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S2 licensed
just wanted to add , that Drive_LFSS use a differente system to communicate message to player.

My goal was to keep the Chat clean! chat is for chat that it, other goal was keep the Driver EYE allways clean , so i maked 2 Timed Button.

one is upper the default LFS Split Message and the other is just bellow.

AddMessageMiddle("Hey Dude you do a great race", 4500)
AddMessageMiddle("Great Split Mister X", 4500)
AddMessageTop("Thw world record for this track is nnnnn", 4500)

So you add as many message you wan, they all displayed into the entered order and stay displayed for the Time you asked for.

So become pretty easy to add a custom message under yellow flag or blue or what ever you wan! I use much that system, and has access from the Script file , so more easy for you to customize.

go try Server "Aleajecta Demo" you don't have to drive, but just connect and click on button, try !help and access command , join a race just to see Middle and Top Timed button into action!

To send to 1 specific driver or to all is not a problem, since all driver is a Object with Self Managed Button code.
S2 licensed
Lapper4 , is not into that post and is one of the most researched insim addons.

If this thread is not maintained , why moderator don't UNPIN it, so a new comer don't think this is official list, and become lost since they don't found lapper.

I use lapper as example here, since i had my self this problem when i first come here searching for the lapper program.
S2 licensed
i just completed something that i think will be Brute RockAndRoll for some people here

here is the Real Racing Flag! done from the original button support insim offer us! taked about 1:30 hours to complete , was long but i think valuable! for the good looking of a race experience!

S2 licensed
Drive_LFSS project , is soon about to manage all Race flag depend on config.

At that point my biggest probleme is understand correctely the need of people! since personaly i don't need thoses , so i don't know exactely how to code what people need!

I have prepared my Graphic interface for it, here is how it look hope your need are cover with this.

S2 licensed
i do not know LFSRelax , I know a very little about lapper so i can't tell you!

My first inspiration was CTRA server , when i found that was not available to public i started Drive_LFSS project.

For the moment i will say only my idea are added to the project, since there is no one until now that was interested into the project! this is slowly changing, so in the futur it should have other people idea too.

The style of the core is not like other style i saw in most project i looked at here, this is more oriented object then procedural/event on each incoming packet, it maybe more job to start the project, but when project become big and idea flow , become more easy to add more idea!

As example, your first idea , needed about 30 minute of my time to complete and Test it , my idea + yours take little more time! will say about 2 hours.

P.S. more i read your idea, more i think you already have this inside Drive_LFSS , there so many way of showing timing and diff calculation , hard to tell wich one is!

intp the user !config system , at the moment you have thoses option

WR / SPLIT/ PB / MAX SPEED / DRIFTSTYLE / ACCELERATION fron NNN to NNN , this is the current config option. PB/SPLIT and WR is the display of diff on each from your PB and the WR and it display WR and PB when entering, WR is not optional! since i wanted to gave advert to thoses driver! they deserve it!

!rank , gave you a lot of information on player, BEST/AVERAGE/Stability/WIN

you have a search option, so you can compare who you wan, with car/track you wan.

Rank Best if 5000 == WR Time
Average is compared to ALL time ALL Driver has done on ALL server, this is about 3.2 million of races or laps, i don't remember.
Stability is compared to our driving style, best and average , this can tell if a driver got a lucky Best as example, or if this is dangerous driver to drive with.
All thoses rank as a BAD lap filter, mean i will bypass a bad lap , a bad lap is detectec from some condition that i won't tell

and the Win Rank, this is secret formula made from ELO system , it score a Driver from a winning race and do many many check to know how this races should be evaluated for the specific driver, depend on other driver and the race pace, ho! and this slove probleme if driver do same race , but not with same car! it don't matter scoring will be good.

the Rank system as a virtual limit of about 20000 , mean if a driver goes higher then this, as it possible he is a GOD ... ho yeah! the maximun i saw was 18743.

The ranking system i've made solve the probleme: if your new you have low score! this is not a time based scoring system, but a actual skill rank system!

i add soon a independent SCORING system, not a ranking system, that will be working only for special races EVENT, like original Formula ONE racing calandar. Will be time based, i mean like 1 race by month , this will be config discrection! but this is not for repeating races that system we already have.

I talk too much?
S2 licensed
Mille Sabords , next time create 1 Ticket by suggestion you have! don't be shy! there is no restriction or humiliation! if you do wrong!

And that way , im more able to refuse or accept only 1 At time

and did you check already done ticket? cause into thoses one i already accepted this:

And too answer your question inside the ticket, lapper and drive_lfss , are both insim addons, but they are not done same way! and i will say each way is very far from each other! i suppose both has they advantage and disavantage!
Last edited by Greenseed, .
S2 licensed
Thanks you much OBP 55 , since your the first to notice my work really appreciate! and i would say! needed at this point

Yisc[NL] , the trunk has becoming close source, during testing and implementing , Chat Moderator , since i wan to keep some external secret formula, this is needed during the time i move this code out.

Source code from Completed Milestone are always available from the "Browse Source" button.
S2 licensed
I think you can forget about the creation of a new ticket, since i got another idea that i think covert your entire idea + some RockAndRoll.

here is the new ticket for my idea + our idea

Brute RockAndRoll
S2 licensed
i love the idea , if you take time to make a new ticket as a suggestion here:

Explain your idea, and sky is the limit

I will surely add those feature very soon if you add your ticket! since i have almost nothing to do until 0.4 , so this can be great optimization for 0.3.

You can maybe first try one of the Aleajecta server, to take a look at the already done: Scoring Result system, Ranking system, PB/Split/WR Gap.

drive_lfss as a build in GUI system, so adding more GUI/Button interface is a question of minute into MySQL , only thing i have to do for your idea is some arithmetic operation .
S2 licensed
i completed the gui as expected...

S2 licensed
i added about 150 000 ranked player to the DB the only think missing, if you have not played on aleajecta is Position calculation vs everyone .

I JUST added this "Forcemagic" and i remember seing your name pass into the log, mean you did play on Aleajecta, so you will see a position again all other.

I output too some Detail ... so you can see what needed to correct to have a better rank, i will let this flooding output run for couple week , so we have better idea of the rank result vs real

I am creating the GUI and search feature tomorrow!

ho i created the Top10 cached for each car/track, for moment can only be access from console (top10,rank) when the GUI is done, ingame driver will have access too.

on this happy to see you around bye bye!
S2 licensed
ho! wow! you did a very great implementation of ELO into the grid system bravo! i was about to make it like that! but after reflection.

ELO is normaly a 1 vs 1 , so i based my system on 4 data all becoming 1 Vs BEST after a lot of Filter and a Lot of pain

Have a question for you about you implementation:
what is the time interval she was based, i mean most ELO implementation are recalculated from a time interval , mine is 1 year.

I need recompute , since i use some global value for constant , so i recompute at all 7days, take about 12 hours(PentiumD960).

i will love to try your ELO(race grid) formula if you wanna share.

Me i won't share public... since i prefer keep some formula hidden from driver just a cool faq should be enought
Global Ranking System, With ELO(Race) formula
S2 licensed
I just wanted to know what you racer think of this Ranking system...

This is not like a scoring system, diff is:

Scoring system goes allways > then last score , so more you race more you get a high score, what ever your good or not.

Ranking system recompute it self from the new standard fixed by all driver and by the current ranked player, so more your good , more your ranked , more your bad less your ranked, this is again Your Self and Global from ALL server into the last year.

I show you here the result of some ranked player... so you can tell me if you think i gave too much for a rank or too less, kind(fastest,average,stability,win).

P.S. this is total rank for each Car/Track by player.

Quote :
Track: BL1, Car: BF1
BestEver: 53540
Average: 60288.2050
(-BS-) GodFather RaceCount: 5
(-BS-) GodFather Best | Score : 74010 | 1176
(-BS-) GodFather Average | Score: 74890.0000 | 3368
(-BS-) GodFather Stability Score: 4883
(-BS-) GodFather Win | Score: 11.62144 | 11
(-BS-) GodFather Global Ranking Score: 10699
Track: FE2, Car: FBM
BestEver: 64600
Average: 71110.0794
(-Mark-) RaceCount: 3
(-Mark-) Best | Score : 71480 | 3934
(-Mark-) Average | Score: 72943.3333 | 4754
(-Mark-) Stability Score: 4803
(-Mark-) Win | Score: 7.31072 | 7
(-Mark-) Global Ranking Score: 16415
Track: KY1, Car: UF1
BestEver: 66810
Average: 69322.3393
(-Mark-) RaceCount: 4
(-Mark-) Best | Score : 67410 | 4910
(-Mark-) Average | Score: 67775.0000 | 5233
(-Mark-) Stability Score: 4946
(-Mark-) Win | Score: 0 | 0
(-Mark-) Global Ranking Score: 18590
Track: KY1, Car: FO8
BestEver: 36750
Average: 37383.1632
(-Mark-) RaceCount: 15
(-Mark-) Best | Score : 36830 | 4978
(-Mark-) Average | Score: 37274.6667 | 5029
(-Mark-) Stability Score: 4882
(-Mark-) Win | Score: 39.11156125 | 39
(-Mark-) Global Ranking Score: 18422
Track: KY2R, Car: FBM
BestEver: 105930
Average: 110452.6805
(-Mark-) RaceCount: 3
(-Mark-) Best | Score : 110550 | 4563
(-Mark-) Average | Score: 110826.6667 | 4966
(-Mark-) Stability Score: 4975
(-Mark-) Win | Score: 6.15440125 | 6
(-Mark-) Global Ranking Score: 17784
Track: AS3, Car: FBM
BestEver: 113810
Average: 118821.8105
(-Mark-) RaceCount: 4
(-Mark-) Best | Score : 118130 | 4620
(-Mark-) Average | Score: 119252.5000 | 4964
(-Mark-) Stability Score: 4906
(-Mark-) Win | Score: 0 | 0
(-Mark-) Global Ranking Score: 17792
Track: BL1, Car: FBM
BestEver: 72080
Average: 77512.7618
(-Zonda-) RaceCount: 4
(-Zonda-) Best | Score : 76140 | 4436
(-Zonda-) Average | Score: 76630.0000 | 5116
(-Zonda-) Stability Score: 4936
(-Zonda-) Win | Score: 8.15440125 | 8
(-Zonda-) Global Ranking Score: 17737
Track: SO6, Car: BF1
BestEver: 48640
Average: 55342.1150
(-Zonda-) RaceCount: 3
(-Zonda-) Best | Score : 52880 | 4128
(-Zonda-) Average | Score: 55550.0000 | 4962
(-Zonda-) Stability Score: 4541
(-Zonda-) Win | Score: 22.46320375 | 22
(-Zonda-) Global Ranking Score: 16709
Track: BL1, Car: XFG
BestEver: 93160
Average: 97473.0099
(@)(@) RaceCount: 6
(@)(@) Best | Score : 101950 | 4056
(@)(@) Average | Score: 105811.6667 | 4269
(@)(@) Stability Score: 4647
(@)(@) Win | Score: 0 | 0
(@)(@) Global Ranking Score: 15853
Track: BL2, Car: XFG
BestEver: 68410
Average: 72890.8885
(@)(@) RaceCount: 9
(@)(@) Best | Score : 75720 | 3931
(@)(@) Average | Score: 85172.2222 | 3739
(@)(@) Stability Score: 4001
(@)(@) Win | Score: 20.3338025 | 20
(@)(@) Global Ranking Score: 14404
Track: BL1, Car: XFG
BestEver: 93160
Average: 97473.0099
(CZ)Ada RaceCount: 7
(CZ)Ada Best | Score : 96850 | 4603
(CZ)Ada Average | Score: 98188.5714 | 4927
(CZ)Ada Stability Score: 4865
(CZ)Ada Win | Score: 0 | 0
(CZ)Ada Global Ranking Score: 17681
Track: BL1, Car: FBM
BestEver: 72080
Average: 77512.7618
(CZE)Honza RaceCount: 131
(CZE)Honza Best | Score : 75430 | 4535
(CZE)Honza Average | Score: 77881.1450 | 4952
(CZE)Honza Stability Score: 4694
(CZE)Honza Win | Score: 472.76223875 | 472
(CZE)Honza Global Ranking Score: 17910
Track: BL2, Car: XFG
BestEver: 68410
Average: 72890.8885
(CZE)Honza RaceCount: 5
(CZE)Honza Best | Score : 70780 | 4653
(CZE)Honza Average | Score: 72120.0000 | 5108
(CZE)Honza Stability Score: 4817
(CZE)Honza Win | Score: 17.025 | 17
(CZE)Honza Global Ranking Score: 17943
Track: BL1, Car: XFG
BestEver: 93160
Average: 97473.0099
(Est)Jurlak RaceCount: 11
(Est)Jurlak Best | Score : 96620 | 4628
(Est)Jurlak Average | Score: 101071.8182 | 4656
(Est)Jurlak Stability Score: 4578
(Est)Jurlak Win | Score: 16.3213025 | 16
(Est)Jurlak Global Ranking Score: 17123
Track: BL1, Car: XRG
BestEver: 92820
Average: 99945.2052
(Est)Jurlak RaceCount: 5
(Est)Jurlak Best | Score : 98770 | 4358
(Est)Jurlak Average | Score: 104414.0000 | 4589
(Est)Jurlak Stability Score: 4487
(Est)Jurlak Win | Score: 10.3088025 | 10
(Est)Jurlak Global Ranking Score: 16540
Track: BL1, Car: FBM
BestEver: 72080
Average: 77512.7618
(Est)Jurlak RaceCount: 7
(Est)Jurlak Best | Score : 76600 | 4372
(Est)Jurlak Average | Score: 87468.5714 | 3978
(Est)Jurlak Stability Score: 3894
(Est)Jurlak Win | Score: 4.15440125 | 4
(Est)Jurlak Global Ranking Score: 15229
Track: BL2, Car: XFG
BestEver: 68410
Average: 72890.8885
(Est)Jurlak RaceCount: 19
(Est)Jurlak Best | Score : 71050 | 4614
(Est)Jurlak Average | Score: 72221.5789 | 5093
(Est)Jurlak Stability Score: 4840
(Est)Jurlak Win | Score: 44.7070225 | 44
(Est)Jurlak Global Ranking Score: 17916
Track: BL1, Car: XFG
BestEver: 93160
Average: 97473.0099
(EVRT)DFS RaceCount: 22
(EVRT)DFS Best | Score : 94060 | 4903
(EVRT)DFS Average | Score: 95014.0909 | 5265
(EVRT)DFS Stability Score: 4900
(EVRT)DFS Win | Score: 86.29910125 | 86
(EVRT)DFS Global Ranking Score: 18658

S2 licensed
i think you right, so my excuse to JasonJ , hope you not mad at me!

What ever really happen into this case.

I feel something wrong when im here... nothing again anyone into particular.

So that was my last and again my excuse to JasonJ. Bye bye!
S2 licensed
JasonJ .. i told inside my last post! that what you needed was much simple and i pin pointed what he really needed in comparison of what I've done for pre collision!

i quote my self 2x
Quote :All this is possible...

Your system is much simple, just get car size and coord and you know when they collide.

i was including your car on the top.... How? found it your self!

Why do have have to repeat my self 2 time....

Last transmission outside my thread... see ya guys.
S2 licensed
All this is possible...

For perfect precision you need to extract car value like Weigth, Size, ...

For angle, into a car park, simple angle of the car and is path, is good but for angle vs track path, need to extract track information, that is something I'm about todo... but don't know yet if i can release this.

I made a simple pre collision detection , who is checking and predict from the car braking range , if you gonna collide someone.

Your system is much simple, just get car size and coord and you know when they collide.

About the rest, all this must be fluid into the style that application will be done, if you look at drive_lfss, all this can be done very well but sure you have to code c#.

if you read c#
here is the link of the code I'm talking. ... unk/src/game/grid.cs#L102

And look around you have other function that can be useful for you!
Probleme with text Caption in button.
S2 licensed

i work with this on a win32 system.

text = ((char)0).ToString() + textCaption + ((char)0).ToString() + text + ((char)0).ToString();

here is the Insim.txt example.
Quote :// Text : 0-65-66-0 would display button text "AB" and no caption
// Text : 0-65-66-67-0-68-69-70-71-0-0-0 would display button text "DEFG" and caption "ABC"

On win32 system it all good but when running under linux the result is:

No button text appear, if i click on the button, caption open but only a "?" is displayed as the caption text.

The button has for Style: ISB_CLICK+ISB_DARK , MaxInputChar = 3+128, Text:^2Stats, CaptionText:^Start speed, ex:0.

If i keep only the "text", no caption text, the button display correctly and the text is used for button display and text caption.
Last edited by Greenseed, .
S2 licensed
Ha! , exactly what i was missing thx a lot
S2 licensed
Quote :No more funky HTML parsing...

From what i know, we are not supposed to do this with the

What we have access to is everything that you can get from LFSW pubstats system, doing over that will result into a flooding of the system and finally bring the quality of that system away from us.

P.S. splattael, i am not telling you done it... this is only a informative message for everyone who think doing it that way.

I try, asked and get a answer
S2 licensed
Nope is not that ... or unable to make it work....

and i do understand Bit wise operation.
Button Explanation From insim.txt
S2 licensed
From the insim.txt file there is something i don't understand....

I played aroung with it but still can't figure out how that is working.

Quote :
// BStyle byte : style flags for the button

#define ISB_C1 1 // you can choose a standard
#define ISB_C2 2 // interface colour using
#define ISB_C4 4 // these 3 lowest bits - see below
#define ISB_CLICK 8 // click this button to send IS_BTC
#define ISB_LIGHT 16 // light button
#define ISB_DARK 32 // dark button
#define ISB_LEFT 64 // align text to left
#define ISB_RIGHT 128 // align text to right

// colour 0 : light grey (not user editable)
// colour 1 : title colour (default:yellow)
// colour 2 : unselected text (default:black)
// colour 3 : selected text (default:white)
// colour 4 : ok (default:green)
// colour 5 : cancel (default:red)
// colour 6 : text string (defaultale blue)
// colour 7 : unavailable (default:grey)

#define ISB_C1 1 // you can choose a standard
#define ISB_C2 2 // interface colour using
#define ISB_C4 4 // these 3 lowest bits -

Thoses are the 3 line i don't get, with playing with this value, im able to get the Gray color become Black or the Green Color become more Army Green , but that all. I will love if someone can explain me this so i can understand(some example will be great ).

My goal was trying to get the same Blue/Yellow color as LFS show for Time Diff display.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Is this guy trying to be the new lerts?

Well asked my friend, why just you start a new thread about that? Will be surely much better then this subject.

I really apreciate all the knowlege you share here with me! thx!

You and your friend finaly WIN a Teedy Bear! Bravo!

I will not post anymore into this section of the forum! Hope you apreciate that action , that will surely relax you and your friend!

1 time is ok... many time i use to learn.
S2 licensed
I just found a example of what im trying to expose here with my Tomato

This example is in regard of a simple CD-Audio , who in 2005 passed very near to become a CD-Rootkit(MalWare) installation device, with keeping the name of CD-Audio.

Quote :
On November 15, 2005 announced[15] that Sony BMG was backing out of its copy-protection software, recalling unsold CDs from all stores, and offering consumers to exchange their CDs with versions lacking the software. The Electronic Frontier Foundation compiled a partial list of CDs with XCP. Sony BMG was quoted as maintaining that "there were no security risks associated with the anti-piracy technology", despite numerous virus and malware reports. On November 16, 2005, US-CERT, part of the United States Department of Homeland Security, issued an advisory on XCP DRM. They said that XCP uses rootkit technology to hide certain files from the computer user, and that this technique is a security threat to computer users. They also said one of the uninstallation options provided by Sony BMG introduces further vulnerabilities to a system. US-CERT advised, "Do not install software from sources that you do not expect to contain software, such as an audio CD".

US-CERT advised: "Do not install software from sources that you do not expect to contain software, such as an audio CD".

For me this is the most important thing into this message, did they not try to keep the same meaning of "audio CD" ?

That mean if im gonna do another use of the CD-Audio , i must change It name Before, so here we can understand how a name of a thing can be important to identify that thing.

So because the action of: US-CERT , the CD-Audio as you know it will still be the same!

Sony will have to found a new name for the CD-Audio with Rootkit Installation(XCP).

later we learn that sony did not continue this CD brand why?
because now they can't not make it hidden? -Yes, For sure this is the purpose of a rootkit.

Im just trying to expose my first idea with another story! it not always easy to put word on think we have! i do my best! and i can be 100% wrong for sure
S2 licensed
I just read a Lerts Post, so thx you!

Just hope i won't get ban to be heu? different.
S2 licensed
Lerts, i loved reading your first Post here.

I will not comment! i don't think ppl will love this, from what i read!

Ho! im sorry that some ppl wan to remove your right to talk! event if you keep respect everyone! this is Sad!

Maybe if you try to add some more simple word like " Fu.." or disrespect something will help you keeping you right to talk!

im very confuse... and probaly gone very soon...

Keep thinking