Take it easy on him, hes probably just a kid. No reason to be absolute dicks, remember we want larger player base on lfs. You guys keep being complete ****s it will drive people away.
More than likely they was running Times on "THE RING"
and you either didn't yield or wasn't paying attention and most likely it was a admin that was running times.
Just pay more attention next time.
I am sure OXDEADBEEFOX will be here to tell ya how long.
1. Scawen is a biker
2. bikes are a WIP (eventually there will be events)
- rony has already hosted one time trial event and we have a discord going on for multiple races at the moment.
3. There are 100+ people that enjoy the bikes in live for speed
Scawen, you also made it possible to rip fat skids with the ebrakes on the bikes lol!
I will make a video showing soon, you are a goat my guy!
So the way I tested this was in d44, I would take a bike and try to solemn the center markers, this was easily approachable as the input was more direct in d44 at lower speeds.
In d45 everything is much better but at low speed the same solemn won't be possible due to what I feel is a damper of quick rapid input.
basically it was more direct in d44 and in d45 there's a damper that prevents such rapid movement.
I don't know if I speak for everyone but if adjusting this causes issues with what you have achieved I'd rather live with this as it's mild.
D43 - bikes was as they was pre d43, good drivable, wobble on braking, turning, maintaining speed and angle. Brakes caused issues with "pulling" into the direction of lean during braking.
D44 - brakes no longer cause pulling into direction of lean (centered wheel physics changed)
bike handling improved more aligned with exact movement of steering made (made it more darty and precise)
still had issues with wobbling on braking, turning, maintain speed and angle
D45- Brakes no longer cause any such issues under any load and lock up/ or cause endo as they should
bike handling improved further, stability is increased on all forms of riding with bike.
From my perspective I would not change a thing from here on until new tire model is around.
Scawen, I would see what SIMOX (driftis) response is as-well.
Side effects - uh, wheelies are easier now and so are endo's so thats pretty cool.
We really appreciate what your doing Scawen, the work you put in definitely doesn't go unnoticed.