Turned out to be a corrupt sound driver update.
I had used Creative labs autoupdater and everything seemed to be ok apart from occasionall stuttering sound. Then I noticed the freezing when others left pits.
I also had a problem in another game.
I manually downloaded the latest driver from creative website, Uninstalled then reinstalled sound driver and all is fine now.
Might be worth a reinstall of your sound driver. I can't see why it caused that problem in particular but the reinstall only took a few minutes.
We have many trusted people that we assign as track marshals. They have ability to kick/ban etc..
If they were to abuse it, they would have that privelege removed (hasn't happened in the time I have been a team member)
We have voting switched off, it's just annoying and gets abused anyway.
We have no mid race join, so you dont get idiots joining in and ruining races. That also seems to put off most of the kiddies who want to cause trouble as they are too impatient to wait and just leave after a few seconds.
If there are no admins/marshals around you can usually contact one fairly quickly via our forums, or you can send replay evidence for us to ban later.
For the majority of the prime time racing our Demo servers are free of the sort of idiots you are talking about.
Kevin, I'm now able to join other servers but may be worth waiting before you join our redline servers again. There was some maintenance going on earlier and I'm not sure it's completed yet.
Redline servers 1 to 4 seem to be back up but now servers 5 to 8 are down.
Try Redline racing demo servers, they are manned by an admin or marshal for quite a large proportion of the day.
If there aren't any admins on and you get wreckers you can always post the replays to the Redline racing forum
Yes we see that often on our servers if the person has a bad connection.
Make sure you aren't running any large downloads or bittorrents whilst you are playing.
I see from your Flag you appear to be from Australia so for servers in many countries you will have a high latency which will cause problems like that.