Well, please tell me where you find that standard filter. I can 100% assure you it's no standard filter, and there have been quite a bit work in the edit, but nice flaming though
If you use Photoshop, like most people here i guess, you can download a DDS plug-in for Photoshop on the nvidia website, just google "nvidia dds photoshop plug in" or something like that. It's much easier than the DDS converter too, then you can load and save as DDS files directly from Photoshop
Made this helmet today, which will be my new helmet. The original Jenson Button helmet was made by Tonix, thanks to him Realized that i could change the Union Jack stripes on the back to danish flag, and change colors to red and white, and since my initials are JB too, it suits pretty well Might add my name to it, and put some sponsors on, haven't decided yet
I've never seen a really quick driver with 900 degrees I think to be honest, my times dropped alot when i went from 900 to 450, and later to 270. But if you only wanna go for realism, then take 900, makes sure FFB in Logitech software is set to above 100%, and then set the rest of the sliders to 0. Adjust the overall strength ingame till you find something you like