Hi all,
No_Quarter has sayed almost everything about the rift yet. Anyway here is my opinion in two words what lfs feels with the Rift:
Ok now calm down myself

Really, for every sim racer the consumer version of the Rift is a MUST BUY. No joke.
Forget all your 3 monitor setups or projector setups (like me i used to play in front of a 2.5m projector screen)
It´s nothing in compare with the Rift. I even can´t imagine to play old school wise with with monitor/projector again. The rift spoiled almost all classical games for me

Yesterday for example I drove 7 hours just because it´s so much fun and feels so real (only miss some G-Forces). And this is still the devkit which can make you sick in the beginning, has a low resolution, an ugly screendoor effect and some kind of motion blur.
I´m more than happy to have a devkit, but my advice for all sim racers is to save your money and grab the Rift consumer model as soon it comes out.