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Quote from DieKolkrabe :No.

He didn't in CART/F1/sportscars at all, stock cars let you move people out of the way and he does. So should Brad have given Marcos a nudge at Watkins? Should Dale Sr have moved people out of the groove in the 90s and expected to have got put in the wall every single time?

Double standards IMO

There is a difference between moving someone out of the way and straight up wrecking them
S2 licensed
This thread should be called 'The inevitable 'lets bitch about other peoples sense of humour' thread III: Revenge of the arseholes'
S2 licensed
Quote from nathan246 :Stupid move by Allgayer...


tbh danica was great today, holding the lead for so long with a broken car
S2 licensed
F1: /kick arox123
F2: /ban arox123 999
S2 licensed
A delta wing is a type of wing, the DeltaWing is a car.
S2 licensed
It won't happen. Indycar will go with someone like Elan because the lights car needs to be 'like' the Indycar, i.e. not some hyped up Robin Reliant like the Deltawang is.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :Regarding the 'should you play to 110% of your ability no matter what' argument earlier, the Men's Sprint cycling is an interesting one, which I only found out about today.

Ostensibly, it's a 3-lap 1-on-1 cycle race.

However, slipstreaming pays a HUGE part, so while they could just ride as fast as they could for 60 seconds, what would likely happen is one would tuck in behind the other and just use the energy they saved to slingshot past the other as they exit the final corner.

So what you end up with is two very slow laps of 'mind-games' with neither rider committing to the race until they think they've caught the other off-guard. Is it as exciting as a 3-lap dash? I'm undecided. Is it treading the same moral ground as playing a lacklustre game of badminton to make later games easier? Very possibly.

edit: nvm the rules state the first lap is done above walking pace and then anything goes

Quote from rules or something :Sprint

This is a tactical race over three laps, though only the last 200m is timed. The winner of each race is the first to cross the finish line.

Over the first two laps, the pair utilise the entire track, manoeuvring for the best position to make the final sprint. The first lap must be ridden no slower than walking pace, but after that riders can try anything, from track standing to sprinting. The leading rider must leave room on the right to pass, and cannot cut off a competitor in the sprinter's lane unless they have a clear lead.

I guess they go so slow because when one of the riders decides to go, it will catch the other one off guard and the first rider can have enough of a gap that there isnt a slipstream
Last edited by JackDaMaster, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Silverracer :Your favorite driving related sim/game OTHER than LFS.

S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Didn't see this yet. But sorry if this caused you any trouble, Erikas first event with team and he was pretty nervous. So sorry

Yea apparently it was a puncture so its ok, shit luck whole race for us
S2 licensed
Session of Incident: Race
MPR timecode: 2:06:40
Lap and Location of Incident: lap 74, second to last corner
Your Car Number: 77
Other Car(s) Involved: 16
Brief Description of Incident: car 77 spun off by car 16, looked like retaliation to me.
S2 licensed
Mo you ****ing legend
S2 licensed
Session of Incident: Race
UTC Time of Incident: around 20:55 i think
Lap and Location of Incident: lap 30, turn 1 of last split
Your Car Number: 77
Other Car(s) Involved: 25
Brief Description of Incident: car 25 does an unsafe rejoin into path of car 77, causing car 77 to have to take evasive action
S2 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :Todd Bodine is the worst driver I have ever seen, even if his own mothers life was on the line for him not crashing anyone he would still fnd a way to do the dumbest stuff and cause the stupidest crashes.

Still true 5 months later
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :It doesn't matter, yours is still probably good for some people. For instance it doesn't come with an American bus.

caddy is free ;D
S2 licensed
I think you can get 6 months free at not sure though
S2 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :teamName: TeamSpeak Racing AM
car: FZR
class: GT2-Am
number: 77
- {jackdamaster, Jack Sedgwick, England}
- {gav190, Gavin Mason, Wales}
- {oscarhardwick, Oscar Hardwick, England}
- {arox123, Jarl Teien, Norway}

Added arox
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :No? You can get at least to C in road on standard content and I think you can maybe get to even B on ovals (what class is the new SS series?)

EDIT: But yeah you can't get to A on standard content :P

EDIT 2: Hmm seems you can only get to D oval on standard content. I swear on the forum they've been going on about how you can get to B on standard content. Stupid Americans.

Step 1: Get to D 4.0
Step 2: Find a week where Street Stock C is at a free track
Step 3: Time trail that sonofabitch
Step 4: Repeat once class C
Step 5: ????
S2 licensed
teamName: TeamSpeak Racing AM
car: FZR
class: GT2-Am
number: 77
- {jackdamaster, Jack Sedgwick, England}
- {gav190, Gavin Mason, Wales}
- {oscarhardwick, Oscar Hardwick, England}
- {arox123, Jarl Teien, Norway}
Last edited by JackDaMaster, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :How does the G25/G27 feel with forza 4? I have 2 options. Buy my friend's Xbox and a g25 so i can get my fix temporarily on forza and a low end pc on lfs OR start building a new pc piece by piece.

Logitech wheels dont work on xbox (there are some adapters around but dunno how they feel/if they work/what they are called)
S2 licensed
idiot rojas also lucky not to backflip after the front left the ground
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko : All I ever see for week 13 is lots o YouTube videos of people wrecking :P

S2 licensed
street stock a class above late model

S2 licensed
Got Fallout 3 and New Vegas collections. A tenner for two games like this is a steal Also got SR3.

btw dead space is ****ing awesome