yea i know that is what i have allways said that you need a HD tv! but if you get the 20GB PS3 i dont think you need it as much but you will need it for the 60GB PS3 if you want the best quality of the game and best of all he has suround sound and man that is just amazing! when we go to our cousins in england the got like a mini cinema in there loft and the screen is massive so we will need to take it down there and play it on that! wow that would be amazing!
well the thing is, my dad is the one who convinced my mum not to buy it, and yes i did get my money back LoL, and i cant paypal it because it is my mums paypal! and i have all ready asked her but GRRRR there is not buts !
Right well as most of you know, im only 14 and i have to ask my mum to get me S2, WELL i gave her the money to get me it, BUT she says thats she not going to get me it because it is an utter waste of money!! :guilty:
well when it comes up to upload an attachtment, you know how it comes up with all the different files bellow and there maximun size well it doesnt say .rar file maybe that is why?
oh man thats gotta hurt! man being hit with a ball in the nuts, full power an d i fell to the ground straight away but hitting a ple at about 60 mph and staying up straight man he must have balls fo steel! LoL
hey well i have the gimp and i have been told it will open the files for the car skins but when i open them it comes up saying that the file is unknown?
i dont know if this counts but when i was playing my PS2 i was using my old wheel and pedals and i was sooo annoyed i went to slam on the breaks but i missed and there was some drawing pins and well yea my foot slammed on them........**** all you heard!
is all that stuff you are doing like for college and stuff not highschool because im in Standard Grade and im not looking forward to 5th and 6th year ifhats what we gotta do!