football is not a game anymore, all you are watching on the telly is some foreign bally dancers falling to the ground everytime there is a bit of contact! no offence to anyone! if you watched the Totnham v Seville game tonight and seen the penalty that was giving you would understand! and also how its allways against British teams, we would be aswell of just pulling out of these competitions and just letting them all get on with it!
hi, well was just wondering could someone make a skin for all the demo cars for a team Demo Kemsley Racers, the name is in red and black! and it would be good if they are all similar, thanks! would be very appreciated!
There is allready 10 members or so but this is just the demo part. The team has only been going on for 2-5 days! oh we will have to have a race to find that one out lol!
As you have heard there is a team called Kemsley Racing, well we are thinking of making a part of the league demo, mainly because i was a demo who was interested in the team! Also if you are an interested S2 driver the website is !
EDIT: we are having a proper website being created!
EDIT 2 : we now have our own skin!! look further down for the link!
EDIT 3 : We now have 2 leagues one for Rally and one for GP Blackwood!
Tracks GP Black Wood and Reversed Rally X and Reversed
Type Race
We are not perticarly looking for speedy racers, just clean drivers! if you are interested give me a PM and we will meet up in one of the servers soon! (to check you take head of flags, dont crash other people..well just a clean driver)!!
we havent yet actually created a Demo part yet, because we are looking for peolpe who are interested and if we get a couple then the Demo part should be up and running, with a server following soon!
If you are interested could you please do this :
Name -
LFS Name -
Favourite Car -
Favourite Track -
Why you want to join-
or go to the site above and join there!
Your Name After [KRD4] Is White!
[KRD4]M3Ben(main man of demo now1)
[KRD4]Trix wiv stix (Made Our Skin)
yea good idea but i do resionably well in school getting 1 and 2's which are the best out of 7 so i dont think school is the problem! mind you my sisters wedding is coming up soon so maybe she doesnt want to waste money, but as i have had said to her she isnt waisting any money as i am giving her the money after she pays it via paypal!
allthough im saying that, i still want it really badly! lol
my parents are really hard to push over, but i will make them look at this thread and see what they say if they say no then i dont know what will make them say yes but if they do say no i will just have to sneak away a cheque!
yes i know very confusing? och i dunno she has allways been like that with spending money on games like PS2 and stuff like that but oh well! its just another bump in life i have to get over i suppose!
you could have just said send a check lol and i have thought of that, so that would have to be my next option! well if i had paypal myself it would be soo much easier!!!
man he says no! cos is paypal isnt working! man this is not been working out for me ! none of ma other mates has paypal grr, i dont even know why im telling you this lol its not your problem sorry!
i was just shocked to find out that there is probably more children/teenagers here than adults, man thats carzy, see us children/teenagers are smart and intelligent to run a site on our own instead of being out in streets, wrecking the whole place! lol