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Yea It's Good Enough, Would rather buy Monster energy but there were no cheap deals on.

Im Gonna be Gaming with Brt900 Throughout the night until tommorow morning.

So i will Need it.

I Still Wouldnt Win With them Wings, Il start winning and Time Out.
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Helmet, Hans Device Woo And Logitech G19.

10 Packs Of Redbull
Loads Of playboy Stuff
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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I Looked on the news, And there was a bank robbery with a guy in a santa outfit.. He Said he needed to pay the elves

Im Not joking Lol,Thats what the news said.
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Downloading GTA 4 Since 12 This morning and its at 19%
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Ohh Comon!, I turned Steam on and off and it started downloading..

I've Just wasted like 2-3 hours Doing Nothing.
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Been downloading since 12...

Its 0%!!!!!!!!!!!
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Right and we don't know that? Just because you race some shitty saxo that daddy paid for doesn't mean you can look down your nose at us, your not even a hot shot kid, it may be a game to you, but to us its a simulator to help with real racing. If you can't see that then you really aren't going to make it anywhere, just look at all the successful real life racers in LFS, all of them are actually good at this simulator and you well, aren't so what does that say about you? If you ask all the real racers here, they will all tell you LFS has helped them in some way Norbi even got a career out of it. So, suck on that.[/QUOTE]

And whoelse, Sorry?

But Who said i was looking down at anyone

My 'Daddy' Didnt pay for my 'Shitty saxo' Sponsership did Which i earned through karting..

Yes the game does help, But Dude.. Its a game..

Quote from pearcy_2k7 :your not even a hot shot kid

And who has Just earned another Sponser to pay for me for ginetta's in 2011?..

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I Dont want it now, If i could give it back i would, im not going to play it so i dont owe you £5
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It wont even start.

Too many people downloading i suspect..

Goes 0% Then says download is starting..

Oh great
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Brt900 Bought me it..

Just a shame Its going to take 182 hours to download.
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He is some Epic Singer. Anyone willing to join Arox,Ginho, Jordan, and Brt900
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Ahh G18, G19 Just come through the post.

Hans Device looks stupid wrapped up under the tree

Ahh cant Wait.

Epic Win, Ima Be Using Keyboards all day while wearing hans device and my helmet.

Just have to play the waiting game.. [RFactor]
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Happy Birthday Mr Arox
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He Seems to Think, just dont know which one
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Brt900 Epic Win
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583 Points and Z List

Shirt is pretty lame

I Want a ps3 But it would be NTSC
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Was pretty funny Until i went to buy LFS and Wouldnt work

GTA 4 Is So Cheap.. There must be a way round it..
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Which im still not allowed to Do

Stupid parents think that hackers can get straight through 3 anti viruses Since some little Korean guy Copied my dads bank Pin at a petrol station [I Dont have a clue how] and bought loads of fish In North korea..
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Ahh Wish i could buy off of steam. Not allowed to use credit card anymore

Ducati World Championship, 72p Lmao.

Oh Comon Gta 4 is less than gta3.

Ahh I Need...
Last edited by Jordan2007, .
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Quote from el pibe :best video ever

I Love getting Rick Roll'D

I Still Dont see whats wrong with this song, Its epic.
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This is some Epic Spam