Try blipping the throttle when changing down into the lower gears. When coming out of a corner be careful with the throttle, don't ram it on, be gentle. If that doesn't work you could always try shortshifting along with it.
Making teasers for tracks is much easier than for things like physics because you know if you are almost done. I assume Scawen has had many moments when programming when he thinks he has worked it out but then something else pops up because of the changes he has made and he needs to work that out as well.
I have the same CPU and its usage tops out at around 30% in game so you should be able to get 3 systems running on it.
Taking away the mail-in rebates makes it around $450 so it is over your budget without them
EDIT: beside where it says Current Part List click price breakdown by merchant so you can order it all from the same place (Newegg seems to have everything if this is what you will go for)
As a demo you can't upload skins unless you either buy a licence or, spend £1 or more on skin slots
Como demostración no puedes subir skins a menos que compre una licencia o, gaste 1 o más en las ranuras para la piel
Translate done using Google Translate!
If you don't really care what car you are driving then you could join the cityliga. This season is coming to a close but there will be a cityliga 6 hour race soon!
There is normally good pub racing going on on weekends on B2r Rotate GTi from around 6-10pm gmt
johney, i don't think it is getting back used to it as it is acting totally different to how it was. Decreasing ffb doesn't work. By stiff i mean the spring is permanently on, but, it seems like it is also helped by the ffb because decreasing it changes it a tiny bit.
Hello, I recently started using my wheel again after recovering from a broken arm. The problem is that the Force Feedback is waaayyy too stiff. I have made sure that the profiler is on all the settings it was on, i have made sure LFS is still on the same settings but it is still really stiff..... (it isn't stiff in other games!)
You have to use a program called Wine, i have no experience with using it but there are multiple threads to do with this on the forum i am sure you could look through them and get the jist of it!
Well, more expensive thrustmaster stuff has a reputation for being really good quality, cheaper stuff, meh quality. This one looks to have a better wheel but rubbish pedals (if you get the T150 try getting better pedals). I used my old £50, crappy 90 degree thrustmaster wheel loads (each month saw about 30 hours of use) for a year, until the clamp broke, that is an easy fix but a few weeks later the pedals packed in... Then i got a G27 . These pedals look the same (might not be), they are really quite bad quality (plasticy, light weight and barely stayed still even on carpet), but, the wheel should be good quality as it is part of the 'txxx' range. Having said all of that, the DFGT pedals probably aren't that much better, i am sure you could ask someone that has owned/owns a DFGT to get their opinions.