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wip - ufr
S2 licensed
Started this aoens ago, but recently got the burn to finish it. Only the left side is finished. It could be best to mirror the left to right.

Skirt needs something special. No logos, no texts.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :2. I'm eating to releive the cravings

Jaffa cakes?
S2 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :one problem is, u can all time press pause and play later.
get what i mean?
there is no proof that this person drove without a break.

True, didn't thought about that.
S2 licensed
Quote from Slartibartfast :Endurance hottlaping doesn't have to be never ending. Just a simple "best time at Kyoto GP in a BF1 with no traction control over 60 laps" will suffice.

It should be without pitting (ofcourse then 60 laps would be too much). Otherwise one could drive one to two fast laps, pit and change tires (plus fuel) and sprint again.

Economy-endurance would be nice. Most laps win and in case of a draw, the best laptime wins.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :So is it geeky stuff or 80s animated stuff?

Isn't 80s animated stuff bit geeky?
S2 licensed
Quote from Robster230 :My Suggestion... 80's Cartoon Charactors!
S2 licensed
Point proven
S2 licensed
Realism is just a subjective illusion. No point in arguing about what's real and what's not. Directions of developement on the other hand can be discussed. Arguing is just silly.

Real life (from my subjective point of view) is just too much of a mess. (Everything feels like a big mess when body temperature is above 38...)
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnyK :In every racing game are really important the graphics - reason is that driver drives the car according what he I think you should make some graphic improvement such as AS and AF setting in visual options.

I agree that visual clues are very important. However I don't quite understand how graphic improvements could make the clues any better (at least the as/af settings). I think lsf already draws the important stuff very nicely.

If you have time to watch the scenery (or skins), you're not driving fast enough
S2 licensed
Since Sabotage got mentioned already, I'll choose this: ... &q=possessed+to+skate

S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :Metroid FTW:headbang:

+ return of samus + super metroid + metroid prime + metroid zero mission + + + ...

Words of wisdom.
S2 licensed
Quote from AtomAnt :We don't need squirrels in the trees in LFS and I don't think we need rain..buts that's just MHO.

What! No squirrels?!
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :But about the Hummers and SUVs, I hate them. Every time I see one of those I feel I should go and shoot the owner in the face.

Maybe that's why they make the bullet-proof SUVs
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Some people are not even checking if there is someone on their side. They just turn in.

And some people try to overtake in first chance, whether possible or not.

Racing room gives more time to react to other's mistake and therefore grant a pass or clearance.
S2 licensed
I totally agree.
S2 licensed
Should the last one to brush teeth be also awarded?
S2 licensed
Now I'm getting what Hyper's saying. I agree in those things about the "spirit" of the tracks. I still keep my view concerning the honing of trackdetails.

Steep hills with turns are what I miss. Few weeks ago I was longboarding in Ahvenisto track and fell in love with the profile. Very steep up and downhills with nice, tight corners.
(In Finnish, sorry. Pictures and vid are in English )
S2 licensed
Just a thing that pop into my mind after reading some post in this (and several similar) thread...

Could it be, that it's quite hard to make a superb track when the physics aren't "done" yet? Some Finn said earlier in this thread, that Aston's eau rougie feels weird. It's just that we or eric can't actually know how it will feel after next physics update.

I would presume that building a track takes a lot of test driving. Same goes with new cars. No point in pushing more tracks and cars into public when next physics update could change the balance (or idea behind track and car) and therefore produce much more tweaking for the modeller. Easier to keep tracks and cars "half-done" and finish them little by little.
S2 licensed
Why was I disqualified? Anyways, went a bit over in the flips. Throws are the best.
S2 licensed
Quote from frokki :Somebody has to finish last again, I guess..

That's me. I'm in.