oh right cool but, there is only one problem i dont understand mexican LoL but thanks for your help! and nah i wouldnt steel money out of my mums purse i would get chucked off computer for like....ever!!!
well i dont know i just mean i dont want donations becuase i dunno i dont ecpect it, and yea thats what i keep telling her its stopping me hanging out in the streets well in my case fields ! and yea its teaching me loads of things but she doesnt understand but mind you she is saving up for my sisters wedding so maybe that might be the reason, but any way i will keep nagging at her until she gives in!!!
Hey, im just wondering is there anyway at all of getting LFS S2 for free, because i have asked my mum ( im only 14 ) and she says its a waste of money! So i was just wondering is there any way of getting it free? (im not ecpecting donations!)
Hey, thought i would join in, ( NO im not a NED/Chav, and i dont have any ASBO's )
All my mates say i look like a NED/Chav but i dont think soo,But Do i look like one?
Oh Ok thanks, well i ahve downloaded framwork 2.0 but i cant find it on my computer but i know its there because when i go to Add or Remover Programs on control pannel it is there! Any help? thanks
thanks, will they be able to open the document with the pictures that i paint on? and oh i never new the gimp could do it, i deleted it off my computer a couple of days ago!
Hey i have been playing this for about 3 weeks now and i am allready an addict, so im sure i will be on it for a very long time ( most of all my spare time is on this!!! )