Drive_LFSS project will be able to do all this....
The way is construsted, at anytime from anywhere you can know the Speed of a car, + soon i will code the pre-Collision detector, my goal is to predict with a high % of sucess that a player will cause trouble, like having a too high velocity into a curve where all car in front Break.
For the Interface that will make control all game feature and Admin Command, im into the codding of this for Drive_LFSS , so very soon will have a Graphic interface to control many thing as a racer or a admin.
+ League Administrator, Drive_LFSS will be soon able to work close as CTRA System, i mean with predefined Race_Template into database, will start/stop race and choses the next trackCar restriction, the database system for this is most complete, i just need to complete the ingame GUI interface.
The GUI interface will be design by button_template and interface_template from the database, so a admin will be able to customize it.
For stat Output, not very complicated, i save everything: Qualify/Race/Lap/Driver(Car/Licence) each of each is saved, completed or not a race is saved as is starting status and each lap is saved for moment event Bot got saved, but this will be removed at the end, for moment help me gather info.
Drive_LFSS has a simple c# script system, completely external as the Core project, so the file are pretty small and clean, so very easy to write a script, there is no many ScriptCall or Script->CoreCommand , but this take about 30 seconde to add a call/command, so i will do under user need, and for the moment ther is no user/tester for this project

Hope you found your self interedted into that project and maybe will motivate you to learn more on coding
have a nice day.