I don't get it? No, changes that improve a car's performance are not bad by default. This change only makes the cars faster in one specific scenario, it needlessly makes the lap times on a couple tracks faster, nullifying any previous WR for no reason.
You are putting words in my mouth, not once did I say there were no useful changes in the patch. I'm saying that this specific change, allowing the use of R4s on formula cars, was an oversight.
I have a hunch that the amount of time Botsi spent typing out the messages in this thread is much, much less than it takes to reasonably test on a test patch.
Not everyone has the time to test and test and search for every little impact and side effect that these changes have. For one I know that Botswanan Salama spends most of his time on LFS practicing for league racing and other events. I can't imagine he has much more free time to spend on LFS... He's one of the fastest and most respected racers in the community.
This change was small, with the amount of other little changes like this in the test, it's impossible for everyone to reasonably test it fully in the short space of time in which the test patches came out, to when the stable patch was released. People do have lives and do go for walks, that's the very reason these issues are still in the patch. Maybe Scawen should be more consistent with his patch releases so we aren't bombarded like this after two years of inactivity.
Is this an evolution? It really doesn't seem like one to me... what other benefits does this have other than making dozens of hotlaps that people have worked their arses of to achieve, null. Seriously, I know it's a small issue that effects few people, but there was literally no reason for it, the same people will get their WRs back, it just means they have to waste more hours on it. And nobody at all benefits from it
Also this handbrake pressure addition, can't wait to see how that'll be exploited in racing/hotlapping... Although I can imagine it's great fun for drifting.
Unrelated to the current issue, this 'blaming the public beta testers attitude' is totally wrong. The developer is definitely responsible for any bugs or issues in the game, if the community fail to find them it is still the fault of the development team.
Now whether this issue with the tyres is an actual issue, I'm unsure, but as it has actually effected the balance of the game. Whether the community see it as a positive or negative balance change, the community didn't make the change, the developers did. The devs are wholly responsible for it.
This whole argument is null to me, my line was tighter than most, yes, but I set many a lap that race taking similar lines in SC1, tight on both curbs. In my opinion I would have easily made the corner, but because of you, I guess we shall never know that. Whether I made the corner or not makes no impact on the distance you were behind me, and the lack of any overlap on turn in that is needed to make a fair overtake. Whether my line was tight or not, you still would have rammed into me making a move like that.
This is the type of language that makes me think that you care very little if you ram into anyone. An overtake isn't something you are entitled to, you have to earn it. Lunging one up the inside carelessly isn't earning it. Getting a large enough overlap before you turn into the corner is.
I had assumed that a car miles back wasn't going to be making a move. Saying my perfectly legit line is reactive, is horseshit of the highest order.
Your whole argument is based purely on the untruth that is that my line was reactive and abnormal. I can't argue against something as absurd as this, and you wouldn't accept my opinion on it anyway. I'll wait for a response from the stewards, and I doubt it'll be in your favour.
Session : Race; Server: Main
Lap AND MPR timecode of incident: 1:34:05 Lap 56
Car(s) involved: 16, 88
Location of Incident: Entry of T2, end of oval
Brief Description of Incident:
Not much to say about this, Shawn Lee attempted a dive from 4~ car lengths behind and collided with the left rear of my car, sending me back multiple positions. I took a normal racing line, broke at my normal, relatively late spot and he rammed right into the side of me. It's almost as if he aimed for me, Shawn seemed to brake at the correct point but pointed his car right into the side of mine. He wasn't alongside at the turn in point, he was miles behind me meaning he had no entitlement to the corner. In my opinion it wasn't an overtaking attempt, it was a ram, something straight out of a police training DVD.
In his protest on me, Shawn seems to be forgetting the natural line of the corner, he claims I moved across on him and blocked him, but on most of my laps I take an incredibly similar line. It is a corner where multiple lines are totally valid both tighter and wider, in comparing my line to cars in front Shawn is trying to find an excuse where there simply isn't one, and he knows it.
In my view a dive from 4 car lengths back is a pitiful attempt at an overtake, you can't expect someone to just hand a place over because you've launched your car at them. Shawn knew that his move was going to be dangerous, he's been pulled up multiple times in the past for similar moves, and yet he continues to make them. The fact that he hasn't learned that these moves are unacceptable baffles me.
1) Yeah looking back at this, it's a tricky one. I maybe should have broken earlier but to me it looked like you either broke earlier than normal, or harder, causing me to go into the back of you. You didn't make much of an effort to make the corner at all and in the end, gained a small advantage by cutting the course. Seems like a little racing incident to me, original contact was my fault, but it ended in you gaining an advantage.
2) I wouldn't want to put the blame on Joni or Sean here. Joni was making a move on the inside and held his line. Sean moved over quite a lot on Joni, unsettling his car and putting him into a small tank slapper. With the way LFS contact physics work, Joni almost got boosted in the braking zone and sent into my car. I think Joni was punished unfairly for this during the race, it was just a racing incident that unfortunately wiped me out.