- The new season 2012 will be from june to august (orthodox calendar.)
- New car class: GTi (XFG and XRG with 17% intake restriction). In other words GTAL will become multiclass. If the new class is popular enough we might even run 2 servers with one solely for GTi.
- New balancing: We feel that the FZR was in a too big disadvantage last season, so we've decided to drop it completely. The XRR will most likely remain at 25% and FXR with 20%. However we're pondering about creating a new set of restrictions, to include XFR and UFR as well.
- Because the majority of drivers last season weren't European, we've decided to amend the start times to be afternoon EST. To reduce lag caused by our servers being in England, we've booked a dedicated box from a datacenter in Novaya Zemlya, Russia. This is convinient to us because in Russia bills pay you.
- We plan on resurrecting the compulsory entry fee system. Large portion of the entry fees will go to helping administrational dehydration.
Actually, it wasn't on free-to-air. The pay channel in question has about 100 000 - 125 000 subscribers. The finalists were theshyguy and huppis
The war vets also captured 3,543 soviet tanks. Ofc they weren't veterans at that time though.
Actually, a whole new finnish LFS community was formed that I didn't even know about. The problem is they're all a bunch of zit faced Ostrabothnians who've never done any racing. Up untill now LFS has had the smartest of the Finns. Now it's brought closer to them providing easier access for the masses. A racing sim isn't something for the highly educated so we end up with people we call "amis", amis being short for 'Vocational school'. You know the type, they use their evenings rising the rear of their -82 corolla DX's, bad moustache, wearing caps inside, spitting on the floor...
I always had the feeling you had something against me.
On a slightly different note, this is exactly why I changed the flag next to my name. (FTR I've changed it to the nation represented by whomever asks me why I've changed it.)