No, I did not fail with the title. It is literally improvement suggestions for my improvement plan. :|
Anyway, short story short, a few months ago I started to ponder about lfs broadcasts having a few areas I'd like to improve. Actual video streaming aside (as multibc does/did that, and I can't argue with Martin because he is German), I decided I can improve on the overlays tv director makes. Being a network programming major I figured how hard it could be so I wrote a small insim program. The first version I gave wilko shortly before round 2. It had a small technical bug that made it completely useless. So I gave it another go and had the second version ready shortly before round 3.
Then, as we all know Wilko was being himself and it was never used. So by round 4 I had added a bunch of stability and some cool new features too. Sadly (again) because deko has alzheimer's and wilko is... special, I failed to get any feedback that time either.
So before the season ends, I'd like you all to tell me what, if any, improvement suggestions you can come up with. I intended to see how people liked the features in a broadcast but at the current rate it'll actually be used early 2009.
Endu race overlay machine - The Masterbator
This picture should tell you all there is to know what it does:
The Masterbator is a completely manually operated program that lets the user control the overlays. It has a
computing power efficient text based user interface, and it features an innovative menu.
The race classification is fetched from the tracker, making problematic time outs history.
So, besides naming issues, I'd appreciate input on what you would like to see. C&C&Q welcome!