doing this! just post a reply here or send me personal message!

If you wan to take a look at the code feel free to do so here: ... runk/src/game/car.cs#L169

Bye bye!
S2 licensed
i get the point! that ouf!

This must be event more flexible that i first thougth.

if you can create a Ticket for this as a "Sugestion" i will be thx full!
Do it here

If you do , as soon i complete the Drift Style system. I put me self into the creating of this Scoring/Pointage system.

So at that point is up to you!

For command you will love to have, please create a separated "Ticket Sugestion" for each command you will love!

About displaying of thoses stats, let talk about that after the first version of this system is complete.
S2 licensed
Did you try google "php mail" , they will send you on the PHP manuel for this.

On Unix system require your OS configuration for "sendmail" and on windows from php.ini you need to configure some parameters.

So you don't need a SMTP server your self! but you need to connect to a SMTP server to be able to send a e-Mail. This is what you are missing!

The manuel of PHP got most answer on question you will have! take a good look!
S2 licensed
Hello! i think about that idea since a while! still not yet made it!

Since i wan to know more about what kind of score ppl love.

if you can elaborate more your idea from a point of view, that you scoring system will be made up from a database Config or a simple config file!

Both are available to the Drive_LFSS project.

I see something like this!

ScoreType == RaceResult1/RaceResult2/DriftTick/TopSpeedRace/TpSpeedWR/ And so on!

So from Database Storage we can enter:

RaceResult1 == 100
RaceResult2 == 90
DriftTick = 13
TopSpeed = 1

My idea is very not Good, im just trying to expose that i will very do love coding a very flexible system for Score and Pointage, and lot more flexible that the example i've just made! Can be multiple Scoring system, since Drift and Race are very not same! and probaly will not be used into same time.

really hope you get my point! with my soso english

here is a post i've made for that project Sugestion and Support!

P.S. im at the moment creating the DriftStyle Detection system... is longer then expected... Since i really think i will have to extract some more track information to make it the way i see! ....

have good day!
S2 licensed
As other told you, if you have nothing to do when waiting to display the other button Sleep(n) should do the job right.

Into Drive_LFSS , they exist a code to display timed button from a stack of buttons, using a SendUpdateButton() function from a timer value.
The code is maybe a little big from what you need, since is a very flexible code.

But can gave a look into a seconde here ... k/src/game/button.cs#L114
I send you direct on line 114, who is the line that control the timer of each button for update.

Quote :
// NOTE : If width or height are zero, this would normally be an invalid button. But in that case if
// there is an existing button with the same ClickID, all the packet contents are ignored except the
// Text field. This can be useful for updating the text in a button without knowing its position.

This is very usefull to update a button without having it to flicker during the change of content![/quote]

This is just a possibility into the infinite world of possibility!

Hope can gave clue have good day!
Drive LFS Server
S2 licensed
== Welcome to DLFSS Project==

  • Drive_LFSS
  • CodeName: "Unknow"
This is now a Close source project, mean this is no more public release.
The reason is simple, i don't have motivation to keep this work public.

FeatureRessourceI will love to thx everyone who gave some interest into that project.
Last edited by Greenseed, . Reason : OpenSource to ClosePrivateSource
S2 licensed
Thx! for you encouragement! hihi!

Yes! i found too, that the project is now into a upper level of usage! i can't event go now without some Event, like the Vote system or the simple Track Prefix.

Im planning Statistique output, from InGame and HTML/CSS, im still evoluating my idea of how i present this, and what i presente!

And for other feature, seriously, i think i have a big miss! i mean i don't think about good idea!

So it maybe time for me to release a revision into unofficial addons, so i can get User review and user Sugestion... this is pure gold at this point.

Why i did not make that, is i don't wan to explain how to install MySQL and is still too Soon to build the SQLIte DB, i can but will be loose of time!

So im separated, i need thoses user review and sugestion, but...

Maybe you will find thoses word, that will motivate me!
S2 licensed
Victor, im not sure i fully understand the probleme, since i miss many knowlege, of how all this work! im just starting!(pubstats) just throw out a idea if(Value & 0x80000000) value >>= 1; So you convert from 4Bytes uint to 4Bytes Int. Into another word i can tell something happen here: 0x7FFFFFFF to 0x80000000 , with some php function.
S2 licensed
i maked some test into PHP, since php is made to facilitate the task of the dev, much of the conversion are background and invisible to us! the documentation is a little vasiant around thoses point!

What i noted from my test, is Depend on the function or operation you do! but number higher then a normal 32Bits INT, will be converted differente way, depend the function call!

And a 64Bits number converting it to INT, can be ok, but you loose 20bits at the end!

here is the test i made! not so big! since! it not my question but yours!
this is on win32 computer!

$a32BitsRL = str_replace(" ", "", "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111");
$a64BitsRL = str_replace(" ", "", "11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111");

echo "32bits\r\n";
echo "bindec, return 'uint and after wize convert to int' from:11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 == ". bindec($a32BitsRL) ." == ".(bindec($a32BitsRL) & 0xFFFFFFFF)."\r\n";
echo "intval, return 'int' but only first byte to 1 from: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 == ". intval($a32BitsRL) ." == ".(intval($a32BitsRL) & 0xFFFFFFFF)."\r\n";

echo "\r\n64Bits\r\n";
//as calc for windows return big int, but thoses bit are missing:
echo bindec($a64BitsRL)."\r\n";
// 64Bit Maximun Integrer == 9223372036854775807
// PHPWin32: 18446744073710000000 //Calc Win32: 18446744073709551615
echo "intval, Take 64Bit and Put Down to 32Bits and (int)".intval($a64BitsRL,10)."\r\n";


S2 licensed
I think your right, i will refer this question on c++ pointer, i know more them!

let say i play with a "Integer" address of a pointer on a 32 Bit computer, my real address will be contain into 32 bit from right to left!

If i play with the same code on a 64bit machine, my Real address will contain 64bit from right to left so at the point is the same address, if they where last 32Bit and not first, depend compiler and machine at that point.

i know some platform design will align bit reverse from we read!

on the other hand, "always 32 bit, machine byte order", will have compiler Conversion! so they always keep the right value aligned as you think will be from compiler setting.

I'm not a expert too! so i just reinforce what you think was right! i think same as you!
S2 licensed
i will add thoses option to the_angry_angel solution, since you seem to say your restore was very long.

mysqldump -u root -p yourforum > backup.sql

if you add: --net_buffer_length=200 , the Dump will try to group Insert Value together until a Max Line length Reached or the 200 limit.

What it does?

I have my self a 1.2Gig MySQL backup each day... if i don't put this, restoring will take some hours, if i put this Restoring will take some minute!

So this is to speed up thing when restoring.

If you do your backup on a Distant computer i will say add: "-C" to compress data on your transport media, 22meg will become about 1 meg.

MyPHPAdmin is able to restore big backup, but in fact is the Session PHP who is limiting, from your php.ini Config, there is a maximun time and a maximun memory limit a PHP script can use, But i will say using mysql.exe and mysqldump.exe is the best solution out there i know.

For vBulleting.. i can't help! im a InnoForum User, who has the Update Tool working all good
S2 licensed
i don't know about your bug... and i surely don't know the allready done object Timer of visual basic...

i'm new into the microsoft codding way, and i will say i better prefer, coding a Log system my self as example then using the one that is already made into .net and who i can't take a real look at.(really hope my english don't sound too bad)

Don't know how many time you passed searching why this is not working like you think he will , but writing a timer your self should be pretty simple and probably will be faster solution the key is having a loop with a Miliseconde diff know between each loop, i will say take 3-4 line of code doing this. with .net thread are so easy to maintain, so you can create you loop timer into a new thread.

Im not telling you is the right way... im just telling it one of the way.

by the way i will say take a look at Drive_LFSS project, the whole project is made under update(diff) world, mean where ever you are into the code, you know exactely how many time passed since last time you where there.

I will say take a look at :drive_lfss.cs file under "while (MainRun)", follow the line->SessionList.update(diff); , this function call will be protagate to all sub object with virtual/new function, so the "diff" is everywhere.

really hope i did not gave you too much information! im ofent talking too much and also hope that at least gave you some new idea that will solve you probleme!
S2 licensed
Dygear, just a question for you, and please don't take this as a attack but observation and curiosity.

The original author of this post and all ppl trying to help the original author really deserve to be treated sarcastically like you do?

I mean if you think what you say, why just don't pass over? since your far from helping but in fact destroying someone "Self Aware", you can't say no to this, anyone Wave to Anyone into the manner he chooses.

Im just curious and trying to get use to some ppl talking onto this forum... i mean we really need to walk on fresh egg sometime, to be sure no one will treat us as we are poor stupid guys.

This is bad idea, since we all have something together as brother we love LFS.

And this is for the original author... I'm not really sure what you really need, but as Dygear say, a server can't receive or send network Packet if is offline, so maybe you think in a solution where you have a Group of server let say 5 server.

When on one server a player enter "!status" they gave status of the Group of server.
This is already Done into Drive_LFSS project , i remember "Forcemagic" doing a command for this, and Drive_LFSS project is made to maintain a Group of server and not just one server, project is still into development, but i think you can already use it, for this without any big modification, and if Mod are needed, i will be please to add Feature Requested by you, if possible! and if you let me time to make it off course

On this which good day!

P.S. Dygear, remember was not personal, since i'm here i wanted to ask this question to ppl waving like you, and seem she fall on you!