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S3 licensed
Quote :Yep,

They will be up when the rest is up,

Last couple of gigs transfering over now, (15 minutes remaining). Will just need to do some configurations and then it will be running.

Does that include the Redline racing forums too?
S3 licensed
Had a similar problem last week.

Turned out to be a corrupt sound driver update.
I had used Creative labs autoupdater and everything seemed to be ok apart from occasionall stuttering sound. Then I noticed the freezing when others left pits.

I also had a problem in another game.

I manually downloaded the latest driver from creative website, Uninstalled then reinstalled sound driver and all is fine now.

Might be worth a reinstall of your sound driver. I can't see why it caused that problem in particular but the reinstall only took a few minutes.
car setups
S3 licensed
You can save and load setups as you want.

All you need to do is create a setup, click on New setup and give it a name.

e.g. BL1_Basic

Then run a few laps with it, decide what you'd like to change, say you decide to add 2 psi to front tyres.

Return to garage, click new set and give it name.

e.g. BL1_BasicFT2 (as in front tyres +2) use whatever naming scheme suits you

Make some more changes just repeat the above procedure saving each time with a different name.

You'll end up with a list of setups you can load at any time you like.

Once you arrive at a setup you are happy with you can remove all the inbetween adjustment sets.

I can't see how it can be made much simpler than that?
S3 licensed
Airio is an admin plug in for server admin enhancements.

The server you are on obviously requires your safety rating to be 45% or better.

If you crash, cause too many yellow flags, drive wrong way etc....

Your safety rating will go down. Once its below 45% on that server you cannot race.

You will need to drive more safely or wait for a period of time for your rating to go up to 45% or better before you can drive there again.
Pathetic kids ruining servers
S3 licensed
Well why not try the Redline way.

We have many trusted people that we assign as track marshals. They have ability to kick/ban etc..
If they were to abuse it, they would have that privelege removed (hasn't happened in the time I have been a team member)

We have voting switched off, it's just annoying and gets abused anyway.

We have no mid race join, so you dont get idiots joining in and ruining races. That also seems to put off most of the kiddies who want to cause trouble as they are too impatient to wait and just leave after a few seconds.

If there are no admins/marshals around you can usually contact one fairly quickly via our forums, or you can send replay evidence for us to ban later.

For the majority of the prime time racing our Demo servers are free of the sort of idiots you are talking about.
Keep voting
S3 licensed
You know you want one
Throttle on button
S3 licensed
Sorry I can't help but you said :-

Quote : i need manual clutch i feel like automatic clutch just ruins the game, as it takes away all that "natural" feel from an actual car

and then you want to put the throttle on a button.

surely that takes away all natural feel too
S3 licensed
I think the clue is in the name. A barrrier is meant to BAR you going through.
i.e it is meant to stop you.

Why would you want to be able to go through a barrier?

Unless of course you are trying to be some pathetic cheat?
Redline servers are down
S3 licensed
Redline racing servers are all down
Zion server
S3 licensed
If I try to go to

IP of Zion ( ) team's server.

I get this

Bad Gateway

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
Port blocked
S3 licensed
No I am playing on Redline Racing servers, I rarely go to any other servers unless they are offline for some reason.

I'm not using any insim/outsim ports.

Will have to check through the logs and see if the IP addresses show any patterns (they are not always the same).
Demo servers
S3 licensed
If you are having problems finding a good demo server, try Redline Racing servers.

We can't guarantee 100% idiot free racing, but it is manned by an admin or marshal for a large proportion of the day.

Just make sure you read the server rules and keep out of the way of the fast guys if you aren't that experienced.

You'll see me on there quite often, Redline Quinn, if you need any help just ask.

Security program blocking ports?
S3 licensed
Yes that was posted from the MBAM log file.

I have the full paid for version which does have live monitoring.

I still get them at random times, same port 49872.
Last edited by JackSun, .
Security program blocking ports?
S3 licensed
Malwarebytes is blocking a port used by lfs.exe

IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 49872, Process: lfs.exe)

anyone have any idea what that port is used for in LFS?

I don't seem to be suffering any problems in LFS but if it's a legitimate outgoing port it might be best to unblock it.

S3 licensed
If you have bought an S1 or S2 licence it is for life, You don't have to pay again until S3 comes out and then only if you want the S3 added content.

This is not like the overpriced iRacing sim that you have to pay for each month.
S3 licensed
The guy in the picture should be banned for using a stupidly high suspension setup.
Redline servers 1 to 4 Down
S3 licensed
Redline servers down at around 11:50 GMT 10/12/2010.
Already online error
S3 licensed
Had this on our Redline servers (500 servers hosted) last night.

Victor had to release us from Limbo
Stuck online
S3 licensed
Victor, thanks for that.

Kevin, I'm now able to join other servers but may be worth waiting before you join our redline servers again. There was some maintenance going on earlier and I'm not sure it's completed yet.

Redline servers 1 to 4 seem to be back up but now servers 5 to 8 are down.
Already online
S3 licensed

It's Redline Quinn.

The server has crashed and I am also stuck with the "user is already online" message. I am looking into what can be done about it.
S3 licensed
Try Redline racing demo servers, they are manned by an admin or marshal for quite a large proportion of the day.
If there aren't any admins on and you get wreckers you can always post the replays to the Redline racing forum

(you will have to register first)

Then we will ban them if necessary.

Just make sure you read the server rules and drive safely you should have some good racing.
under 1:36
S3 licensed
Did you try what I said earlier in the thread.

The offer is still open

Try visiting the Redline Racing Demo server 1.

I'm on most evenings after 18:30 BST.

RedlineQuinn is my name.

I can usually help people get from 1:36.xx time to 1:34.xx.

My PB is 1:33.78.
Spectated for idling
S3 licensed
Yes we see that often on our servers if the person has a bad connection.

Make sure you aren't running any large downloads or bittorrents whilst you are playing.

I see from your Flag you appear to be from Australia so for servers in many countries you will have a high latency which will cause problems like that.
Under 1:36
S3 licensed
Try visiting the Redline Racing Demo server 1.

I'm on most evenings after 18:30 BST.

RedlineQuinn is my name.

I can usually help people get from 1:36.xx time to 1:34.xx.

My PB is 1:33.78.