Since i'm trying to learn skinning a car i am looking for anything that would teach me where the basic commands are(line drawing,circles,textures),how to use them to create a nice skin for any car in lfs.
I know photoshop,i use it to process photos but i really don't have a clue what to touch to start drawing.
Would you guys point me to the right direction?
I don't understand you,shotglass.
Why does a road car in LFS have to have a basical ABS and not just the actual one?
How can ABS and old desing be related to each other?
Seriously,that doesn't make sense.
What has been demonstrated?
The ABS is an advantage for EVERYONE not for a restricted elite of people.
If you want to enjoy its benefits turn it on otherwise turn it off and let other people do what they like.
This story is going on since forever,i've never really understood why.
If you were fast before ABS you'll be still as fast not,if not faster.
If you were crap then the ABS is not an excuse for your noobiness.
It's funny to see people shouting for more realism and then,as soon as something good is featured,the moaning starts again.
I think i have to put my mind at ease and convince myself that people will never be happy with things they have,will shout for something and be sad again when they have it.
Yeah i know,im expecting a river of "It isn't fair to use ABS" posts now...
So it's ok if people shout about their desire of real tracks but TVE is not allowed to say the contrary?
There are just a few contradictions in your post,if you dind't notice.
I want to say something more,if i may.
If you plan to feature a real track you have to do it properly.
You can't just recreate it by looking at pictures of it,trying to guess distances and altitudes(not talking about bumps:schwitz.
Then,if you really want to knitpick,you could measure how much grippy the surface is and take that into account.
We all know that different asphalts behave differently so,for instance,Laguna Seca's tarmac can make a difference when choosing tyres.
I do completely agree with TVE,we are not shouting at anyone,we are not requesting,we are just explaining our POV.
While a car should behave like a REAL car,a track,on the other hand,can be designed as you like.
Many people think that if you can set a certain hotlap on the game you can do the same irl.Well,im afraid to say that it really isn't true.One thing is to blast through that chicane at 190kph while sitting on a chair turning a plastic wheel and another one is to sit few inches above the ground and feel the forces,the fear,on your body.
I dare you to replicate irl what you did in the game.
Trying to make the times match it's really for the happy-pleased people because it really isn't that easy...
What's more you don't take into account that a real track should be scanned and this requires time,money and licenses while a fictional track requires fantasy(which s free) and some skills.
We'll see how is it like to drive on Rockingham,eventually,in LFS.
Let's hope it'll all go well.
I quote you 100%,that's my exact thought about tracks
I prefer fictional ones,i hope we get more bumps and a better FFB but that's another story.
I like the fact that LFS has its own environment(apart from those few real cars),and i like the fact that i can race a fictional car that behaves like a real and existing one.
I am really not pushing for real content,im happy with everything that can come out of the dev's fantasy.
As harjun pointed out the G27 costs about twice as much as the G25,which is now a kind of a bargain.
It's really up to you but if it was my money i would have already bougt the G25 and done some mods(the one on the brake pedal,for instance,and maybe the heel and toe thing that a user is selling here).
Yes,the G27 may be better but i wouldn't spend that much on a product that is basically the same as its predecessor.
I know that Clubsport pedals are sold for 200€,that could be an alternative if you have such money to spend as they looks really solid and adjustable.
Since there are road cars in lfs and almost any road car has got ABS why do you want to take it off?
Race cars don't have ABS as it should be like in the real world.
I don't know of any car sold in Italy that comes with a shift light altough every car(99% at least)has a manual gearbox.So it's fine for me that the shift light is gone.