I hate this talk about global warming because it's just a smoke screen for big dollars to keep on consuming. Global warming this, global warming that, and therefore we must build more nuclear plants. Puck that.
The real problem is pollution which actuall isn't included in global warming talk. The reason to build more nuclear power is that we wouldn't be dependent on fossile fuels. So that we could maintain our energy usage level even when oil is gone. Wtf? Best way to fight environmental disasters is to consume less. Use less energy. Nuclear waste is still waste and pollution even if it's buried out of sight.
Global warming is currently just a political punch-line which allows politicians to look and sound important without requiring them to actually think about anything. And people buy it. Of course. People don`t understand what`s going on so they trust politicians. Politicians dont know jack either, so they trust lobbyist/corporates.
As a solution to global warming and energy crisis (which seems to have been consistent situation from the beginning of industrial ages) the building of nuclear power plant farms is always offered. Why couldn`t we just save energy? Is it necessary to keep the lights on when nobody is in room? Is it necessary to run factories 24/7 even when there`s no actual need? Is it really necessary to drive two kilometers to work when walking would be cheaper, faster and good for health?
Situation is same in everything. Coding for example. Always new code is added on top of older and very rarely the whole code is redesigned with much more optimal methods.
If our factories use too much energy, then optimize them instead of providing more and more energy to them, but noooo. Shareholders have to have maximum profits all the time, so no chance of upgrading the energy effectiveness.
Global warming is serious issue, but it is mainly used as a smoke screen. If you really want to know, if you really care, then dig deep into it and figure things out. You don`t like what you find out. No one important knows anything and no one is admitting it.