Well, I've used mouse for a couple of years, reverted back to KB. I'll get a wheel eventually.
As for joining popular servers: joining a server from Chicago at 12PM will be joining a server in the Netherlands at 7PM. (iirc). Like right now, it's 2:23 AM, and I should be sleeping. Whilst in the Netherlands, it's 9:23 AM, and everyone is waking up.
Also, since it's just a Java exploit, couldn't it be applied to Mac, Windows, etc? The only reason, I believe, why people are making such a fuss about it is because it's infecting machines that bigots believe are 'invulnerable'. Wise up, all machines have flaws.
Welcome messages can be added via LFSWorld. If you don't want the custom messages and kick rules in the welcome screen, you'll have to get a program like LFSLapper to display it. I made a program that would ban someone that went over a certain MPH, but it always would backfire if two players lagged into each other and flew out.
Here in Jersey you have to have an attendant (me) pump your gas, and pay afterward. The gas pumps don't have the credit card slot built in so I have to run the card manually inside.