If it hadn't been for the first 6 seconds, DevilDare was a clear winner for me. However, I voted for FivEd. No offense, but it was the video with the worst quality of the lot, but for me he was the one that made the best Intro overall. Litro's was too boring the first half, and SWE[RE]'s never really started :/ And DevilDare I've said once, that text in the start didn't fit in IMO.
Is it just me, or was server very unstable yesterday?
... What a race... T1 incident+pitstop and we're almost one lap down, 25 minutes after we have a timeout, precisely 2 laps down. I take car in SC, do a million overtakes (at least it felt like that) and we're 16th, Kaique gets in car and takes over a sec pr. lap on quite a few guys in front of us. Right before his 2nd timeout we're only 1 lap down on tracker, and then bam
Did some of the best racing I've ever done though
EDIT: Stream 52:39... Please know what you talk about before you say it, I had nothing to do with that
Hmm. At R1 I asked the admins (don't remember who it was) if a gap was needed, and he said NO So we we're still running under that fact. But then we know it now
Hi guys, I need some help here Next week I'm gonna write a big school project, about Racing Cars. In that, I'm gonna analyze some cornering and speeds, and instead of using real life stuff, I thought it might be better to use LFS, as I can extract alot more information. However, I have one problem. I need to be able to measuring the corners (width of road, turn angle and turn radius). bash0r told me he thought it was possible, and somebody inhere probably knew about it, so I hope you guys can help me out measuring the corners
teamName: CoRe Racing
number: 08
car: FZR
KaiqueBRA, Kaique Piropo, Brazil
DeadWolfBones, Ben Keough, USA
Puzzle, Rui Santos, Portugal
jensbrix, Jens Christensen, Denmark
Actually i did a big bummer in this situation, couldnt see the last distance sign for your car, or what it's called out in right side, so i braked like about 50m too early See replay haha
Thanks for the battle I knew you were faster at that point, so did what I could to keep you behind :b I'm glad you learned something from driving behind me, that's pretty rare