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S3 licensed
Quote from Sobis :What's wrong with Tricky Truck?

The controls are just awful.
The leaderboards have the same people for each track, somehow.
All the highly rated tracks are nearly impossible to finish.
The game used to have all the cars unlocked, now it cost 9 dollars.
The iPhone game has an undo button, for whatever reason.

The game has great physics, which makes me play it, but the sheer difficult aspect of it makes me want to punch kittens. :evil:
S3 licensed
I love his Happy Wheels recordings, but this one level he attempted is worthy of this thread: ... =player_detailpage#t=137s
S3 licensed
Quote from notredame :trickytruck

My God I want to punch a wall every time I see that game's name.
S3 licensed
I've send an email to Victor a few days ago, awaiting a response. I've seen Scawen on the forum (monitoring the funnies thread), so I believe that he's at least been told.
S3 licensed
The only car dream I have is when I wake up (in my dreams) and there's no one around. The streets are deserted, it's quiet, and I have the roads to myself. I then drive to my local Lamborghini dealership (which is unusually close), break in, and steal a Lamborghini.

The strange thing is this is a re-occurring dream. I have it maybe once a week. Let's hope they don't build a Lamborghini dealership near me anytime soon.

S3 licensed
Offroad legends isn't really a racing simulator, but it's customizable, and has amazing graphics.
S3 licensed
Just checked my calendar, 19:00 GMT +1 = 2:00 PM EDT (I think). I have something to do at 1:30, and I should be back by 2:00, but I might be a little late to the party.
S3 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Dontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.jpg

S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :meguiars vs mothers?

They both are fantastic, I just prefer Meguires because it's a leaves a better shine than Mothers.

S3 licensed
While it may have been locked too soon, it's better than arguing with legality of what he can do with the cars. He can also search the forum and find LFS Tweak / MultiMod files.
S3 licensed
Quote from lukelfs :It's a nice tablet though, just a shame about the build quality.

It's inevitable with first batch electronics. The only fault I found with mine is a twitchy backlight, which has been confirmed with a bunch of people and may be fixed with a software update, so I can't complain.
S3 licensed
Lucky enough to get this beauty last thursday. :heartbeat

(Nexus 7)
S3 licensed
Quote from stanza6 :Hi,

How do I increase force feed back only on Humps.

Thanks in Advance.

You can't adjust just the speedbump force, but you can change the universal FFB in your options > controls (it's the 3rd slider).

Quote from Bose321 :Hi,

Move to another country.

S3 licensed
Server just went offline.
e: back up.
S3 licensed
Sweet deal, I'll be there. 8 laps seems a bit low though, seeing that UF1 can get lap AS2R in 1 minute 30 seconds.
S3 licensed
Interesting, his username is in fact blank.

S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Didn't check the replay and I'm not aware of what Airio does(n't) do, but I assume it thinks the cheater has a lag hit/crash because of sudden and relatively high acceleration.

Airio has a setting that can determine max acceleration time for a car. In the replay the XRG did a burnout in 4th gear already going 85 MPH.
S3 licensed
Quote from Omar1 :I used to use this, but now when i try saving the file as .dds in photoshop, i get this error :/

When saving for the first time, in the Nvidia panel, choose 'No MIP Maps'. I had the same problem, but played around with it, until that worked.

EDIT: I just realized that it's using a modified VOB. It doesn't actually change the shape of the car, but it allows you to skin the window. LFS's genuine XR VOB is 270KB, whilst the modified is 279KB.
Last edited by imthebestracerthereis, . Reason : removed an image that used a modified VOB :|
S3 licensed
Yes, it's allowed. It's only modifying a .dds, which you are allowed to edit. If it were to change the shape of a car, then it'd be otherwise.
S3 licensed
Nope. What you see is what you get. There are no other official LFS cars.