Came across this interesting article. I knew most of these facts already, but to have them put in one place, explained in detail, and peer reviewed makes it much more impactful.
"Cars and automobility have killed 60–80 million people since their invention."
Yes, he documented all this stuff, all those videos are still on YouTube, but not once has Scawen said that any of it was finished. Do you have no reading comprehension? I thought I made myself clear...
Multithreading is 'basically done' but that doesn't mean it's ready, I can't find evidence of the new graphics being fully finished.
Those two are the easiest, there is no indication on when the tyre physics will be finished, which is what has and will take the most time.
For all we know there is update tomorrow, or maybe we have to wait 10 more years. There is no confirmation that anything is finished, people should not be putting extra pressure on Scawen to have things completed sooner than they should be by claiming everything is ready.
show me where scawen says these are completed? those are just WIP videos of the lighting in the progress reports, and I wanna see where he's confirmed that multithreading or tyre physics are finished, that would be great if it were true!
This getting so off topic lol, this is just people being thick and giving out their passwords to others. IDK what that has got to do with an in game money system.
The vast, vast majority of people who listen to music couldn't care less about about the bitrate and the quality of their music, as long as it isn't a distorted mess. If you are making music for 99.99...% of people, Soundcloud is fine. If you think anything other than that, you are a snob.
Saying people who upload their music to streaming services lack dignity is the stupidest thing I've heard all week, and Trump has been on trial this week...
Container ships are amazingly efficient, the numbers are big so it looks bad but when you consider the amount of stuff that is being moved, it is the best option for transporting goods. The real issue for the climate is not the container ships themselves, but the fact that so many container ships are needed. There is no way that most in the west need to consume as much as they do currently, I am guilty of it too.
Rony, when you are using commas, make sure to add a space after the comma. It is correct grammar and makes sentences easier to read, especially when part of a large paragraph.
Bit unfair to expect someone to upload a whole new mod every time they change their mod, and it would create loads of spam. Maybe we need a mod testing system so people upload test patch versions of mods that have already been released.