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S3 licensed
Quote from (The Stig) :Hey,

I've been monitering the weather from Iceland and their in pitch black darkness untill the cloud moves to the UK

How can you determine which weather is coming from Iceland?
S3 licensed
I dunno. Maybe you're in the phone book?
S3 licensed
TBH it's not that difficult to find out where someone lives. I once dug up Joe's address and looked it up on google earth. He has a nice trampoline in the backyard
S3 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :The forum has already blamed: Global Warming, Thatcher, Slow Development of LFS, Immigrants, Grey Squirrels, Obama and the Unions.

Any more for the list?

Commies, me, Sieneke Peeters, this guy, uncyclopedia, Egypt, smokers, Toyota...
S3 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :nice find beano, now all you have to do is translate .

Plus one.
S3 licensed
Quote from Klouczech :
Only 4 sure.

Clocks went forward so normally I have GMT+1 but NOW I will have GMT+2 right? Now I have 18:00. THX for reply

Now I see that i have post that at your time which is 16:00 so im about 2 hours ahead.

If you already know why ask .

I posted this at 16:01 GMT
S3 licensed
Quote from ivantod :
Shut up or I'll come to whereeva u live and burn ur house to the ground, and then dance half-naked on the ruins

Serbia - Be afraid of half naked people dancing on your house's ruins. Be very afraid.
S3 licensed
Well if Sky says it's hd then it must be hd :hide:
S3 licensed
Quote from WesLeyan100 :
Inculto-Eastern European Funk
I hope you like it and vote for Lithuania.

Dudes wtf? The guys playing with huge guitars and trombones make up a mildly disturbing scene.

Quote from zeugnimod :I actually like Germany's entry this year.

Is that chick even German? She doesn't look German, though I admit there might be good looking german girls that I just haven't seen.

But moreover she doesn't sound German - That's what Chris Wilkinson would sound if he was a girl. And German. Actually that's what he would look like as well.

Quote from manneF1 :Well, we are crap, we had good chance to sucsess, but idiots desided some crap

Finland - On a mission not to win!
Last edited by hyntty, .
S3 licensed
We don't have time to check the driver line ups every single time you make a confirmation. That's what the application is for. You make an application, we authorise the drivers in it, then you may use them in the lineup for a race. The tracker input is something teams themselves give out in the form of a confirmation post, it isn't an admin job. It is a loophole yes but eventually things have a habit of rising to the surface.

And ftr Chris threw the toys off his pram at teh SR guys.
S3 licensed
Can I just say, and I'm not being biased in any way, this is the best broadcast ever. Best commentary ever.
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :Polesitter has elected to start on right hand side of the grid.

S3 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :Mine doesn't do that... HD-thing maybe?

S3 licensed
He says:

Quote from Gonchi.lfs :Bueno, muchas gracias!

Thanks mate,
Quote :
A ver si nos cruzamos en algun campeonato no?

Do you cruise in real life or just race?

Quote : Y Uruguay nomá!!!

Why is Paragay normal!
S3 licensed
You know a gay penis will come to haunt you eventually.
S3 licensed
/carsguest=3 antaa lisätä 2 ai:ta lisäksesi. Tai 3 ai:ta jos ei itse halua ajaa
S3 licensed

ninjaedit: hah!
S3 licensed
Quote from ElonB13 :i'm not so good in thoose time zone but isnt 18:45 utc 19:45 in danish time ?

nope. 20:45.
S3 licensed
Ei mitenkään

Kun olet pistänyt servun/pelin pystyyn, olet myös asettanut sille (kaiketi) salasanan. Liittyessäsi peliin kirjoita "Palvelimen salasana" -kenttään em. salasana. Ei ole mitään ydinfysiikkaa.

Tietenkin auttaisi, jos kertosit vähän enemmän. Yritätkö vaan murtautua jonkun servulle vai oletko pistänyt dedin pystyyn? Oma vai jonkun muun servu? Minkä niminen? Ja kaikkein tärkeintä, kerro tarkkaan ottaen mitä olet tehnyt tähän asti...

BTW If you want to bitch about the language don't bother as I'm not interested. Since it's all going downhill the Finnish community closed. Incidentally, the amount of Finnish players however has drastically risen due to Victor doing some business with a tv company. In a nutshell bare with it as you'll have that.
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester : Our coverage will start at about 18:45 UTC, !

S3 licensed
Quote from iFastLT :So again, no TBOC stream because of this?

... no.

Where would you get such an idea anyway?
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustafur :There thinking of widening the rear tires which is good

S3 licensed
Quote from Egon-est :35mins till the race starts

That's not 19:00 UTC! 1h 35 mins is...