I personally think that the only thing that should be limited for demo users is online capabilities. They should be limited to 12 hours of track time (only counts when you are on the track) and when that runs out they can choose between paying for more time or buying a license. To stop them from creating another account they shouldn't have to put in any bank details (if i was creating a free account i would find that dubious and would click away) and instead LFS should keep your IP so that no new licenses could be made from that IP.
After watching some of the pre-release stuff I have come to a conclusion that some of the cities are bigger but there are a lot of smaller towns and that the parking isn't as challenging as Scania Truck Driving Sim.
My favourite thing about the skins that you make mouse, a great because they don't have a stupid sponsor stuff getting in the way of a wonderful design!
Sinanju is like that, give him a good idea for layouts, he will make a ton of them. Like he did with this ROC stuff and when new westhill came out the Rally stuff