I still doesn't say what it costs. Except for the basic package. If someone is stupid enough to buy that load of marketing bullshit, well quite frankly they deserve to be ripped off. Again, it's not that hard to write a price list for all the extra content you will undoubtedly buy. Or actually list all the content you can buy, it is after all close enough to say it'll cost either 12 or 15$...
A potential customer is quite likely to buy something eventually... so what else is there?
Besides, LFS isn't something you'd pick up as a spur of the moment from the shop. So if you were referring to those type of potential customers I fail to see your point. You can hardly argue a person looking for a simrace title would just walk away not buying anything? Or am I not getting the point (again) ?
I'm not too certain about that. I was just browsing the iracing site and the thing is I would never pay those prices for a game. Ever. 15 $ a month, and my educated guess is that you'd have to buy more content (I don't know because I couldn't find any info on that at the site... which is another reason why I wouldn't buy iracing. It's not that hard to clearly state your pricing and what it includes, bloody morons).
So with only 3 developers LFS could never climb up to the absurdity of iracing's pricing. And that's a huge plus side.
This isn't rfactor/gtr2. In other words, no, you cannot as I accidentally it.
You have to manually save the replay (=press 2). The point of the hotlapping mode is that you can upload the replay to lfsworld and then everyone can see your awesome laptime and you can show off because you're 1337.
I've just read the OP (yes I'm busy with things. Go away :P) and Yann is right about the top-15 being the top-15 people only and not promoting people >top15 in because
1) That was the case last season
2) That's what the rules say
3) That's what I'd say.