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I'm Only 15, Would i be able to race?

Also Do we get to do the last Corner, I See most Hire and Enduros Dont do it.

DQ 90 Jordan Batts

Last ever race at Bayford Meadows. Fastest Lap in race though
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Its one of my Local track, One of my best tracks, I Am Up for that

I Have been Looking forward to meeting People on LFS..

If it doesnt collide with a race meeting, I Would Love to Come.

Hopefully they havent remembered my face from a few years a go.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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My Snowman
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :SIm ****ing off for a while or forever to cool down, hopefully the mods will grow some balls whilst im away, none of you will care btw im just stating my opinion on how shit this forum and simuwaiter has become...

For once.. I Agree

I Start to laugh at my infractions.

You have received an infraction at Live for Speed
Dear Jordan2007,

You have received an infraction at Live for Speed.

Reason: Abusive profile messages

This infraction is worth 4 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

I Swore on my profile, Which is basically my profile and if anyone decides to choose to go on it, its there fault if they read it.

Im here to Laugh at Failures and have fun.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Quote from brt900 :heres me in my iglu

Hahaha Epic Win.

Quote from hazaky :Im not sure yet, i like everyone here. Over time, some people are jsut losing theyr ... whats the word ... respect from me, no?

PS: Lets stay on topic tho, if possible.

No Point replying to anything they say or do then, Right?
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Been Snowing all day, Just stopped, Hopefully it snows that bad that i can have the rest of the week off.

No French oral exam, Wooopy
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Ima say to my children in 2040 that i was one of the few who survived the 2012 Doomsday.
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In my mind, Its just a term that racing Is Life.
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Ah, Very Cold, Saw throat and fell through my bed.

Snow.. What a load of ****
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Quote from rockclan :"For my birthday I wish S3 release "

Looks Like your Not getting that birthday present
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Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Why won't you get much money for it? Bang it on ebay you muppet lol

Its not worth it though, These Lockerz Prices are messed up, For less i could of got a ipod touch. Which was out of stock.

I Might just sell the account on ebay or get something to do with runescape for my Little cousin for his birthday.

Either way, I'm gonna spend it on someone else.
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Might actually attempt to sell this account, No chance of actually getting anything good.. Z List - 623 Points

I Had the chance to get a purple IPod nano as they was still in stock, Pointless, Would never use it and wont get much money for it.
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5 Minutes to go. Happy New year.
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Quote from Takumi_lfs :brt or Jordan...

smd, Wasnt me this time
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Quote from Takumi_lfs :I think that whatever he said, wasn't important at all. You know, kids these days, cry for everything.

And you can Suck my Dick.

Ok Then, Maybe If i said Something Spiteful about someone Just died very Close to you ? Then Laugh on Purpose? How would that feel?
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Quote from brt900 :i dont care how crap it is ive driven a ferrari my life will be complete and being my local track which it is a karting track if it reaches 80mph it will be great as wrote in the review

That tracks Just Pure terrible Lol

Hope you have fun.

Im Still sitting here In my Helmet box, wearing my new helmet and hans device with my g19..

Pretty damn epic i should say.
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Quote from Riders Motion :Just found an old LFS folder on my computer. Might play a bit during winter.

When Winters Over maybe you can gtfo again.

I'l Never forget what you've said.

Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Been playing GTA 4 Finally started working, Been pretty good.
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Its just strange how they Changed it to £19 yesterday and i dont think anything else has changed.

Epic win theres a game on there for 29p
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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I Think they messed up GTA 4 Yesterday.. £5 is too cheap.. cheaper than the other GTA Series.

I Think thats why its back to £19
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Put a karter straight into a car...

Ooh Noes! I Only know how to steer press Accelerator and brake.

Yes you learn Racecraft and How to overtake.

Depending on what series your going to do Open Seaters/Saloons

Just attempt to do it in a car.

You can see how Jordan-Lennox lamb and adam *Cheater* christodoulou Done so well..
They was doing it for enough time..

I Had 6 years of Karting, Winning at Circuit Club standards, Won many races in South east Championship.. And When i got in a car.. Karting didnt really help me one bit.. Other than Finding Lines.
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Im Loving the Kick right at the end

Lmao ... 9VmTs&feature=related

We need santa in this type of situation.
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I'l be banned, I Wont care..
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Epic Win, She Deserves to be the pope.
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If it downloads, 67% Most probably Not.