In order for this to make any sense you have to go into German mode:
"Hallo und wilkommen at 9 pm Deutchse time to ze IndyKAR 500. Jonathan Palmer and Dennis Schmidt will accompany you zhough ze evening. 8.30 pm Beginn of the broadcast at MultiBC on Stream 1
You can also join our teamzpeak and dizcuss with other zpectators about ze race!
It's a bit hard coming up with a name suggestion if you have no clue what the game will be like though. So instead I will imagine you are making the most awesome racing game ever: All of the world's cars licensed in it, you can shoot the opposition with miniguns and heat-seeking missiles, there's a free roaming mode where you can deal drugs and deliver pizza and it comes with a special FFB controller that gives you a blowjob whenever you win a race.
You can name it "Timo Hynninen's Arcade Racer: The second coming"
Apologies if I wasn't clear earlier: I have no interest in reading how little someone practised for as4r with the xrr and poles all over the track layout and whatnot. It hasn't got anything to do with the test race and secondly if you have a complaint it's no use doing it here, that's what the magic e-pidgeon is for.
Not that it bothers me any but how exactly do you propose to convert something that's been a bitmap all along to vector in the first place? It won't get any better..
No. You're quite free to not attend. You'll probably not get a slot in the actual series
That's what d said a few posts above...
Well taking into account in the actual rules it says one driver can only drive 75% of the race distance you could deduce a team has to car pool. Plus, there's over 40 teams in the list currently. Everyone wouldn't fit in one server if every driver had their own car.
Isn't that a bit precarious as both 'drag' and 'strip' are quite versatile in their homonym richness? Not to mention the dirty images in my head when you combine them.