The biggest problem is most people being complete twats and not sharing each other's preferences when it comes to racing. Some numpties think you must have a ranking system where it takes eight months to drive a sodding tbo while they would actually just like to have a go in a ufr. Tbo being tbo makes it even worse as some people don't like them at all and would rather go for gt2.
(I've got some shite on my keyboard btw. But nvm that.)
Some other morons think everyone should share their view of realism when it comes to view and set fcv on even though it makes it no more realistic at all because we are talking about a computer game after all.
Some guys tend to think owning a server makes them driving gods, thus forcing them to put "I/we are admins, do not argue with us, we are always right" in the server rules and ban the majority of people because they like to show people their über powers.
Some noobs are stupid enough to only run the same combo all the time. I mean what the buck? You'd think you'd get tired of Aston at some point but noo...
Then there are the league practising guys, who are obviously big fat amateurs because they practise for their league race in the first place (pros obviously don't.) These guys are populating a server but if it happens to be public it's set to practise or qualifying. I've got to admit though this isn't much of a problem as these servers are mostly passworded.
... I could go on and on with this for another hour. but I cba

The point is as there are maybe 500 people online simultaneously of which most of are cruisers, there isn't enough people to fill a server. I believe in the old days when LFS came up when there were even less racers people were less picky on their racing. A server was chosen by the fact that it was populated and no one complained about it being a stupid mrt. People have stopped liking racing. In the end the combo or weather fcv is on or not makes no difference at all if there are people to provide racing. But sadly that doesn't happen any more as racers are prejudiced against a car or a track.
There should be a "stop pick up racing from dying" server which would run a random combo. It would not take long for others to notice the "protest server" if there was a few smart guys to populate it every once in a while.