In more developed countries cars have had lights on all the time. (Except when they aren't running. Duh.) Every manufacturer since the 90's have for that reason made the lights go on when you turn the key. Which is awfully handy.
A colour TV Licence costs £145.50/. This is an interesting fact since it implies people still have black and white tv sets It could be though that in the Soviet UK the license pays you. IDK
Meanwhile in Finland 19,95 € / month or 231,05 € / year. Plus 19,95 / month for F1 obviously. Or actually it's 22 € because of the hidden costs. The upside is a tv license in Finland isn't a compulsory fee. Or better put, it is a compulsory fee but the license inspectors have no jurisdiction on anyone which creates amusing situations when/if they happen to pop by... "Hi, have you got a telly coz we have no record of you paying the fee?" "Don't have one..." "Mind if I come inside and have a look?" "I do actually, sod off!" *door slams*
My brother in law once asked the inspector for credentials. After seeing them he said thanks and slammed the door.
I read on ircquotes an story of guy not opening the door to an inspector, the inspector wrote a "I'll come by later" -message to a piece of paper and slid it through the mail slot. The guy inside wrote "I won't be home then either" on the other side and slid it back.
Sulla on vaan joku alemmuuskompleksi juttujen ymmärtämisestä.
Besides some people (and I'm not calling names now, I only might have highlighted some grammar issues in someone's post but that doesn't mean anything ) can't speak their own language either. And they're still in a mutual love-love relationships with French teenagers.