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S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :A guillotine or if that isn't possible scribe a straight line and use a pair of aviation snips, taking care to note siding and remove the excess material before doing the final cut to ensure that it doesn't crease the edge (you will probably need to do several cuts with 3mm aluminum but it should be cut).

EDIT - If you've got tin snips use them (I presume you don't seeing as your asking), if not get a pair of aviation snips because they are a bit cheaper for a decent pair and useful if you want to cut corners.

Ok, well i mean i've seen aviation snips and Tin snips...but i'm not sure if they'll cut the 3mm aluminium strongest grade alloy.
will one of these do... ... rs-Cutters/Aviation-Snips

Please can you link me to one, but i've only got £35 to spend, but that should do right?
S3 licensed
Well, i'll have a go at what you said ajp, thanks...
The sheet is 500mm x 500mm, the chassis is only like 170mm wide anyway, and a bit less than 500mm long. That means i can make 3 chassis out of it.

I was thinking a hacksaw though, that would be easiest for me. What would you guys think. And when i cut it shall i cut it with the anti-scratch paper still on it? (may seem like a stupid question sorry :shy

S3 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Most people on a computer game forum probably don't know stuff about this - me included. Try an RC forum or a DIY forum.

oh, its just that normally my questions do get a good answer on this forum, and i find out what i need to know, so thanks for the idea, but i'll stick to what i've got thanks mate
How would i cut aluminium straight?
S3 licensed
Hi guys, i've got a sheet of Aluminium T6 6082 3MM, and i need to cut a long straight line down it, well a few straight lines.
Basically what tools shall i use. I was thinking a hacksaw, then smoothen it out with a dremel.
The reason is i'm making a chassis for my CUstom Twin engine Remote control car project.

S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Why few? Isn't one enough? Or weren't they overclockable?

But no i haven't had a mini moto, i've rode one though, and i fell

off road bike, 49CC, one 110CC. I have a few so i can race them with people and friends

Quote from batteryy :you mean pit-bikes or chinese miracles?

Mini- Motos
S3 licensed
Where do you guys ride yours?
I've had a few 110CC beasts over the years, but to my surprise i took it to the park a few weeks ago and it says no motorcycles
S3 licensed
veyr nice video!, i thought it was an xrr drifting
XRT looks a bit wierd.
S3 licensed
i like the pancakes my grand-ma makes.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I think this whole topic is ...special...

you are special aswell
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :That is one hella ghetto setup

all he need now is S2
S3 licensed
he's special
S3 licensed
Quote from garph :Aren't they the same thing!

no, because if you look it it, its a male adaptor, i want it female, so i can plug the ps2 into it...just think about it a bit more, i had some confusion with it aswell.
S3 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :Hmm happy birthday but why is it not on the "birthday list" ?

S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :

With a M-M VGA cable, and the PS2's composite cables, that should do the trick. If it doesn't, what else does your monitor support? S-Video? DVI (Which for all I know may have the same problems as VGA, never used it...)?

If your monitor supports s-video, both of these would do the trick

Free shipping to UK and all

E: One more -

They are all PC to TV, i want TV to PC
S3 licensed
Hi guys, guess what, its Scotts 19th Birthday...HaPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIM!
S3 licensed
so the one i linked to will not work?
S3 licensed
G25= Real life wheel (shifter+clutch)= Right foot braking
DFP= Not so real life, meaning you take the preference of using left foot, as it easier, because you can always have it on the brake, meaning quicker reactions.

I think thats the theory, unless some people who use other wheels (not g25s) still prefer their right foot braking
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :

Yes, what you linked there is what you want. Why would it only work for some games and not others? All you are doing is converting an output plug to a different input plug.

Edit 2: Ah, I see, the games themselves are not coded in VGA graphics....

Yeh , it's quite a shame really because i like to play with my wheel on my PS2, and i dont have a desk, so i have to have my dfp on my lap when i play, which really doesn't work, thats why i need a desk...Oh well, but if any of you guys find something please just write in this thread.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :There are adapters that go straight from the port on the back of the PS2 to VGA also, avoiding going through composite cables. Then you don't have to worry about bad de-interlacing.

hmm, ok, is there any chance you could find a link to that, because all the ones i see are like, £ do you think my one would be alright? or will it not be very clear. My monitor runs 1680 x 1050, and its the 22" hyundai widescreen. BUt on most of the games there is a 16:9 option to choose, so the widescreen bit should be alright

FOUND IT!!! ... roogle&utm_medium=PPC
Now that sure will do the trick
ITs strange because when i asked on the ebuyer forum they were all like, OMG ITS GONNA BE WELL EXPENSIVE, and they were showing me like, £1000 box units lol

Ok thank you guys, i'll go for this £10 one ... roogle&utm_medium=PPC

EDIT: just realised it only works for a few games, and not the one i want to play, Gran turismo 3 and 4
Last edited by harjun, .
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Actually, composite video is only part of the answer. Some googling/wikipediaing (hmmm, what is that form of the verb "To wiki"?) tells me that connectors are RCA connectors for composite video, or often called Phono plugs.

ok thanks, i'm sure there are lots of names for it nonetheless.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Composite I think

thanks mate, nice one.

So this should do the trick? ... e=VIP:Watchlink:middle:uk
Its pretty expensive though, are there any cheaper? I saw the VGA to Composite were £1, so why is this like £20 more
Last edited by harjun, .
3 Pin (yellow, red, white)
S3 licensed
Hello, can someone please help me with this, you know on the PS2, to connect it to the TV, there are those Yellow, red and White pins. Now i was wondering what they are called, and if you can get an adaptor to convert it to VGA or dvi, like (3 Pin (yellow, red, white)) -----> VGA/DVI

This is because i'd like to connect it to my computer screen.

Thank you
S3 licensed
i did the FM radio thing, and it worked
It was in my jacket pocket lol, thank you!
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Check the washing machine...Mothers have a habit of NOT checking pockets of jeans etc before they wash them

lol, you've just reminded me, i normally wear my jeans one day then put them in my cupboard, so they might just still be in my jeans, thanks i'll check there

Just checked there, no luck
Any more ideas on how to get the phone to make a noise?